Enter Schedule Progress

Use the Enter Schedule Progress form to enter progress updates for your schedule data. You can enter progress for your schedule data only at the lowest activity level.

For more information, see Progress Overview.

You can enter schedule progress only if the Source System to Update option was set to Schedule on the Progress tab of the Projects form.

When you are viewing the Enter Schedule Progress form, it displays all the progress records for the selected project for which you have access based on the configuration in the Assignment Mapping grid on the Progress tab of the System Settings form. Select specific activities using the search function.

Before you can enter progress updates, you must configure progress.

To enter schedule progress, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Projects » Projects.

  2. On the Projects Form, select a project.

  3. On the Projects Form toolbar, click Enter Progress.

  4. Update the progress entries assigned to you in the Schedule Progress grid of the Enter Schedule Progress form. Updated progress entries are displayed in the grid on yellow background with a Workflow Status of Active. For a description of what each color on the grid represents, see Color Codes for Update Progress Workflows.

  5. Do one of the following:

    1. Click Select » Select All to select all of the progress entries.

    2. Click Submit on the Enter Schedule Progress Form toolbar to submit the updated progress entries to the approver. Submitted progress entries have a Workflow Status of In Approval.

    Important: When you enter progress, you have to submit progress for all entries in your list regardless of whether or not you enter progress for every record. This shows the approver that you have completed your progress for this period and they can log in and approve everything. For example, you have a list of four records and you enter progress for the first two. The other two are scheduled to start next week. Even though you don't enter any progress for those two records, you still have to select and submit them for approval. If you only submit the first two, the two that start next week will display as pending progress entries.

    Tip: The easiest way to make sure you submit everything is to click Select All from the Select drop-down before you click Submit.

What do you want to do?

Configure progress

Enter progress for a progress entry that is not displayed

Review the activity field descriptions

View changes made to a progress entry

View resources assigned to an activity

Find activities that are not progressing according to plan

View the work package linked to an activity in the Cost Analysis view

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