Viewing an employee timesheet

To view an employee timesheet

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  2. Click the Timesheets by Employee tab.
  3. In the table, you can choose to:
  • Add optional columns to see additional information:


Multi-company only. The company the employee works for

First name

First name of the employee

Middle name

Middle name of the employee

Last name

Last name of the employee


Indicates if the timesheet was submitted

Time rejected

Indicates if any time on the timesheet was rejected

Supervisor approved

Indicates if the supervisor approved the timesheet

Project manager approved

Indicates if the project manager approved the timesheet

Accounting approved

Indicates if the accounting manager approved the timesheet

Target billable %

Lists the targeted billable percent:

Billable percent = (billable hours / hours on timesheet) x 100.00

Actual billable %

Lists the actual percent billable:

Billable percent = (billable hours / hours on timesheet) x 100.00


Indicates if client has paid for the time

Click (Change View) and enter information as follows:

To view timesheets Do this

For a certain period

In the Date Range field, click the date or time period you want to view timesheets for. To choose a range of dates, click Select Dates and then enter the beginning and ending dates in the fields that appear to the right.


Multi-company only. Select to view timesheets only for a specific company.

Show only my employees

This option only appears if you are set up as an accounting manager, who by default sees all employees.

Select the Show only my employees check box to see only your own direct reports instead of a list of all employees.

Show multilevel employees

This option only appears if you are set up as a supervisor, not as an accounting manager, and your company preferences are set up to allow multilevel timesheet approval ( > Setup > Company > Preferences > Time & Expense Entry tab ).

Select the Show multilevel employees check box to see employees who report directly to you and those employees who report to supervisors who report to you.

For a specific employee

In the Employee field, begin typing the name or click .

If submitted

In the Submitted field, click the arrow and make a selection. You can choose to see only timesheets that were submitted, not submitted, or all timesheets.

If supervisor approved

In the Supervisor Approved field, click the arrow and make a selection. You can choose to see only timesheets that were approved by the supervisor, not approved, or all timesheets.

If accounting approved

In the Accounting Approved field, click the arrow and make a selection. You can choose to see only timesheets that were approved by accounting, not approved, or all timesheets.


Note: Accounting managers can view timesheets for all employees. A supervisor can view timesheets for an employee when selected as the supervisor for the employee in Setup > Employees.
  1. Click the timesheet you want to view, and click the Edit button.
  2. If needed, add optional columns to see additional information:

Click (Customize), select the columns you want to add, and click OK.

Column Description

Direct time table at top of window:

P (Project manager approved)

Indicates if a project manager approved the time. The column on the window is titled P for Project Manager Approved.

Employee type

View the employee type

Hours Detail table:

Manager notes

View or change manager notes

Rejected by

View who rejected the timesheet

Rejected date/time

View the date and time the timesheet was rejected

Project manager approved by

View the project manager who approved the timesheet

Project manager approved date/time

View the date and time that the project manager approved the timesheet

Start/stop time

View the starting and ending time for time counted with the timer


View if the time has been billed

  1. Click Close.