Smart Clock

The Smart Clock feature allows the user to scan a badge (e.g., a barcode scan, card scan, proximity badge, or biometric reader) and have the system determine which type of punch event to post (Clock In, Clock Out, Meal In, Meal Out, etc.). Full functionality of Smart Clock depends on the proper implementation of schedules. If there is no schedule with margins in place, only a Clock event is allowed.

See Also:

License Requirements

How to Enable the Smart Clock Feature

Disable Smart Clock on a Terminal Profile

Use Smart Clock in Online and Offline Mode

Action Logs


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select the Module Name called Smart Clock.

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.


How to Enable the Smart Clock Feature

To allow employees to use the Smart Clock module on a terminal, you must enable Smart Clock in the Terminal's Terminal Profile and define the events you want to apply the feature to. See directly below for detailed steps.


Enable Smart Clock on a Terminal Profile

If you know the Terminal Profile Name that the B-Net 9520 terminal belongs to, skip to step 3 below. If you do not know the name, follow the instructions as follows:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal. The Terminal form displays.

  2. Identify the Terminal Profile that is associated with the terminal. You need to know this Terminal Profile name when you configure it with the Smart Clock module.

  3. In the Configuration menu, click Terminal > Terminal Profile. The Terminal Profile form displays.

  4. Click Add on the Terminal Profile Setting tab on the lower half of the form. The Add form displays.

  5. For Setting Value, select SMART_CLOCK.

  6. For Setting Type, select Enabled.

  7. Click Save. You must restart your application server in order for the setting to take effect. You must also define the applicable events. See Define Smart Clock Events.


Define Smart Clock Events

The Smart Clock module supports the following events:

You must define any events you want to display as options on the Smart Clock feature. In the example below we will configure the event CLOCK to use the Smart Clock feature.

Note: In order to enable Smart Clock for any event, the event's Event Prompts must be set to HIDDEN.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

    Because you cannot modify a system required event, you must first copy it.

  2. Select the record that contains the Event Name CLOCK and click Copy.

  3. Enter an Event Name (for example, CLOCK1) of up to 20 characters.

  4. Enter a Default Label of up to 20 characters.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to the Prompt tab and make sure that for each prompt, the Person on Add, Person on Modify, Manager on Add, and Manager on Modify fields are set to Hidden.

  7. Go to the Setting tab and select the SMART_CLOCK setting.

  8. Click Modify.

  9. Select Smart Clock Enable from the Setting Value field.

  10. Click Save.

    The event has now been defined to use Smart Clock.


Disable Smart Clock on a Terminal Profile

To disable the Smart Clock for a Terminal Profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile. The Terminal Profile form displays.

  2. Select the terminal profile record that the terminal uses.

  3. Select the row that contains the setting Type SMART_CLOCK on the Terminal Profile Setting tab in the lower half of the form, and click Modify. The Modify form displays.

  4. Select Disabled in the Setting Value drop-down box and click Save. You must restart your application server in order for the setting to take effect. 


Use Smart Clock in Online/Offline Mode

The Smart Clock feature is available in Online and Offline mode. If the terminal is offline, there cannot be a dialog between the user and the server, and the device will simply collect the punches. When the system comes back online and the device connects, these offline punches will automatically be sent to the server, and the punches processed. If the system can determine a Smart Clock event with 100% accuracy (based on Menu filtration and available Smart Clock events), the punch will be posted. If however, the system cannot determine a Smart Clock event with 100% accuracy, the transaction will error out and post to the Error Log.


Terminal is Online

  1. User scans his/her badge on the terminal.

  2. System posts event.

  3. User waits for confirmation beep.

    The transaction posts on the Action form.


    The current situation filtration returns more than one available event and the system cannot determine with 100% accuracy which event to post.

  4. The terminal will display a message and ask the user to select a specific event. (“Please Use Button Entry”, “Please Scan Your Badge or Press Button”)

  5. User selects an Event.

  6. User waits for confirmation beep.

  7. The transaction posts on the Action form.


Terminal is Offline

  1. User scans his/her badge on the terminal.

  2. Because the terminal is in offline, the system cannot determine which event to post and the transaction will fail. The terminal will display a message that confirms the data is saved in offline mode.

  3. When the system comes back online and the device connects, the offline punches are sent to the server.

  4. If the system posts the appropriate event based on the user’s current schedule, the transaction posts on the Action form. If the current situation filtration returns more than one available event and the system cannot determine with 100% accuracy which event to post, the transaction will error out and post on the Error Log form.


Action Log

All successful transaction will post on the Action form. To view the Action form, click Main Menu > Administration > Data Collection > Action.