Deltek Vantagepoint 4.5 (Build Release Notes
Release Date: September 1, 2021
Last Updated: September 22, 2021
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 4.5 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 4.5, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Simplified Editing and Change Indicators for Hubs, Security > Users, Security > Roles
There are several areas in Vantagepoint where editing and saving have been simplified:
The dual editing modes, Implicit (autosave) and explicit saving, have been combined into a simplified editing mode for the Vantagepoint hubs and the Users and Roles areas of Security. Now, whenever you make a change or edit a field, Save and Cancel buttons display. Click Save to save your changes.
The pencil icon no longer displays on Vantagepoint forms to indicate that fields can be modified. Instead, you can now edit a field simply by clicking anywhere in the field.
Indicators alert you when a change has occurred. If you change a field’s value, when you leave the field there will be a border around the field until you save or cancel. If you click off of that tab, the tab name will remain bold until your save or cancel your changes.
Field captions are now located above the field and are consistently bolded, with initial caps.
Dialog boxes with multiple fields now open and display centered on the screen. To close one of these dialog boxes, simply click off of the dialog box.
Custom Label Changes and Analysis Cubes
To successfully build analysis cubes, Vantagepoint now performs additional checks when you modify custom labels on the Labels form in Settings » Labels and Lists » Labels. If a custom label change would result in cube hierarchy descriptions that exceed 100 characters, Vantagepoint displays a message to indicate the issue.
Expose Upload/Download API Endpoints for Interactive Billing Final Invoices (FileStream)
Upload/Download API endpoints for FileStream final invoices in Interactive Billing are now available. These new API endpoints honor existing validations and restrictions as well as security requirements at the application level.
Expose the GET General Options API Endpoint
The GET General Options API endpoint is now available. This endpoint retrieves general settings information about the current (active) company.
Importing Bank Transactions Through Bank Feed
If you are using the Cloud product, you can now automatically import bank transactions into Bank Reconciliation through a bank feed. Vantagepoint updates the Import Records grid on the Import tab with the day's bank transactions. Similar to a manual import, there, Vantagepoint matches imported records with posted records as part of the import process.
The daily automatic import is scheduled to run each night using the process server. You can also import the bank transactions that were posted in between daily imports. On the Import tab, click Other Actions » Refresh Bank Feed.
As you can for bank transactions imported through a statement, you can do the following for transactions imported through the bank feed:
Undo imported transactions: On the Import History dialog box, the bank transactions imported over the past 90 days are displayed. Hover over an entry and click
to undo the import.
Match imported records: On the Import tab, click Other Actions » Match Transactions. Aside from the matching rules set in Bank Settings, Vantagepoint also considers the bank statement date of the posted record with which an imported transaction is being matched. A transaction imported through bank feed is matched with a posted record that has a statement date that occurs on or before the transaction date.
To set up and activate the bank feed, you enable the connection between the bank and Plaid, a third-party bank aggregator, on the Connections tab in Settings » Cash Management » Banks. During activation, you select the bank that is associated with your online account, and then log on using the online account's credentials. Depending on the security settings of your bank, you may need to provide more information (for example, a One-Time Password).
On the Connections tab, you can temporarily suspend the import of bank transactions into Bank Reconciliation, identify employees who will receive notification for bank feed errors, refresh the connection to the bank, or disable the bank feed.
Importing Records Without a Statement Date
Vantagepoint now allows the import of transaction records that are not associated with a statement date, including bank transactions imported through a bank feed. This means that you can see imported records associated with any bank statement on the Import tab. These records can appear in, or be part of a calculation in, any of the following:
Import Records grid on the Import tab
Summary grid on the Import tab
Import History dialog box
You must match a record imported through bank feed with a posted record in Vantagepoint. A transaction imported through bank feed is matched with a posted record that has a statement date that occurs on or before the transaction date. For example, if you have not created a new bank statement for the current month, the newly imported records are not automatically matched. After you create a statement for the current month, you can choose to match transactions.
When matched, the bank statement date associated with the posted record becomes the imported record's statement date. You cannot close a bank statement if it contains imported records without a statement date.
Because of this change, the Statement Date field on the Import Statement dialog box was removed.
New Process Server Job for Importing Bank Data
If you have enabled bank feed, the recurring process server job for automatically importing bank data is activated in Process Server » Queue Manager. There is a single process server job to import bank transactions for all banks that are connected to the third-party aggregator. The Queue Processes grid is updated daily when Vantagepoint imports records through bank feed.
On the Process Queue Details dialog box, you can set the exact time when the process server job is run and the date on which Vantagepoint starts the daily import. By default, the time and date are set to the time/date on which your administrator upgraded to Vantagepoint 4.5.
On the Status Log dialog box, you can view the status of each bank's import process and the number of records imported for each bank.
Support for Email Templates in Batch Billing
Vantagepoint's email functionality has been improved to allow you to reuse standard information, such as regular text or database fields, whenever you send a new email message in Billing » Batch Billing. Depending on your security role and save rights settings, you can use the Save Email Options and Select Email Template buttons on the Email Invoice dialog box to create and save email templates for personal use, for the use of those who share your role, or for use by all roles.
In Billing » Batch Billing, you can use email templates to distribute billing invoices to contact, employee, and project role recipients. You can also add multiple project roles, including user-defined contact and employee type fields, to the recipient fields of the Email Invoice dialog box. This enhancement allows you to send the billing invoice to other project contacts, apart from the billing contact that is specified for the project on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub.
Track Billing Client on Posted Invoices Associated with a Single Project
Vantagepoint now supports tracking invoices by billing client when the billing client changes over the life of a project. In previous Vantagepoint versions, if you changed the billing client for a project on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub, this change was also applied for all of the project’s existing invoices, cash receipts, voided invoices, and credit memos. Now when you change the billing client for a project, the change applies only for the new invoices, voided invoices, and credit memos going forward. This allows you to track accounts receivable information separately for each billing client for a project. AR reports and AR review will now provide the ability to filter and sort invoices on a single project by the billing client that is associated with those posted invoices.
