
Schedule Editing in the Timecard

A supervisor can edit a person's schedule from the Current Situation form using the Edit Schedule button. This button can also be used to edit multiple person's schedules at one time. When the schedules are edited, the timecards of the selected persons will either be updated automatically (e.g., receive Late Arrival events if the new scheduled Start Time is earlier than the existing Start Time) or the timecard can be updated with the Repost Day button or Recalculation.

To use this feature, the logged in supervisor will need to be assigned a Schedule Edit Policy. You can also create templates to select when using the Edit Schedule button. These templates are created on the Edit Template form.

If the logged in supervisor has been assigned a Supervision Date Policy, the VIEW setting in this policy will determine whether the supervisor can use the Edit Schedule button for a particular employee.

See Also:

Create and Assign the Schedule Edit Policy

Create the Edit Templates

Using the Edit Schedule Button


Create and Assign the Schedule Edit Policy

The Schedule Edit Policy contains the settings used by the Edit Schedule button on the Current Situation form. The Edit Schedule button is used to add or modify the schedules of one or more persons, and update their timecards accordingly.

You need to assign this policy to the supervisor who will be editing employee schedules on the Current Situation form.

The default Schedule Edit Policy has the following settings:

Edit Protected Schedule: Allow. You can modify a Protected schedule using the Edit Schedule button in Current Situation.

Warn on Cancel: Checked. A warning message will appear if the changes you make to a schedule using the Edit Schedule button will cause a meal or break to be deleted.

Repost Day: Checked. Changes you make using the Edit Schedule button will causes the day's events to repost based on the new schedule, adding Late Arrival/Early Departure events and deleting meals and breaks as necessary.

Default Template, Default Split Template: Defined on the Edit Template form. These templates will appear as default templates when you use the Edit Schedule button. The Default Template will be available when you select a gap day with no schedules. The Default Split Template will be available when you select a gap day that is a split day (e.g., a gap day with two Optional schedules, one on each half of the day).

Use Threshold: Not Checked. The Schedule Edit form will not adjust Meal Start and Schedule End dates when the Schedule Start time crosses a threshold.


Create the Edit Templates

The Edit Template form is used to create templates for the Edit Schedule button on the Current Situation form. These templates can be used as a starting point when you are adding or modifying a person's schedule using the Edit Schedule button.

Edit Templates will only be available when you use the Edit Schedule button on the Current Situation form.


Using the Edit Schedule Button

The Edit Schedule button on the Current Situation form is used to add or modify a person's schedule. You may need to enable this button in your Security Role to make it visible.

You must also be assigned a Schedule Edit Policy to use the Edit Schedule button.

If the day does not have a schedule, you must select an Edit Template to modify; you may want to create these templates using the Edit Template form.

If the day does have a schedule, you can modify the existing schedule or you can select an Edit Template to use or modify.

You can change the schedule's start time, end time, and meal/break start times. You can also change the shift.

When you click Save, the selected persons will have their schedules modified according to the new settings. Depending on your Schedule Edit Policy, the timecards of the selected persons will either be updated automatically (e.g., receive Late Arrival events if the new Start Time is earlier than the person's existing Start Time) or the timecard can be updated with the Repost Day button or Recalculation.

For more details on the Edit Schedule button, refer to the sections below.

Using the Edit Schedule Button

Edit Schedule Overlaps

Updating the Timecard

Split Days



Using the Edit Schedule Button

  1. On the Current Situation form, select the Posting Date and the persons whose schedule you want to modify.

    Make sure all or none of the selected persons have split (9-80) schedules. You cannot modify split and non-split schedules together.

    The number of persons you can select and edit is based on the number_of_records_schedule_edit Form Setting.

  2. Click the Edit Schedule button.

    The Schedule Edit form will appear.

    If one or more of the selected persons do not have a Normal schedule on the Posting Day, the Schedule Source field will display the Default Template or Default Split Template in your Schedule Edit Policy. If your Schedule Edit Policy does not have default templates, then the Schedule Source field will display the schedule of the person whose Person Number comes first in the list sorted alphanumerically.

    If all the selected persons have a Normal schedule on the Posting Day, the Schedule Source field will display the schedule of the person whose Person Number comes first in the list sorted alphanumerically.

