

The Holiday tab on the Attendance Policy form is used to configure how the ATTENDANCE service should post a Holiday event when a person’s post date matches a defined holiday. A Holiday Calendar and a Normal Schedule must be in place in order for a Holiday event to post. When Enable Holiday is checked and if no Ruleset Name is listed, the holiday event in the person’s Holiday Calendar will always post. If a person has a Holiday Calendar Override setting, the Holiday Calendar defined in that setting will take precedence over the Holiday Calendar in the person’s Attendance Policy.

Note: If the Holiday event is entered manually on the timecard, and the entry does not satisfy the Holiday configuration in the person's Attendance Policy, the ATTENDANCE service will apply the Holiday configuration and post applicable hours in addition to what was already posted. If the manual entry matches the values listed in the Holiday tab, the ATTENDANCE service will not apply any additional hours per configuration.

The ATTENDANCE service must include the ATTENDANCE_HOLIDAY task to post holiday events. See ATTENDANCE service for more information.

See Also:

Holiday Field Descriptions

View the Holiday Policy

Configure the Holiday Policy

Modify the Holiday Policy



Holiday Field Descriptions

Enable Holiday

When this box is checked, a Holiday event will post if the post date matches a holiday defined in the person’s Holiday Calendar. Note that a Holiday Calendar and a Normal Schedule must be in place in order for a Holiday event to post. When Enable Holiday is checked and if no Ruleset Name is listed, the holiday event in the Holiday Calendar will always post.

Post On Signed

When this box is checked, the ATTENDANCE service will post the event on days that have already been signed (by an employee, supervisor, or both). If this box is not checked, the ATTENDANCE service will not post the event on signed days.

A split day in a 9-80 schedule may have only the first or second half of the day signed. The ATTENDANCE service will examine each half of the split day separately when it checks for signatures, and will post the event on the half that complies with the Post on Signed setting. For example, if Post on Signed is not checked, the ATTENDANCE service will post the event on the half that is not signed, but will not post the event on the half that is signed.

Hours Basis

Indicates if the Holiday hours should correspond with the person's Schedule Amount (reflected in the Normal Schedule for the post day), or if the hours should be a Fixed Amount, no matter what the schedule indicates.

Hours Amount

If the Hours Basis Indicator field is Fixed Amount, this field indicates the amount that should post.

Holiday Calendar

Identifies the Holiday Calendar with the dates and Event Names for the holidays that will be posted by the ATTENDANCE service. Note that if a person has a Holiday Calendar Override setting, the Holiday Calendar defined in that setting will take precedence over the Holiday Calendar in the Attendance Policy.

If Enable Holiday is checked, make sure you select a Holiday Calendar from this field or you assign a Holiday Calendar Override setting to the appropriate employees. Otherwise, the ATTENDANCE service will not have a Holiday Calendar from which to post holidays.


Displays which shift the ATTENDANCE service will post with the Holiday event.

Default - Use the person's default shift assignment. The shift must be defined in the person's Shift Policy.

Schedule - Use the shift indicated in the person's schedule (normal, non-overtime).

Fulfill Schedule Hours

When this box is checked, the ATTENDANCE service will treat the Holiday event as having the same amount of hours as the person's schedule indicates. For example, if the person is scheduled to work 10 hours, but the holiday event is 8 hours, the attendance service will not post a short day when Short Day is enabled. No Show will also not post (if enabled).

All Labor Qualifies

The setting is used by the "Worked Prior Day” and “Worked Following Day” operands, which are used in rulesets that calculate if a person who is normally entitled to a Holiday should not receive it.

When All Labor Qualifies is checked, all labor events qualify towards the calculation.

When All Labor Qualifies is not checked, the Holiday Events configuration applies instead.

Unqualified Event

When a ruleset is used to determine a holiday qualification and the person does not qualify for the holiday event, the event listed in this field will post instead. If no Unqualified Holiday event is listed and a ruleset is used to determine a holiday qualification and the person does not qualify for the holiday event, no event will post. If no ruleset is listed the holiday event in the holiday calendar will always post.

