Journal Entry Detail Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Can Edit Links to Page
General Information
Basis Type Value

Numeric identifier of the Basis Type of the journal entry.

1 = Accrual

2 = Cash

0 = Both

Basis Type The basis of the journal entry        
Company Name The name of the company associated with the journal entry        
Control Account Type The control account type associated with the journal entry        
*Credit Amount The credit amount of the journal entry     X  
*Debit Amount The debit amount of the journal entry     X  
*Department Name The name of the department associated with the journal entry     X  
Department Status Value A numeric identifier of the status of the department associated with the journal entry        
Department Status The status of the department associated with the journal entry        
Description The description of the journal entry        
Entry Notes Notes associated with the journal entry        
*GL Account ID & Description The ID and description of the for the account for the journal entry     X

GL Account

GL Account Status Value A numeric identifier of the status of the GL account associated with the journal entry        
GL Account Status The status of the GL account associated with the journal entry        
GL Account Type Value The numeric identifier of the account type associated with the journal entry detail        
Intercompany Account Type Value

Intercompany only: The numeric identifier of the intercompany account type of the journal entry detail

1 = Intercompany Due From

2 = Intercompany Due To

3 = Intercompany Other Income

Intercompany Account Type Intercompany only: The intercompany account type        
Notes Notes about the detail entry     X  
Reference Reference associated with the journal entry        
*Offset Credit Amount Intercompany only: The credit amount entered to the offset company     X  
*Offset Debit Amount Intercompany only: The debit amount entered to the offset company     X  
Type The type of journal entry        
Detail Accounting Date The accounting date associated with the journal entry detail X      
Entry Accounting Date The accounting date associated with the journal entry X      
GL Account Description The description for the account for this journal entry        
GL Account Group The account group associated with the account on the journal entry detail        
GL Account Type The account type associated with the account on the journal entry detail        
Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the journal entry        
Department Key The database identifier of the department associated with the journal entry        
GL Account Group Key The database identifier of the GL Account group associated with the journal entry        
GL Account ID The database identifier of the GL Account ID associated with the journal entry        
GL Account Key The database identifier of the GL Account associated with the journal entry        
Journal Entry Detail Key The database identifier associated with the journal entry detail        
*Journal Entry Key The database identifier associated with the journal entry        

*Delete Button

Deletes the transaction from the journal entry detail        

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.


* Indicates the column is required.