How the Billing Client Field in the Projects Hub Is Used
The billing client that is entered for a project in the Billing Client field on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub prefills as the billing client for a project's invoices in an invoice transaction entry file when you do the following:
Accept an invoice in Interactive Billing
Process a final run and create invoices (accept invoices) in Batch Billing
Enter an invoice in Invoice Transaction Entry in the Transaction Center
Run Intercompany Billing, with subledgers enabled
Import invoices in an invoice data entry file or a project invoices file in the Desktop Imports utility
You can change the billing client for an invoice in an invoice transaction file in Invoice Transaction Entry before you post the file. Each invoice, including all the invoice adjustments, will be associated with a single billing client.
The billing client that is entered for an invoice in the invoice transaction entry file when you post the file is associated with the invoice and is also assigned to any invoice adjustments, including voided invoices and credit memos.
When you change the billing client for a project, the change applies only for new invoices going forward and not existing invoices.
You cannot change the billing client in the Projects hub if there is an open retainer or retainage balance, an open pre-invoice, or a draft invoice going through an approval process. You need to address these balances before you can change a project's billing client.
For more information, see the following help topics: Accounting Tab of the Projects Hub (Billing Client field description) and Changing a Project's Billing Client.
Other Applications Affected
Changes to Support Tracking Billing Client Changes
Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » Invoices
A new Client field was added to the General Information section of the Invoice Transaction Entry form. The billing client from the invoice’s project prefills in this field. The Client field from the Project Information grid was removed. See the Contents of the Invoices Form topic for more information.
Hubs » Firms » AR Review
The projects that display in the Accounts Receivable grid on the AR Review form have invoices that are posted with the billing client that you are reviewing on the AR Review form.
The chart on the AR Review form now shows information for the project that you select in the Accounts Receivable grid.
See the Contents of the AR Review Form topic for information about the changes to the following fields on the AR Review form: Billing Contact, Company Address, and the Aged Accounts Receivable Chart.
Hubs » Projects » Invoices
A new Billing Client column was added to the Invoices grid on the Invoices form, which displays the name of the billing client for the posted invoice.
You can view and enter AR comments for invoices related to the current and past billing clients for the project that you are viewing on the Invoices form. When you add a comment and then clear the Project Number and Invoice fields on the AR Comments dialog box, you can enter an AR comment just for the past or present billing client of the project.
Hubs » Projects » Billing Terms
When you select options in the AR Printing section of the Format tab of the Billing Terms form to print accounts receivable information in the Outstanding Invoice section of an invoice, the section now lists outstanding invoices for the billing client for the new invoice being created.
If the invoice’s project has outstanding AR invoices for a different billing client than the billing client being billed on the newly created invoice, those outstanding invoices are excluded from the Outstanding AR section of the invoice.
My Stuff » Reporting
Transaction reports that were updated to include the billing client:
Invoice Posting log
Invoice Transaction List report
Cash Receipts Posting log
Cash Receipts Transaction List report
For more information, see the Invoices and Cash Receipts topics in the Transaction Entry help.
Accounts Receivable reports that were updated:
AR Aged
AR Ledger
Invoice Register
Invoice Transaction Detail
AR Statement
When the AR Aged, AR Ledger, Invoice Register, and Invoice Transaction Detail reports are sorted by billing client criteria (Columns & Groups tab of the report’s options), or the report content is selected by the billing client (Billing Client field in the Detail Options section of the Options tab for the report), the reports now looks to the billing client of an invoice to return the report results. In prior releases, the reports looked to the billing client entered for a project in the Projects hub.
For the Invoice Transaction Detail report: A new Billing Client field was added to the report’s Options tab, so you can select a specific billing client that an invoice was posted with for the report contents. For more information, see the Invoice Transactions Detail Options Tab topic.
The AR Statement report displays outstanding invoices based on the billing client of the posted invoice.
For more information, see the Accounts Receivable Reports section of the help for a specific report.
Accounting Reports that were updated:
Cash Receipts
Tax Analysis
Sales List
For more information, see the Accounting Reports section of the help for a specific report.
Utilities » History Loading » Invoice and Receipt
The billing client that is currently entered for the project in the Projects hub prefills as the billing client for invoices and cash receipts that are loaded into Vantagepoint in Utilities » History Loading » Invoice and Receipt. A new Client field was added to the Invoice grid and the Receipts grid. For more information, see the Contents of the Invoice and Receipt Form topic.
Utilities » Imports & Exports » Exports
The AR Ledger data export definition now has four columns that refer to the billing client that an invoice was posted with. These columns are: BillClAddress, BillClientID, BillClientName, and BillContactID
Upgrade Information
Invoices that were posted before the Vantagepoint 4.5 upgrade will be automatically updated with the current billing client that is entered for a project in the Billing Client field on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub. If you need to change the billing client on a specific invoice, you can post an adjustment in Invoice Transaction Entry with the correct billing client.
Deprecate Collaboration Integration
The Collaboration Integration application has been removed from Vantagepoint. This impacts the following areas of the software and associated topics in the online help:
Utilities » Integrations and Imports
Projects Hub
My Preferences
Notification Center
Allow Customers to Deprovision Connect
Vantagepoint Connect Administration now includes a Delete All Connect Configuration option that allows you to delete all Connect configuration, including the settings for all Connect users. This is useful when you need to delete Connect configuration and start over; for example, when the initial Connect configuration failed or you tested Connect in a sandbox and now need to configure it in production.
When you use the Delete All Connect Configuration option, you receive a warning message that prompts you to confirm the deletion.
Associate any Contact and Firm Combination with a Project
You are now able to associate a contact to a project with a different firm than the firm that is associated with the contact in the Contacts hub. This is useful for situations where a contact needs to work as a consultant for more than one firm, needs to work for an LLC created for a specific project, or needs to be connected to a joint venture for a specific project. To support this change, updates were made in the following areas:
Changes to Support Multiple Firms for a Single Contact
Settings » Security
The Allow Selection of any Contact for Primary, Billing, or Team Contact for Projects option is now available on the Record Access tab of the Roles form.
Select this option to give users in the specified role the ability to select a primary or billing contact for a project that is not associated with the primary client or billing client. This option also allows you to select any firm for a contact in the Team Members grid of Projects.
This is useful when you want to associate a different firm than the firm associated with the contact in the Contacts hub, for a specific project.
Projects Hub
If your security role has the Allow Selection of Any Contact as Primary, Billing Contact, or Team for Projects option selected in Security Settings, the following apply:
The Primary Client and Billing Client dialog boxes have a Limit contacts to selected client option. To select a contact that is not associated with the primary or billing client, clear this check box. If you do not have security rights to select any contact, this check box is hidden and the primary or billing contact must be associated with the primary or billing client in the Contacts hub.