Ruleset Name

Identifies the ruleset used to calculate if/when the Holiday event will post. The ruleset overrides the Holiday configuration, such as fixed amount, for example. If no ruleset is listed, the holiday event in the holiday calendar will always post.

Note: If the Holiday event is entered manually on the timecard, and the entry matches the values listed in the Holiday configuration in the person's Attendance Policy, the ATTENDANCE service will not execute the Holiday ruleset. For more details, see Example.


View the Holiday Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. Find and select the Attendance Policy for which you want to view the Holiday details.

  3. Click the Holiday tab on the lower half of the screen to view the current configuration.


Configure the Holiday Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. If you already have an Attendance Policy to which you want to add the Holiday event, find and select the Attendance Policy, then click Modify. If you do not have an Attendance Policy, see Add an Attendance Policy.

  3. Click the Holiday tab.

  4. Check the Enable Holiday box if you want the holiday event to post on the timecard.

  5. Check the Post on Signed box if you want the event to post on days that have already been signed.

  6. In the Hours Basis Indicator field, select if the posted Holiday hours should correspond with the person's Schedule Hours (reflected in the Normal Schedule for the post day), or if the hours should be a Fixed Amount, no matter what the schedule indicates.

  7. If you selected Fixed Amount from the Hours Basis Indicator field, enter the fixed amount of hours in the Hours Amount field.

  8. Select the Holiday Calendar that the ATTENDANCE service will use when posting a holiday event. Note that if a person has a Holiday Calendar Override setting, the Holiday Calendar defined in that setting will take precedence over the Holiday Calendar in the person’s Attendance Policy.

  9. In the Shift field, select if the ATTENDANCE service shall use the default shift or the shift in the person's schedule.

  10. Check the Fulfill Schedule Hours box if you want the ATTENDANCE service to treat the Holiday event as having the same amount of hours as the person's schedule indicates.

  11. Check the All Labor Qualifies box if you want all labor events to qualify towards the calculation used by the "Worked Prior Day” and “Worked Following Day” operands, which are used in rulesets that calculate if a person who is normally entitled to a Holiday should not receive it. If you do not check the box you can configure which events qualify or disqualify via the Holiday Events button.

  12. Select the event that the ATTENDANCE service will use when posting an Unqualified Event. If no Unqualified Holiday event is listed and a ruleset is used to determine a holiday qualification and the person does not qualify for the holiday event, no event will post. If no ruleset is listed the holiday event,  the holiday calendar will always post.

  13. Select the Ruleset the ATTENDANCE service will use to calculate if and how the event will post. The ruleset will override the Hours Basis Indicator and Fixed amount setting.

    Note: If the Holiday event is entered manually on the timecard, and the entry does not satisfy the Holiday configuration in the person's Attendance Policy, the ATTENDANCE service will apply the Holiday configuration and post applicable hours in addition to what was already posted. If the manual entry matches the values listed on the Holiday tab, the ATTENDANCE service will not execute any additional rules. For more details, see Example.

  14. Click Save when you are finished.


Modify the Holiday Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. Find and select the Attendance Policy you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Click the Holiday tab.

  4. Make the modifications and click Save.



Person's Holiday Configuration is as follows:

Enable Holiday: Checked

Hours Basis Indicator: Fixed Amount

Hours Amount: 6.00

Holiday Calendar: Company Holiday

Example 1:

Person posts a Holiday event of 8 hours manually. The Holiday event is from "Company Holiday."

When the ATTENDANCE service runs, it will post 6 hours to the timecard because the person did not fulfill the Holiday configuration in the Attendance Policy. As a result, the person's  timecard will display 14 hours total for the Holiday event (8+6 = 14).

Example 2:

Person posts a Holiday event of 6 hours manually. The Holiday event is from "Company Holiday."

When the ATTENDANCE service runs, it will not post any additional hours because the person did fulfill the Holiday configuration. As a result, the person's timecard will display 6 hours total for the Holiday event.