Contents of the Set Associations Window for Office Master Import

Use the contents of this window to select a lowest-level assembly and set a target position in the content structure for your imported family.

Navigate to the following contents:


In this window, the following items are available:

Item Description
Instructions This displays instructions for using the set associations feature in this window.
Assemblies This displays project elements in an element tree similar to the Project Elements pane. The element tree adheres to the following hierarchy:
  • Assembly (Assembly Group)
    • Assembly (Subassembly Group)
      • Assembly (Subassembly Type), if applicable
        • Family
          • Product Type

In this tree, select a lowest-level assembly (an assembly without any subassemblies) that you want to set as the parent assembly for the uploaded family.

Family Name This indicates the element name and number of the uploaded family for which you are setting an association.
Cancel Click this button to close this window.
Save Click this button to save your association with the selected assembly and close this window.

Assemblies - Tree Element

For each element in the Assemblies element tree, the following items are available:

Item Description
Element Name This indicates the element's name.
Element Type and Number This indicates the element's type (assembly, family, or product type) and number.
Collapsed or Expanded To indicate the visibility of the element's child elements, the following icons are available:
  • : This indicates that you collapsed the element and hid its child elements. Click this icon to expand the element.
  • : This indicates that you expanded the element and displayed its child elements. Click this icon to collapse the element.
Blank or Selected To indicate a set association, the following icons are available for assemblies:
  • : This indicates that the assembly does not have any associations.
  • : This indicates that the assembly has an association. You selected the assembly as a (indirect or immediate) parent assembly for the uploaded family.