The Firm field in the Team Members grid is editable and you can select any firm for a contact team member. If you do not have security rights to select any contact, then the Firm field is read-only and is populated with the contact’s firm.
Contacts Hub
The Projects grid includes a Firm option that you can use to link a firm to the contact. By default, this column displays the name of the contact's firm.
If your security role has the Allow Selection of Any Contact as Primary, Billing Contact, or Team for Projects option selected in Security Settings, you can modify this field and select any firm from the lookup.
Firms Hub
A new Contacts from Project Associations grid has been added to the Contacts tab of the Firms form. This new grid lists all contacts that are associated with a firm via a project association.
Visual Studio 2017 and Report Builder 15.0
The following Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services (SSRS) report writing tools are now supported for creating Vantagepoint custom reports:
Visual Studio 2017 (SQL Server Data Tools)
Report Builder 15.0
Because Visual Studio 2017 (SSDT) produces a report file with the (Report Definition Language) RDL 2016 Schema, you must upgrade your custom reports to the Report RDL 2016 Schema.
Important: If a report has the supported RDL 2016 Schema, it will have 2016 in the path. If the header lines display 2008, 2010, 2012, or 2014 in the path, then the RDL files are not supported in Vantagepoint 4.5 and you need to upgrade these RDL files.
To upgrade custom reports:
In the Vantagepoint desktop application, navigate to Utilities » Report Administration.
On the Custom Reports tab, click the Upgrade button. A confirmation message displays indicating that all custom reports currently stored in your database will be updated to the latest schema.
Click Yes to upgrade all custom reports.
For detailed installation and upgrade information related to Vantagepoint's custom reports, see the updated Custom Reports and Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services Guide.
Percentage Type Calculated Fields in Dashboards
In the Dashpart Designer, you can now create calculated fields with the percentage data type and include those fields in your dashparts. To do this, display the Calculated Fields dialog box and set the Data Type option to Percentage. Then use the Numerator and Denominator fields to configure the percentage in the Calculation section.
This update does not affect existing calculated fields that were created in Dashboards. When you edit existing calculated fields, the Data Type option is set to Numeric by default.
Display Drilldown Details
You can now display the detailed breakdown for a column value, for the following columns:
Dir. Consultant Amount Cost
Dir. Consultant Amount Billing
Direct Other Expense Cost
Direct Other Expenses Billing
Reimbursable Consultant Amount Billing
Reimbursable Consultant Amount Cost
Reimbursable Other Expense Billing
Reimbursable Other Expense Cost
When you include these columns in a project dashpart, click the value in the column to display a dialog box. The dialog box displays details that comprise the value for the record in the project dashpart.
For additional information, see "Project Dashpart Base Columns" in the Help.
Column Updates
The following project dashpart base columns were renamed to better match the data that they represent:
The Name column was renamed to WBS Level Name.
The Number column was renamed to WBS Level Number.
When you include both columns in a table dashpart with the project dashpart base, the columns are automatically grouped and display the WBS levels associated with the project.
Existing project dashparts with the Name and Number columns retain the old column labels. To apply the new column labels to these existing columns, modify the Heading field on the Properties dialog box of each column in the Dashpart Designer.
In addition, the following columns now display the correct percentage values in the project dashpart base:
Percent Budget Expended Bill
Percent Budget Expended Cost
Profit Percent
Variance Percent
AR Detail Base
You can use the new AR Detail dashpart base to create dashparts that display data on billing invoices, payments, receipts, and credit memos for projects at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). You can configure a dashpart with this base to display aged values for amount-related columns.
To display aged values in amount-related columns in the dashpart, add the Aging Date column and apply a date range for the amount-related columns.
This dashpart base is available if the Accounting or PSA module is enabled for your company. For a list of available columns, see "AR Detail Dashpart Base Columns" in the Online Help.
Field Caption Column Added to Field Mapping Grids
If you use the Desktop Imports utility to import hub data, the grids on the field mapping tabs of the Import Utility form now contain both a Field Name column and a Field Caption column.
The Field Name column contains the database field IDs for each of the import fields. If a field, whether a standard field or a user-defined field, has a caption specified for it in Screen Designer, the Field Caption column contains that caption. If a field does not have a caption specified in Screen Designer, the Field Caption column, like the Field Name column, contains the database field ID.
If you are importing data other than hub data, the mapping grids only have the Field Name column, and that column contains the database field ID.
Annotation and Comment History Is Saved When a Draft Invoice is Resubmitted
From the Draft Preview tab of the Draft Invoice Approvals form in Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals, you can now view a previous version of a draft invoice, which contains the annotations and comments sent to the biller, alongside the current copy of the draft invoice in which the biller has applied the revisions.
This is helpful when your draft invoice approval process uses the following steps:
An approver reviews a draft invoice, marks it up with annotations and revisions for the biller to make, and rejects the draft invoice.
The biller applies the approver’s revisions and resubmits the draft invoice for approval.
The approver reviews the resubmitted draft invoice to be sure that the revisions were applied correctly before accepting the draft invoice.
The approver approves the draft invoice or rejects it and adds more revisions for the biller to make.
Each time that a biller revises the draft invoice per an approvers annotations and rejection and resubmits it in Interactive Billing to be reviewed again, the following occur on the Draft Preview tab of the Draft Invoice Approvals form:
The resubmitted draft invoice displays on the Draft Preview tab.
A PDF of the past draft invoice with the approver’s annotations and comments is available to review alongside the current copy of the draft invoice. Click
on the toolbar of the Draft Preview tab to open a Revision dialog box that displays the previous annotations and comments on the draft invoice. Move the dialog box alongside the current, resubmitted draft invoice that displays on the Draft Preview tab, and confirm that the revisions were applied correctly.
You can view, but not change, the existing annotations and comments in the Revision dialog box.
A separate PDF file is created to store a copy of an approver’s annotations and comments each time that the approver rejects the draft invoice and the biller revises and resubmits it for approval. If there are multiple PDFs, they all display in the drop-down list in the Revision field on the Revision dialog box, so you can view any of them.
Unsubmitting a Draft Invoice
When you unsubmit a draft invoice in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, the current copy of the draft invoice and all the PDFs that were created to preserve copies of an approver’s annotations and comments are deleted.
