
Schedule Edit Policy

The Schedule Edit Policy contains the settings used by the Edit Schedule button on the Current Situation form. The Edit Schedule button is used to add or modify the schedules of one or more persons, and update their timecards accordingly.

You need to assign this policy to the supervisor who will be editing employee schedules on the Current Situation form.

This policy can be assigned to a single Employee/Person via the Employee Setting form, to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. An Employee setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.

See Also:

Schedule Edit Policy Field Descriptions

Find, Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy a Schedule Edit Policy

Edit Schedules in the Timecard


Schedule Edit Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Schedule Edit Policy.

Edit Protected Schedule

Indicates whether you can modify a Protected schedule using the Edit Schedule button in Current Situation. A schedule may be protected when it is configured in the Person Schedule or Schedule Cycle form. When you add or modify a Normal schedule using the Edit Schedule button in Current Situation, the Normal schedule will also be protected.

Allow – The protected schedule can be modified using the Edit Schedule button without any warning message.

Warn – When you click the Edit Schedule button for a protected schedule, a warning message will appear but you will be able to modify the schedule.

Forbid – A warning message will display if you try to modify the protected schedule using the Edit Schedule button.

Warn on Cancel

This setting controls whether a warning message will appear if the changes you make to a schedule using the Edit Schedule button will cause a meal or break to be deleted.

By default, this box is checked and the warning will appear. If you un-check this box, no warning will appear when your schedule edits cause a meal or break to be deleted.

If you use the Edit Schedule button on multiple selected persons, and some but not all the persons are having a meal or break deleted, the warning message will not display.

Repost Day

When this box is checked, the changes you make using the Edit Schedule button will cause a Repost Day to occur automatically. Repost Day causes the day's events to repost based on the new schedule, adding Late Arrival/Early Departure events and deleting meals and breaks as necessary.

If you do not check this box, you will need to click the Repost Day button on the Current Situation form to adjust the day's events according to the new schedule.

Default Template

The Default Template will appear in the Schedule Source field of the Schedule Edit form when you have selected a gap day with no schedules.

Available options are defined on the Edit Template form. Only non-split Schedule Edit Templates will be available for this setting.

Default Split Template

The Default Split Template will appear in the Schedule Source field of the Schedule Edit form when you have selected a gap day that is a split day (e.g., a gap day with two Optional schedules, one on each half of the day).

Available options are defined on the Edit Template form. Only split Schedule Edit Templates will be available for this setting.

Use Threshold, Next Day Threshold

These settings determine whether the Schedule Edit form will adjust Meal Start and Schedule End dates when the Schedule Start time crosses a threshold.

When you check Use Threshold, the Next Day Threshold field appears. Enter the threshold time in the Next Day Threshold field.

For example, a person's schedule is from 8 AM to 5 PM and the supervisor clicks Edit Schedule in Current Situation to change the person's schedule to 11 PM to 5 AM. In the Schedule Edit Policy, Use Threshold is checked and Next Day Threshold is set to 10:00:00 PM.

The supervisor changes the Schedule Start time to 11 PM, which is after the Next Day Threshold of 10 PM in the Schedule Edit Policy. As a result, the Schedule End date changes to the following day. The supervisor therefore only has to change the Schedule End time.

If Use Threshold was not checked, or the new Schedule Start time was earlier than the Next Day Threshold, the Schedule End date would not change and the supervisor would have to change both the date and time of the Schedule End.


Find, Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy a Schedule Edit Policy

To find a specific Schedule Edit Policy, click the Filter area at the top of the form to display the Policy Name filter field. Select the policy you want to view, copy, delete, or modify and click Find.

To add a new Schedule Edit Policy, click Add. Enter values in the fields and click Save.

You can modify all the fields in the Schedule Edit Policy except the Policy Name. To do so, select the policy and click Modify.

You can copy a Schedule Edit Policy and save the duplicate with a new name. To do so, select the policy and click Copy. Change the Policy Name, modify the other fields as necessary, and click Save.

You can delete a Schedule Edit Policy if it is not assigned to anyone.