Addition of Product Listings as BODs

Use this reference to learn about the multiple rules that apply and the changes that Specpoint makes to related content items when you add a product listing to a project as a basis of design (BOD).

Rules and Automated Changes

Listing Type Rules and Automated Changes
Premium MasterSpec
  • You can add product listings only from the Product Listings window at the project level, which is when you open this window from the project workspace with an active project.
  • You can add product listings only if you selected a lowest-level assembly (an assembly without any child assemblies), family, section, or product type element in the origin project workspace.
  • Based on your selected element in the origin project workspace, Specpoint adds the associated product type and its parent elements to the project, such as its family and assemblies for UniFormat. This applies only if the product type and its parent elements are not currently in the project.
  • Specpoint inactivates the manufacturer paragraph in the same article in the associated product type element. Specpoint also discards all selections and entries in the manufacturer list.

    The associated product type element is the element that shares the product type of the added premium listing.

  • Specpoint inserts the added premium listing in the BOD product option ([Insert manufacturer's name; product name or designation]).

    The option that Specpoint adds is in the following format:

    <Name of the manufacturer that offers the added premium listing>:<Name of the added premium listing>

  • For product types with an existing BOD product, Specpoint replaces the existing BOD product with the newly added premium listing in the BOD product option ([Insert manufacturer's name; product name or designation]).

    For the previous BOD product, Specpoint adds and selects the respective option for the previous BOD product in the option set of the associated BOD product paragraph as a comparable product.

  • Specpoint selects the respective options from the option sets of the associated product type properties in the associated product type, family, and section elements. The selections for the associated product type properties match the product properties of the added premium listing.
    Note: This automated change does not apply to product type properties in which you already selected options from their option sets. This prevents the platform from overriding user changes.
Premium or Premium MasterSpec with Manufacturer Options
  • Specpoint applies all automated changes for adding either a Premium MasterSpec or a Premium listing.
  • Specpoint removes all product listings without manufacturer options from the project for the product type.
  • For the given product type, the Product Listings window displays only product listings with manufacturer options. This filtering applies as long as a product listing with manufacturer options is added to the project for the product type.
  • Specpoint adds the product listing's manufacturer properties to the product type as manufacturer property paragraphs. For manufacturer options added to MasterSpec properties, Specpoint converts the respective product type property paragraphs to manufacturer property paragraphs that contain both its original MasterSpec options and the added manufacturer options.
Manufacturer You cannot add product listings of these types into your project as BOD products.
Premium Proprietary