Final Draft Invoice on the Invoice History Tab in Interactive Billing
After you accept an invoice in Interactive Billing or create final invoices in Batch Billing, the annotations and comments from all the individual PDF files from the Revision dialog box are combined and added to a copy of the original draft invoice for future reference. You view and print this final, saved draft invoice in Interactive Billing on the Invoice History tab in the Draft Invoice column in the invoices grid. The individual PDF files with the annotations and comments from the Revision dialog box are deleted.
New Columns Added to Some Data Packs
In Utilities » Imports & Exports » Exports, the ARLedger and APVoucherLedger data packs, both tagged with the data pack category DELTEK, have been updated to include additional columns for creating data export definitions. When you create a new data export definition, select DELTEK in the Data Pack Category field, and select either of these data packs on the Select Columns dialog box, you will see the new columns added to the Available Columns list on the dialog box.
Data Pack Name
New Columns Added
LedgerAR Columns
PR Columns
LedgerAP Columns
LedgerAPTax Columns
Change the Color of the Vantagepoint Title Bar
You can now specify the color of the Vantagepoint title bar for the currently selected company. To do so, navigate to Settings » General » Options. In the Company section of the Options settings form, use the new Company Title Bar Color option to specify the color and then click Save. Your change takes effect the next time that you log in.
Phone Formatting
The Phone Formatting section in Settings » General » Options now includes a descriptive label for the phone number formatting fields: Allow No Format, Default Country, and Default Description. These options apply to the active, or currently selected company and are used to establish your phone default formats for new hub records.
Export Grid Data to Microsoft Excel
In various places throughout Vantagepoint, you can now export data from a grid to an Excel file by completing these steps:
While using List View, click the export icon on the grid toolbar.
On the Export dialog box:
Set the Export Format option to Excel.
If you want to include codes and descriptions when exporting, select the Export Codes as Additional Columns option.
Click the Export button.
When the Excel file is generated and ready for downloading, you will receive a message from the notification center.
If you are exporting more than 500 records, the following Vantagepoint applications automatically leverage the process server to complete the export process: Projects hub, Employees hub, Firms hub, Contacts hub, user-defined hubs, Activities hub, and Users settings (in Security).
Next Gen Editing: Rounded Buttons on Grid Actions Bars
The Grid Actions Bars that are available for various grids throughout Vantagepoint were enhanced to display actions as rounded buttons instead of actions separated by pipes “|”.
You can use these buttons to perform actions related to data in the current grid. For example, in Interactive Billing, you can use the Bill or Hold buttons to bill or hold the currently selected row in grids on the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs. The buttons vary, depending on the grid in which you are working.
Download Processed Workbooks for Troubleshooting
When an issue occurs during the workbook upload process on the Intelligence form (Settings » General » Intelligence), you can access the processed workbook file for analysis and troubleshooting.
You can access the processed workbook in Vantagepoint from:
The error message that is displayed on the Intelligence form when the issue occurs.
The File Administration utility in the desktop application (Utilities » Files Administration).
Intercompany Billing Now in the Browser Application
Intercompany Billing has moved from the desktop application to the browser application. To prepare and run the intercompany billing process, select Accounting » Intercompany Billing in the Navigation pane in the browser application. The functionality of Intercompany Billing remains essentially the same as in prior versions, but you now benefit from the enhanced usability of the browser user interface.
For those using detailed subledgers, the Invoice Terms form is not yet available from the Intercompany Billing form in the browser. The settings for those terms, along with all the other settings for Intercompany Billing remain in the desktop application in Settings » Accounting » Intercompany Billing.
Grid Totals Added to Invoices Grid
Vantagepoint now adds totals for the following columns in the Invoices grid on the Invoices form in Hubs » Projects » Invoices:
Invoice Total
Applied Retainer
Amount Paid
Credit Memos
Amount Due
If you navigate to another work breakdown structure element or apply column filters, these totals update automatically to reflect the invoices currently available in the grid.
View Invoice Information at Any WBS Level
Previously, you could only access invoice information for a project on the Invoices form if you were at the top level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). Now if you navigate to a lower-level WBS element, the Invoices form updates automatically to display appropriate receivables, aged AR, and invoice information for that WBS element. Similarly, if you use the Invoice Details row option in the Invoices grid to drill down to invoice detail, that detail reflects your currently selected WBS element.
Login Assistance
As a security best practice, the Forgot Username and Forgot Password mechanisms have been updated so that they do not confirm valid usernames and valid emails. This prevents malicious users from identifying valid email addresses and usernames.
Updated Apache Cordova for Android and iOS
To provide camera plugin security improvements for Android and iOS, Cordova-Android was upgraded to 9.0.0 and Cordova-iOS was upgraded to 6.0.0.
Upgrade Touch Server to PHP 7.4.16
The Touch Server for this version of the Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support PHP 7.4.16.
View Details of Projects Associated with Clients and Firms
Mobile CRM now allows you to view the details of an associated project from the Contacts and Firms screen. In the list of associated project records for a contact or firm, tap a project to see its details displayed on the Details screen.
If you then need to edit the project details, tap the edit icon on the Details screen to display the Edit Project screen.
Scroll to the Top of the Screen if there are Errors
In Mobile CRM, if you have not completed required fields when you tap Save, you are automatically taken to the top of the screen and an error message (in red) instructs you to fill out the required fields.
Enhanced Memo Fields in Vantagepoint Mobile
Vantagepoint Mobile enhanced some memo fields, and user-defined memo fields, so you can enter details directly in those fields rather than going to a separate screen.
on the right side of a memo field to expand the screen and then add or edit longer notes.
Some memo fields include a + symbol, which you use to add global history or comments.
This enhancement has been applied for the following memo fields:
In Mobile CRM: Description, Notes, Won/Lost Notes, and user-defined fields.
In Mobile Time and Expense: Comments, Explanation for Revision, Business Reason, Travel From/To, and Name of Each Person.
Improved Scrolling Position
Mobile Time and Expense scrolling is now more efficient. When you open a new screen, scroll down, and then return to the previous screen, you are automatically taken to the top of that screen.
This improvement also applies to the user-defined drop-down lists in Mobile T&E. If you select a value from a drop-down list, return to the previous screen, and then revisit the drop-down list, you are automatically redirected to the selected item in the list. If you have not yet selected a value, or if the value you entered is not yet available, the user-defined drop-down list automatically scrolls to the top of the screen.
