Post Process Event Rule Operands

The PostProcessEventRuleset operands are used to add a “Post Process” event to a person’s timecard after the person clocks out, adding extra time to the day. For example, an employee may receive bonus hours at the end of the day after working a minimum number of hours. Or, an employee may receive additional time after clocking out to account for time needed to clean up before going home. See Post Process Event for more information.

Post Process Event Rules are also used with California Meal Rules. According to these rules, when an employee is not provided with a required meal or break, the employee may receive an extra hour of pay. This extra hour of pay is posted as a "penalty" event after clock out. The penalty event is configured in the Post Process Event Rules.

Post Process Event Rules are created on the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

The individual rules are combined into rulesets using the Rulesets form. The ruleset is then assigned to the Person or Person Group's Pay Policy.


The following is a list of the available operands for the PostProcessEventRuleset context.

Currently Processing Event

Get Scheduled Split Half Ind By Event

Get Scheduled Split Half Ind By Event Type

Has Occurred Before Clock Start Offset By Event

Has Occurred Before Clock Start Offset By Event Group

Has Occurred Before Clock Start Offset By Event Type

Has Occurred Before Clock Start Offset By Pay Policy

Has Occurred With Minimum Duration By Event

Has Occurred With Minimum Duration By Event Group

Has Occurred With Minimum Duration By Event Type

Has Occurred With Minimum Duration By Pay Policy

Is Assigned Shift Num

Is Event Posted

Is Gap Day

Is Gap Day Number

Is Penalty Waived With Reason

Is Post Date Day of Week

Is Labor On Post Date

Is Scheduled Day


Post Elapsed

Post Elapsed With Split Half

Reached Minimum by Event

Reached Minimum by Event Group

Reached Minimum by Event Type

Reached Minimum by Pay Policy

Stop Processing
