
Indirect Charge Reference

License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select the Module Name called Indirect Charge.

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.

See Also:



Viewing Charge Codes on the Timecard

Form Profile Configuration



An event transaction that can claim time is generally connected directly to a Charge Element. However, Indirect Labor events can connect to a charge element via a charge code. Indirect Labor event transactions are events with type LABOR:INDIRECT. Many events can be configured as Indirect Labor events, such as Holiday, Vacation, and Meeting.

When a user posts an Indirect Labor event, the system will look at the user's Indirect Charge Policy, which maps charge codes to charge elements. These mapping records determine which charge element value to use. A charge code can be mapped to several charge elements. The system selects the charge element based on the indirect charge code associated with the Indirect Labor event; the transaction’s Hours Class and Shift; and the Indirect Charge Policy’s Match Precedence.

Suppose we have the following mapping records on the Indirect Charge Policy form:

Charge Code

Hours Class


Charge Element






















Example 1:

If you post an Indirect Labor with Hours Class = R and Shift = 1, it will have a Charge Element of 3001 since it is a direct match.

Example 2:

If you post an Indirect Labor with Hours Class = R and Shift = 2, it will have a Charge Element of 3002 since it matches better than the All/All record, and there is no direct match.

Example 3:

If you post an Indirect Labor with Hours Class = O and Shift = 1, this will depend on the Indirect Charge Policy’s Precedence value, since we have 2 matches that are equally valid (Charge Elements 3003 and 3004). If the Precedence is set to Hours Class, then it will have a Charge Element of 3004. If the Precedence is set to Shift ID, then it will have Charge Element 3003.

Catch All

The mapping record with Hours Class = All and Shift = All is considered a “Catch All” record, because the Indirect Labor will be able to pick the Charge Element associated with this record if it cannot pick the Charge Element from any other mapping record. The “Catch All” record is required, and the Indirect Labor will not post without a “Catch All” record configured.

If/when a user posts an Indirect Labor, the charge element that was used for the transaction will display on the Indirect Charge column in both the Daily tab on the timecard forms as well as the Trans Duration tab on the timecard detail once you run the LABOR_ALL_MT Service.



You must complete the following in order for Indirect Charge Reference to take effect:


Where to Configure

Important Information

Create an Indirect Charge Policy.


Indirect Charge Policy form (Policy Name quick link)


The Indirect Charge Policy determines the match precedence and contains the Indirect Charge mapping records.  When multiple charge elements match a transaction, the precedence is either Hours Class or Shift ID.


Create at least one Charge Code with type INDIRECT.


Indirect Charge Policy form (Indirect Charge Code quick link)


Charge Code form


Indirect Charge codes are used in Indirect Labor events. When a user posts an Indirect Labor event, the system will charge the event to the charge element that has been mapped to the indirect charge code based on the rules in the Indirect Charge Policy.


Map at least one Charge Element to the Indirect Charge Code.


Indirect Charge Policy form


The Indirect Charge Policy form is used to associate the indirect charge codes with one or more charge elements. You must include a ”Catch All” record. This record will be used as a default value for transactions that do not meet the matching criteria of the event transaction. The ”Catch All” record includes the following:

Hours Class: ALL

Shift ID: ALL

Make sure you have a ”Catch All” mapping record for each indirect charge code.


Create a Default Value record for each charge code you want to use.


Default Values form

A default value is a pre-defined value that you can add to an event prompt. The Default Value ID must match the indirect charge code value you want to use.

The following should be included in the default value:

Default Value Type: Static

Default Value: <The Charge Code Value>

For example, if Charge Code value is 4000, the Default Value would be 4000.

Select the Indirect Labor event and assign the Default Value you created in step 4 to the event's event prompt.

Note: If you want to use more than one charge code, you must create an event for each charge code.

Event Prompt tab on the Events form

The Event Prompt must include the following configuration:


Default Value ID:
Select the default Value you created in step 4.

Include the Indirect Labor events you have configured in the applicable Menu Tree. The Menu Tree form is used to set up and maintain which events are displayed to users when they log into the web or use a terminal.

Menu Tree form


Update the affected terminals.

Terminal Profile form

Pressing the Update Server button on the Terminal Profile form allows you to update all active terminals with the current configuration without having to restart the application server.


Assign the Indirect Charge Policy to an Employee, Employee Group or System.

Employee Setting form


Employee Group Setting form


System Settings form


An Employee Setting overrides an Employee Group Setting, which overrides System Settings.



Viewing Charge Codes on the Timecard

To see which Charge Code was used for an Indirect Event transaction, the user can scroll to the Charge Code column on the Daily Timecard Detail tab. The tab allows time reporters and supervisors to view the time reporter's time record data for a specific day.


Form Profile Configuration

The DEFAULT Form Profile includes the Indirect Charges column in the Daily timecard for both supervisors and employees.

If you are using a form profile other than DEFAULT, make sure the Indirect Charges column is included in the Daily timecard in the applicable Form Profile:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Select the Form Profile from the Form Profile Name filter.

  3. Click each of the following forms to confirm that Indirect Charges in the Selected box of the Resultset Fields:

    For supervisors:

    Web > Manage > Supervisor Review > Time Card Review > Daily

    Web > Manage > Supervisor Review > Current Situation > Daily

    For employees:

    Web > Self Service > Time Card > Daily