Automatic Addition of Expense Lines when Creating an Expense Report
Mobile T&E now allows you to automatically add expense lines when you create a new expense report. If you have existing credit card charges, the Credit Card Expense dialog box automatically displays after you enter the expense report details. You can select between Add from Credit Card Charge or Add Manually from Receipt Capture (if ICR is enabled). If you do not have any credit card charges, you are automatically redirected to the Edit Line screen so that you can manually add an expense line.
New Timesheets Needing Approvals Screen and Menu Option
Mobile T&E has a new Timesheets Needing Approvals screen that displays multiple timesheet periods for one or more companies. This screen presents a list of timesheet cards. Each timesheet card contains a company’s list of timesheets for a certain timesheet period. When you tap a timesheet card, you are redirected to the Time Approvals screen, where all the timesheets under the indicated company and time period are displayed.
If there are only timesheets in one period to approve, this new screen is skipped and you are instead taken directly to the timesheet period for which approvals are needed.
To access the Timesheets Needing Approval screen from the Time Approvals screen, tap
and then tap the new Timesheets Needing Approval option.
ICR Plugin Version Update
The Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) plugin for this version of the Deltek Vantagepoint T&E mobile application has been upgraded to version 1.1.8.
My Preferences: Automatically Default to Current Period
The Startup tab in My Preferences now includes an option to have the latest period display automatically when you log in. Depending on your configuration, one of these options displays:
Automatically default to the latest open period: Select this option to automatically display the most recent open period when you log in.
Automatically default to the latest open period for the Active Company: Select this option to automatically display the most recent open period for the company that you are using when you log in.
When you do not select one of these options, the Period Selection dialog box displays after you log in and you must select a specific period before continuing.
Project Team Tab Refresh Added for Timesheet and AP Voucher Posting
If Vantagepoint is set up to update information on the Team tab of the Projects form automatically when timesheets or AP vouchers are posted, the PIM integration now includes a daily refresh of PIM with those Team tab changes.
This refresh occurs automatically if both of the following are true:
Syncing to PIM for projects is enabled.
Either or both of the following options are enabled on the Transactions Settings form (Settings » Accounting » Transactions): Update Project Team When Posting Labor and/or Update Project Vendor Association When Posting Vouchers.
To control what time the refresh occurs and to specify other processing settings, use the Process Server Queue Manager application (Utilities » Process Server » Queue Manager).
New Refresh PIM Web Service Button Added
Launched in Vantagepoint v4.0.2, the Refresh PIM Web Service button has been added to the Setup tab of the Project Information Management form in Utilities » Integrations » PIM.
If you are a Vision CRM user and have just recently been migrated to the latest Vantagepoint instance, you can use this button to convert existing PIM Enquiry Records to PIM Project Records.
After you complete the refresh process, you can view the attached documents that were originally in the Vision opportunity records in the converted Vantagepoint project records (in the Projects hub).
The Refresh PIM Web Service button is visible in Vantagepoint when:
Your Vision 7.6 database has an active integration with PIM.
Your Vision opportunity and inquiry records are synced to PIM.
New Options for Setting the JTD Through Date
If you have the required security rights, you can adjust the Job-to-Date (JTD) through date that will be used for resource planning applications in Settings » Resource Planning » Plan Settings. You can set the JTD through date to today's date, yesterday's date, last week's end date, the last timesheet period's end date, or to a date that you specify.
Resource Planning applications use this selection to determine the date for calculating the JTD (posted and unposted) hours and amounts and then uses the next day and beyond to calculate the Estimate-to-Complete (ETC) date. This feature is only available if you have activated either the Resource Planning module or the Accounting/PSA module. Otherwise, the current date is used to calculate JTD hours and amounts.
New Options for Redistributing Planned Hours
On the Labor tab of Hubs » Projects » Plan, you can use the new Redistribute Hours option to do either of the following for selected resources, for an assignment range:
Replace Planned with Actual Hours: Replace the planned hours with actual hours and remove or spread the difference into a selected time range from any level of the project plan. You choose the plan level at which to replace planned with actuals, the date range to replace, and whether to spread or remove the difference between the planned and actual hours. If you decide to spread the difference, you select a date range and then specify whether the difference should be spread proportionally or evenly across the date range that you selected.
Change Planned Hours: Change the planned hours in a selected assignment range. After you select the date range for which to change the planned hours, you specify the new hours and whether to spread the hours proportionally or evenly across the date range that you selected.
This Redistribute Hours option is available if:
The Resource Planning module is activated.
On the Record Access tab of Settings » Security » Roles, the user's role has the Access option set to Modify Only or higher for both Projects and Project Plans and has record level update rights enabled for the specified project.
On the Planning tab of Settings » Security » Roles, the user's role has Allow Redistribute Hours enabled.
Resource assignments exist under the selected plan row.
For more information, see Redistribute Planned Hours.
Additional JTD Date Options
Project Review (Hubs » Projects » Project Review) now offers options for setting the date through which job-to-date (JTD) hours and amounts are calculated. The JTD date option that you select also determines the starting date for calculating estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours and amounts.
If you select the same JTD date option in Project Review that is selected on the Plan Settings form (Settings » Resource Planning » Plan Settings), corresponding hours and amounts for the project on the Project Review form and on the Plan form will match.
In prior versions, you could select from the following JTD date options:
Today's Date
Selected Period End
Specific Date
Now you can also select these new JTD date options:
Yesterday's Date
Last Week's End Date: This is the end date of the week prior to the one in which today falls. The last day of the week is determined based on the day selected in Starting Day of Week on the Plan Settings form (Settings » Resource Planning » Plan Settings).
Last Timesheet Period's End Date: This is the end date of the timesheet period prior to the one in which today falls. This date is determined based on the timesheet period date ranges specified on the Time Periods form (Settings » Time » Time Periods).
If Vantagepoint is set up to have multiple companies, the starting day of the week and the timesheet period date ranges for the project's company are used for the last two options above.
To select the JTD date option, click Financial Options on the Financials tab.
In addition to these new options, how Vantagepoint uses the Selected Period End option has changed. For all options except Selected Period End, Vantagepoint compares the JTD date to individual transaction dates to determine which to include in JTD hours and amounts. In prior versions, Selected Period End worked similarly. Vantagepoint compared the end date of the current active period to transaction dates. The posting period for transactions was not considered. Now if you select Selected Period End, transaction dates are not used. Instead, Vantagepoint compares the currently selected accounting period to the periods in which transactions were posted to determine which to include in JTD hours and amounts. For example, a time record that is dated within the currently selected accounting period, 03/2022, but which was posted in 04/2022 is not included in JTD calculations as of the end of 03/2022.
