Client Invoice Register report

Use this report to review invoices (for the month, or other time period). You can sort the report in various ways, such as by billing manager.


Principal in charge

Project manager


Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Client > Client Invoice Register.

Report options




Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.



Billing Manager

Project Manager

Principal in Charge

Billing Contact

The report contains information for all projects, clients, billing managers, project managers, principals in charge and billing contacts with invoices for the period selected unless you select a specific one in these fields.

Date range

The report contains information for the current month unless you select a different date in this field.

After changing report options, click (Refresh). 

Customize options



Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Sort order

Sorts the report by client, project, billing manager, project manager, principal in charge, project type, client type, and department. If you use multi-company, you can also sort by company.


Uses either the invoice or accounting date. If the basis is by invoice date, the report includes all invoices (final and draft) with an invoice date for the period selected.

Include finance charges

Includes finance charges in the amounts on this report.

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, all information, including the lowest level of detail, prints on the report.

Print contact information

If selected, it prints the billing contact's phone number and email address, as entered for the phase.

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Report contents

As finance charge amounts apply only to the invoice total, they are not included in other amounts on the report.



Billing Manager/ Client/Project / Invoice

The billing manager, client, project, and invoice

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice

Accounting Date

The accounting date associated with the invoice when it is Final. This date determines when the information appears on financial statements.

Billing Type

The billing type

Invoice Amount

The total amount of the invoice

Labor Amount

The total amount of the invoice identified as labor, including adjustments

Expense Amount

The total amount of the invoice identified as expenses, including adjustments

Consultant Amount

The total amount of the invoice identified as consultants, including adjustments

Adjustment amount

The amount of any adjustments made to the invoice

Sales Tax Amount

The amount of sales tax applied to the invoice

Prepayment Amount

The amount of prepayments applied to the invoice in > Manage > Client Invoices. This amount does not include prepayments that are applied in > Manage > Client Receipts.