  3. Select an Edit Template from the Schedule Source field to continue.

    The Schedule Source field will display the schedules of all the selected persons, in alphanumeric order. It will also display all the split or non-split templates from the Edit Template form. If the Posting Day is a split day, then only Edit Templates for split days will be available from the Schedule Source field. You can select whether to modify the First Half, Second Half, or Both. See Edit Schedule – Split Days for more information.

    When you select a Schedule Source, the start and end times, scheduled meals/breaks, and shift will update on the Schedule Edit form according to your selection. You can keep these settings as they are, or you can modify them.

    By default, scheduled meals and breaks will only show the start time (Meal Start, Break Start). You can view the end time of the meal/break on the Person Schedule form. If you also want to show and edit the end times of meals and breaks on the Schedule Edit form, you need to enable the show_event_end_timestamp Form Setting on the Form Profile of the supervisor who is editing the employee schedules in Current Situation.

    If only the Meal/Break Start is visible, and you modify the Meal/Break Start, the end time of the meal or break will adjust so the meal/break has the same duration. For example, a Meal is from 12 PM to 1 PM and only the Meal Start field is visible. If you change the Meal Start to 12:30 PM, the end time of the meal will change to 1:30 PM.

  4. To remove a Meal or Break from the schedule, delete the date from the Meal Start or Break Start field. If the Meal or Break end times are also showing, you need to delete these dates as well.

  5. Select a Shift from the drop-down list if you want to add a shift to the schedule. Available options are defined on the Shift Definition form. To remove a shift, delete it from the Shift field.

  6. Click Save when you are done.

The schedule changes you made on the Schedule Edit form will be applied to all the selected persons.

If you edited an existing schedule, the new schedule's Applicable Start and End Times will be calculated based on the difference between the existing schedule’s Start Time and Applicable Start Time and End Time and Applicable End Time. For example, the existing schedule has an Applicable Start of 6 a.m. and a Start Time of 8 a.m. On the Schedule Edit form, the Start Time is changed to 9 a.m. The person's new schedule will have a Start Time of 9 a.m. and an Applicable Start Time of 7 a.m.

The Schedule Start Time and Schedule End Time columns on the Current Situation form will display the start and end times for the new Normal schedule.

If the Schedule Edit Policy of the logged-in user has Repost Day checked, the changes you made will cause the day's events to repost based on the new schedule, adding Late Arrival/Early Departure events and deleting meals and breaks as necessary. See Edit Schedule – Updating the Timecard.

All the schedules in the template you selected will be applied to the selected persons. For example, if the Edit Template included a Normal schedule and an Optional schedule, both the Normal and Optional schedules will be applied to the persons. If the Edit Template was for a split day, then the selected persons will get both halves of the split day in the template.

If the day has multiple schedules (e.g., a Normal schedule and an Optional schedule), changes to the Schedule Start and Schedule End times for the Normal schedule can cause an overlap with the other schedules. See Edit Schedule – Overlaps for information on how existing schedules may be adjusted or deleted by the changes you make on the Schedule Edit form.

The new schedule will be visible on the Person Schedule form. The Normal schedule will be a Protected schedule. The Schedule Edit Policy of the logged-in user will determine whether a Protected schedule can be modified using the Edit Schedule button.


Edit Schedule – Overlaps

If the new schedule overlaps with the next or previous day, the existing schedules on the next or previous day may be adjusted or deleted. The same principles apply to the Edit Schedule button as the Schedule Generation button on the Schedule Cycle form and the SCHEDULE_GENERATION service. See Schedule Overlap for more information.

Note however that when you use the Edit Schedule button, you cannot modify a schedule's Applicable Start and End times. The new schedule's Applicable Start and End Times will be calculated based on the difference between the existing schedule’s Start Time/Applicable Start Time and End Time/Applicable End Time.

If the day has multiple schedules (e.g., a Normal schedule and an Optional schedule), changes to the Schedule Start and Schedule End times for the Normal schedule can cause an overlap with the other schedules. Or, these changes can cause a time gap to be created between the end of one schedule and the beginning of the next. To avoid these issues, the other schedules must move with the new Normal schedule.


Edit Schedule – Updating the Timecard

If the Schedule Edit Policy of the logged-in user has Repost Day checked, the changes you made on the Schedule Edit form will cause a Repost Day to occur automatically.