If you select Selected Period End, be aware of the following limitations resulting from this change:
ETC and estimate-at-completion (EAC) values cannot be calculated. As a result, fields that display ETC and EAC values do not display.
Including unposted time and committed purchase order expenses cannot be supported, so the Include Unposted Time and Include Committed Purchase Order Expense options are not available.
Export a Proposal to Microsoft Word
After you generate a proposal, you can now export it to a Microsoft Word file, in the .docx format. The proposal exports as it is displayed in Vantagepoint, with the same colors, positioning, text size and formats, and so on. If you do not have a font on your computer that is used in the proposal, it is replaced with a different font in the Word document.
Exporting to Word is useful when you want to share information for review, as you and other team members can edit the Word document without being concerned about formatting issues.
Link Text Box From One Page to Another
You can now link a text box on one page to a text box on another page, so that text continues from one text element to the next automatically.
Hub Records in Proposals Now Span Multiple Pages
Hub records in Proposals now span more than one page when needed. This allows for more detailed project sheets and accommodates long, detailed employee resumes.
Enabling Purchase Orders and Items in the Browser Application
You can now launch certain Purchasing applications from the browser application. When you select the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option in Settings » General » Modules, you can access the following Purchasing applications in the Navigation pane of the browser application:
Purchasing » Purchase Orders (formerly located in the desktop application)
Purchasing » Items (formerly known as the Items Master application and located in Settings » Purchasing & Inventory » Items Master in the desktop application)
The following Purchasing applications are available in the Navigation menu of the desktop application:
Purchasing » Purchase Requisitions
Purchasing » Request for Price Quote
Purchasing » Receiving
Purchasing » Purchase Template Editor
Purchasing » Item Review
Key User Interface Improvements
The Purchase Orders and Items forms now feature a redesigned user interface that incorporates the design elements of all applications in the browser application for a unified look and feel.
In the Purchase Order form header, if you use an approval workflow, click Other Actions » Show Approvals Timeline to display the Approvals Timeline, which has been incorporated to give a visual representation of the approval workflow that you use.
On the General tab, under the Buyer field, you can click View Buyer Details to display the appropriate Contact record in a new browser window. Under the Vendor field, click View Vendor Details to display the appropriate Firm record in a new browser window.
On the Agreement tab, the Excess Amount field was changed to Maximum Amount.
On the Line Items tab, in the U/M Column of the Line Items Grid, click + Add New U/M to add a new unit of measure on-the-fly through the Add New U/M dialog box, which you can use for non-inventory line item specifications.
List View and Detail View
The Purchase Orders form initially displays records in List View by default, which makes it easier for buyers to view records in a grid that displays basic record information to select and then view in Detail View.
In Detail View, the form displays record information on tabs, which lets you select and modify information in processing your purchase order records.
Advanced PO Record Search
Searching records is now easier with new default search options. You can also filter records based on record information through custom and advanced searches.
Approval Workflows and Timeline
The new Approvals Timeline on the header of the Purchase Orders form provides a visual representation of the current approval step for the record. If you use an approval workflow, click Other Actions » Show Approvals Timeline to display the Approvals Timeline.
Click an approval step icon to display a pop-up bubble of information about the approval status.
Purchase orders can securely be processed with approval workflows and role security. Users with a buyer role can monitor the progress within the application as Vantagepoint creates accounts payable transactions automatically and integrates with Asset Management and Accounting through the entire process.
You specify approval workflows for purchase orders in the desktop application:
You specify whether or not purchase orders use an approval workflow on the General tab in Settings » Purchasing & Inventory » Company Settings.
You set up the approval workflow in Settings » Workflow » Approval Workflow.
Purchase Order Form Report Moved to the Browser
The Purchase Order Form report is available in the Reporting Application under My Stuff » Reporting. On the Reports tab of the Reporting form, set the Type option to Purchasing to find this report.
Items Master Renamed to Items
When you select the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option in Settings » General » Modules, the Items Master application that was previously located in the desktop application under Settings » Purchasing & Inventory » Items Master is moved to the browser application, in Purchasing » Items.
Use the Items application to specify purchasing items that you use when you create purchase order records. You can also enter inventory items that you can use when you enter item requests in the Inventory application.
The Items Form also displays as a dialog box when you click + Add Line Item on the Line Items tab of the Purchase Orders form.
Following the redesigned user interface that incorporates the design elements of applications in the browser application, the Items form now features the Summary pane where the basic item information can be found, including a photo thumbnail that you can upload to better illustrate your requirement.
Item Details Report Moved to the Browser
The Item Details report is available in the Purchasing application under Purchasing » Items. On the Items form, click the Other Actions menu and select either Print Current Item or Select Items to Print to display the report preview and print the report.
Open Purchase Orders from Several Vantagepoint Areas
If your security role has access to the Purchase Orders application and you select the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option in Settings » General » Modules, you can now display the Purchase Orders form in the browser application (Purchasing » Purchase Orders) from several areas of Vantagepoint.
In the browser application, you can open the Purchase Orders form from the following areas:
Hubs » Firms » Voucher Review, on the Purchase Orders tab and on the Voucher Details dialog box
Hubs » Projects » Project Review, on the Purchasing tab
Transaction Center » AP Invoice Approvals, on the Select Purchase Orders dialog box
In the desktop application, you can open the Purchase Orders form from the following areas:
Hubs » Equipment, on the Purchase Order tab
Transaction Center » Create Voucher from PO, on the Vendor Review tab
Purchasing » Receiving
Purchasing » Item Review, on the Purchasing tab
You can also display the Purchase Orders form in the browser application (Purchasing » Purchase Orders) from purchase order alerts that you receive through email or the Notification Center. If you use an approval workflow and you are assigned to an approval step, Vantagepoint opens the purchase order approval task in My Stuff » Approval Center when you click the link in the email message or click the action item in the Notification Center.
Vantagepoint displays purchase order records based on the rights set for your user account on the Buyer tab in Settings » Purchasing & Inventory » Company, in the desktop application. For example, if you have full access rights as a buyer, you can view, create, edit, and/or close purchase order records.
When you clear the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option in Settings » General » Modules, you can only access purchase order records in the desktop application.
Review Purchasing Information in Project Review
The Project Review form in the browser application (Hubs » Projects » Project Review) now includes a Purchasing tab, on which you can review purchase order and purchase requisition information for your project. This enhancement is in addition to the existing functionality of accessing the Purchasing tab in the desktop application (Accounting » Project Review). In the browser application, if you select the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option in Settings » General » Modules, you can also open purchase order records from the Purchasing tab of the Project Review form.
Enhancements for the Options field in Reporting
For all new users, the Options field on the Reports grid of the Reporting form now appears by default as the first column at the left of the grid. This change does not impact the column display if you are an existing Vantagepoint user and you have already defined the order of columns in the grid.
You can filter reports using the Options field, depending on whether or not the report's option settings were changed or set since you last logged in. In addition, the filter options vary, depending on whether you selected the Favorites tab (Changed or Not Changed) or the Reports tab (Set or Not Set).
For more information, see the following topics: Run or Preview a Report, Run or Preview a Favorite Report, Favorites Tab of the Reporting Form, and Reports Tab of the Reporting Form.
Voucher Ledger Report: Firm Types and User-Defined Fields
Previously, no records were displayed on the Voucher Ledger report when you generated it with the user-defined field as a search criteria. This occurred if you had an existing firm record in Hubs » Firms with the following properties:
Only the Client firm type is selected in the Firm Type field on the Summary pane.
The firm record has a user-defined field.
And you then modified the firm record as follows:
Added Vendor to the Firm Type field on the Summary pane.
Filled in the Vendor Number field in the Vendor tab.
Now these records display correctly on the report.
Downloading Reports Directly from the Reporting Form
In the Reporting application, you can now download a favorite or standard report directly from the Reporting form (My Stuff » Reporting) to your computer. This direct download bypasses the need to build a report preview and so allows you quick, on-the-fly access to a generated report.
The following are now available on the Reporting form:
Use the Download option to display the Download Report As dialog box. This option is available in two areas:
On the Grid Options tool for a favorite report listed in the Report grid of the Favorites tab.
On the Other Actions menu on the Reporting form for the standard report that you select on the Reports tab.
Use the Download Report As dialog box to select a file format for the report and then download it directly to your computer. Select one of these standard file formats: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint. You can then print the report or save it to your computer.
For more information, see these topics: Download Reports, Download a Report Directly from the Reporting Form, Download Report As Dialog Box.
General Ledger Reporting: Trial Balance Report
You can now run the Trial Balance report with the Summary Table option selected.
Search & Download Option Now Includes Export to Microsoft Excel
The Search & Download option on the toolbar of Report preview has been enhanced. Now, when you complete an advanced search on a previewed report and select the Search & Download toolbar option, you can export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, as well as to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
Required Grid Updates in Vantagepoint, Mobile CRM, and API
New Property for Required Grids in Screen Designer
On the Grid Settings dialog box, you can make a grid required by setting the Required option to Accounting, CRM, or Both. Now you must enter at least one row for any required grid. When you navigate to a hub that contains a required grid and make changes, Vantagepoint validates that you have added a row in the grid and entered values for the columns. If you have not done so, you receive an error message.
You can specify that any grid on any hub require at least one row, except for Activities grids.
This new property is not enforced when creating or editing multi-level projects using the Edit Project Structure grid in the Projects hub.
Mobile CRM Support for New Screen Designer Property to Require a Row in a Grid
Mobile CRM now supports required grids, which you define in the Screen Designer of Vantagepoint. Required grids are displayed in the Mobile CRM as new rows in the Contacts, Firms, and Projects screens. These new rows have required fields that you must complete before saving. If you leave a required field blank, you receive an error message when you try to save. You also receive an error message if you remove the only associated required entry from the Association’s list.
Mobile CRM – Contacts
Required grids defined in Screen Designer » Contacts » Associations are now available in the Add Contact and Edit Contact screens as Projects and Our Team rows. The Projects row is only available after you qualify a new lead contact.
Mobile CRM – Firms
Required grids defined in Screen Designer » Firms are now available on the Add Firm screen as Contacts, Projects, and Address rows. When you tap Add Address, the required fields for the Address row are displayed.
Mobile CRM – Projects
Required grids defined in Screen Designer » Projects are now available on the Add Project screen as Contacts, Firms, Employees, and Milestones rows. When you edit existing project records with blank required fields, only the row with the blank required field displays on the Edit Project screen.
Hub-related API Metadata Updates to Support Required Grids Defined in Screen Designer
Hub-related API metadata now includes the boolean attribute, RequiredRow. This attribute applies to both standard and custom (user-defined) grids in the hubs, except the Activities grids, and honors the existing option to ignore validation for required screen designer fields.
The RequiredRow attribute appears in a metadata response for a grid only when the attribute is set to true and the grid is not classified as secured or hidden from users.
For custom grids in the Projects hub only, an additional attribute called ReqWBSLevel is available along with the RequiredRow attribute. The ReqWBSLevel attribute specifies the levels of the work breakdown structure at which the grid is required: all levels (A), only the top, project level (P), or the lowest, leaf node level (L).
New Options for Sharing Custom Searches
In Resource View (Resource Management), you can now save a custom search and, depending on your security rights, share the saved search with others in your role, selected roles, or everyone (all security roles). Previously, you could only save searches for yourself.
Refactor Scheduled Workflow to Process Transactions in Chunks
The process server now processes scheduled workflows in separate transactions for each record, instead of one large transaction. This helps prevent blocking issues for large workflows. Previously, one issue could result in no transactions being processed. Now if a record has an issue and fails, the remaining transactions are still processed. The status log provides details about any individual failed transactions. The status message provides information about the actions that you must take to correct the failure.
Ability to Move Multiple Fields and Screen Elements
You can now move multiple fields and screen elements to another tab within a hub. Select the fields and elements on a tab and then drag and drop them to the destination tab.
If an application has more than one area, you can also fields or grids to another area by clicking Other Actions » Move Field or Move Grid. On the Move Field to Area dialog box or Move Grid to Area dialog box, select the destination area and the destination tab, and then click Move.
Moved fields and screen elements are automatically placed at the bottom of the destination tab, in the order in which you selected them. You can subsequently move the fields and elements to customize the layout of the tab or area.