Repost Day causes the day's events to repost based on the new schedule, adding Late Arrival/Early Departure events and deleting meals and breaks as necessary.

If Repost Day is not checked in the Schedule Edit Policy, you can use the Repost Day button in the timecard to adjust the transactions for the new schedule. You can also Recalculate the timecard.


Edit Schedule – Split Days

On the Schedule Edit form, if the Posting Day is a split day, then only Edit Templates for split days will be available from the Schedule Source field. A split day is an 8-hour day in a 9-80 schedule for which the time is split between two pay weeks.

On the Schedule Edit form, you can modify the First Half, Second Half, or Both halves of the split day.

The Split Day field defaults to Both, showing the start time, split time, end time, and any scheduled meals or breaks. You can select First Half if you only want to display and edit the start time and any meals or breaks in the first half of the day. Select Second Half if you only want to display and edit the end time and any meals or breaks in the second half of the day.

Split Time is a read-only field. It displays the end time of the first half of the split day. You cannot modify the Split Time.

If you modify the schedule's start and end times, the new times must remain in the First or Second Half of the day.

If you are editing a split gap day (e.g., the "off" Friday in a 9-80 schedule that has Optional schedules for the First Half and Second Half), you must select an Edit Template from the Schedule Source field. Only split templates will be available from the field. You can keep the template or modify it.


Edit Schedule - Examples

Example 1 – Change an Employee's Scheduled Start Time

An employee asks his supervisor if he can come in an hour late the next day to attend to a personal matter. The supervisor agrees but forgets to change the employee's schedule.

The next day the employee clocks in an hour late at 7:30 a.m. instead of 6:30 a.m. and gets a Late Arrival event. The employee notifies his supervisor of the tardy event.

The supervisor selects the employee on the Current Situation form and clicks Edit Schedule. The Schedule Edit pop-up form displays the employee's Normal schedule for the day (6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., lunch from 11 to 11:30 a.m.).

The supervisor changes the Schedule Start time from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and clicks Save.

The employee's timecard updates and the Late Arrival event is removed. When the employee clocks out at the regular time (3 p.m.), the employee has worked a seven-hour day with lunch from 11 to 11:30 a.m. and no Late Arrival event.


Example 2 – Change an Employee's Schedule to Cross Midnight

An employee is scheduled to work from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., with lunch from 11 to 11:30 a.m.

At the end of the day Thursday, the supervisor receives an unexpected shipment and realizes she needs an employee to prepare the materials for other employees the next day. The supervisor asks the employee if she can come back to work that night and work from 11 p.m. Thursday to 7:30 a.m. Friday. The employee agrees.

The supervisor navigates to the Current Situation form and changes the Posting Date to Friday. She selects the employee's record and clicks the Edit Schedule button. The Schedule Edit pop-up form displays the employee's Normal schedule for the day (6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., lunch from 11 to 11:30 a.m.).

The supervisor changes the Schedule Start time to Thursday at 11 p.m. Because this start time is later than the Next Day Threshold configured in the Schedule Edit Policy (9 p.m.), the dates for the Meal Start and Schedule End remain as Friday. The supervisor only has to change the times for the Meal Start and Schedule End to 3 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. respectively. The supervisor also selects Shift 3 from the Shift field because the schedule is now a third-shift schedule.

When the supervisor clicks Save, the employee's new schedule will display on the Current Situation form.


Example 3 – Schedule Added to Off Day in 9-80 Schedule

An employee has a 9-80 schedule and this Friday is his day off. The schedule for this day is an Optional split schedule for 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the first half, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the second half, and lunch from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the first half.

The employee decides to use his off Friday to take a training class that is from 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. All hours will be applied to the first half of the day.

The supervisor navigates to the Current Situation form and changes the Posting Date to the off Friday. He selects the employee's record and clicks the Edit Schedule button.

On the Schedule Edit form, the Schedule Source field displays the Default Split Template from the supervisor's Schedule Edit Policy. This template has the same split day schedule currently used by the employee.

The supervisor selects First Half from the Split Day field because he only wants to edit the first half of the split day. He changes the Schedule Start time from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. and deletes the date from the Meal Start field.

When the supervisor clicks Save, the employee will have a Normal schedule from 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. with no Meal break. This schedule replaces the Optional schedule that was on the first half of the day. The Optional schedule on the second half of the day is not changed.