You can move user-defined fields and grids from one tab to another, or from one area to another. You can also move custom elements such as divider lines, labels, and workflow buttons from one tab to another tab.
Database Column Names in Field ID
The database column name of a field or grid now displays as an info bubble when you select the field or grid in Screen Designer and then hover over
for the Field ID in the Properties Pane.
For user-defined fields or grids, the database column name that you set on the Add Field dialog box or Add Grid dialog box displays in the info bubble. For fields with values that are a combination of two other fields (compound components), the info bubble displays a message explaining that there is no corresponding database column for the field.
Available for Analysis Cubes Column on the User-Defined Fields Dialog Box
The Available for Analysis Cubes column is now available on the User Defined Fields dialog box. This read-only column indicates whether or not the user-defined field is available in Analysis Cubes, for use in dashboards that you create using Vantagepoint Intelligence as configured on the Field Settings Dialog box for a user-defined field.
UK VAT Detail Report: Single VAT Submission for a Group of Companies
When you generate a UK VAT return file for a group of companies as a single submission, the UK VAT Detail report for it now includes data for all companies in the group.
You generate a VAT return file for a group by generating the VAT return file for the main company of the group in Accounting » Tax File Generation. You must select the Include all companies with the same Tax Registration Number check box on the HMRC Interface tab before you click Generate File on the toolbar of the Tax Generation File form.
You can also generate this report by clicking Tax Detail Report on the HMRC Data grid on the HMRC Interface tab of the Tax File Generation form, after you select a row in the grid for a VAT return for a group.
Ability to Edit the VAT Registration Number
This enhancement applies for UK VAT returns in Accounting » Tax File Generation in the desktop application. For UK VAT returns, you can now edit the tax registration number in the VAT Registration Number field on the HMRC Interface tab of the Tax File Generation form, but only when you do not select the Include all companies with the same Tax Registration Number check box on the tab. This field prefills with the tax registration number from the Tax Auditing Feature section on the Options form in Settings » Cash Management » Options. Changing the tax registration number in the VAT Registration Number field does not change the tax registration number entered in Cash Management Options settings.
You may need to change the prefilled number in the VAT Registration Number field before you generate a VAT return file for a subsidiary company that is part of a group of companies whose VAT data you will submit as a single HMRC submission. When the subsidiary company does not have the required group HMRC tax registration number entered for it in the Tax Auditing Feature section on the Options form in Settings » Cash Management » Options, you can change the tax number that prefills in the VAT Registration Number field to the group number. Then you can generate the VAT return file for the subsidiary company.
Enhanced User Interface of the Floor Check Dialog Box
The Floor Check dialog box in My Stuff » Timesheet has been enhanced so you can review employee time entries more efficiently.
Additional columns are now available to provide more employee information (Employee Status and Employee Supervisor) and to classify the hours entered by the employee (Direct Hours, Indirect Hours, and Special Category Hours).
You can now send email messages to one or more employees as you perform a floor check. Click the Send Email option to open the Email dialog box, on which you can also create and save email templates for future use. Templates are useful when you frequently send email messages that contain the same standard information.
Vendor Field Changes
The Vendor field in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » AP Disbursements and Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » AP Vouchers now displays the vendor name and vendor number after you select a vendor for the transaction record.
Info Bubbles for User-Defined Hub Records
Just as you can for fields in a standard record, you can now view an info bubble for a field in a record that was created in a user-defined hub. When text in the field displays as blue, you can click the text to display the info bubble of additional information. If you have the appropriate access rights to the user-defined hub or record, you can click More... in the info bubble to open the full record in another browser window.
Depending on the options that you selected on the Hub Preferences dialog box (Other Actions » Hub Preferences), you can customize the information displayed in the info bubble. You can:
Display the name or number of the record, or both, on the screen and in the info bubble.
Display the name or number of the record in its page title; your selection will be the first item listed in the info bubble.
Sort the record names to specify the order in which they are displayed on the screen and in the info bubble, when there are multiple names for the record.
Defect 1423858: When you viewed Form 1099-MISC information in edit mode on the Form 1099 Processing form, the payer's name displayed correctly for the first 1099 form, but when you paged to the second, the payer name was duplicated. As you continued to other 1099s, an additional duplicate of the payer name was added for each form. This was a display problem only. The 1099s printed correctly.
Defect 1491468: On the Labor tab in Interactive Billing, you could not sort the grid by labor code.
Defect 1488173: On the Contacts tab of the Firms form, when you added a contact and selected the Ajera Sync check box, the record synced to Ajera but the moddate field in Ajera was not updated.
Defect 1380261: This issue occurred intermittently for projects with a Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount fee method in their billing terms. On the Fees tab of the Billing Terms form, when you clicked the Edit action to switch to edit mode, entered a whole number in the Percent Complete field in the Fee Billing Phases grid, and then navigated away from the field, the whole number was changed to the same or different number with four decimal places. For example, if you entered 85, it was changed to 84.9999.
Defect 1438180: In the Projects hub, when you tried to select an entry in a user-defined field with a user-defined hub field type, and your security role did not give you access to the user-defined hub associated with that field, you received this message: "An error has occurred." You should have been able to make a selection in that situation without receiving an error.
Defect 1443541: The Payment Register report did not print posted payments when you used a date range that started and ended with the same date.
Defect 1502908: Invoices were missing from the Invoice Register report because the transaction date incorrectly included the timestamp.
Defect 928611: This issue occurred in Purchasing » Purchase Requisitions in the desktop application when you did the following:
On the Purchase Requisitions form, you selected New » New Requisition and saved the requisition.
On the Vendors tab, you selected the Need Price Quote check box, inserted a row in the Selected Vendors grid, and added a vendor.
On the General tab, you inserted a row and then looked up and selected an item number for the vendor that you just added.
When you returned to the Vendors tab and clicked View Item, the item that you selected did not display on the pop-up dialog box.
Defect 1495875: When you created a workflow with the Create Activity action and saved, the Primary Firm and Primary Firm Contact fields populated with data even though no information was entered in these fields. In addition, the fields continued to populate with data even after you removed them from the editing screen.
Defect 1446927: Performance improvements were made to the approval process for approval workflows that had a large number of steps; most of the steps were being skipped because the defined conditions were not being met.
Issues 1502474 and 1502479: Improved input sanitization in various areas of Vantagepoint.
Severity: Critical
Status: Fixed
Database Changes (Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0 to Deltek Vantagepoint 4.5)
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