Leave Policy

Detail Forms:



Other Properties


A Leave Policy is used to determine how and when Leave Type Codes should be accrued and can be used to offset employee time off. Leave Type Codes are the categories that time off can count against in the application (Sick, Vacation, Short Term Disability, etc.). If you are maintaining these balances in another application (such as your ERP system), you do not need to define a Leave Policy.

The Effectivity, Accrual, Other Properties, and Events tabs in the Leave Policy are used to configure when the balance period starts and ends, how often a balance accrues, and other settings. For example, the ACCRUAL Service uses the settings on the Accrual tab to create and add time to a person’s balances.

This policy can be assigned to a single Employee/Person via the Employee Setting form, to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. An Employee setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.

The Balance Accrual module is required for this form.

Note: The Leave Policy and the Discipline Balance Policy are configured in separate forms. The Policy Name field in both forms will display the same values. If you create the Policy Name on the Leave Policy form, you can select this same Policy Name on the Discipline Balance Policy form. However, on the Discipline Balance Policy form you will be configuring Discipline Balance Codes instead of Leave Type Codes. Both policies are assigned to persons via the Leave Policy setting.

See Also:

Leave Policy Field Descriptions

Find the Leave Type Codes in a Leave Policy

Add a Leave Type Code to a Leave Policy

Modify a Leave Type Code's Settings in a Leave Policy

Copy a Leave Type Code in a Leave Policy

Delete a Leave Type Code from a Leave Policy


Leave Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Click the button next to the Policy Name field to find, add, modify, copy, or delete a Policy Name for your Balance Policy.

Select Add to create a new Policy Name.

Select Lookup to find a specific Policy Name.

Select Maintain to add, copy, or delete a Policy Name, or modify the Description of a Policy Name.

When you select a Policy Name, its Leave Type Codes will display in the middle of the form. You can add or delete Leave Type Codes in the Leave Policy. You can also configure the Effectivity, Accrual, Other Properties, and Events for each Leave Type Code in the Leave Policy.

Note: The Leave Policy and the Discipline Balance Policy are configured in separate forms. The Policy Name field in both forms will display the same values. If you create the Policy Name on the Leave Policy form, you can select this same Policy Name on the Discipline Balance Policy form. However, on the Discipline Balance Policy form you will be configuring Discipline Balance Codes instead of Leave Type Codes. Both policies are assigned to persons via the Leave Policy setting.

Leave Type Code

Categories such as FMLA, Sick, or Vacation that time off can count against. These codes are maintained on the Leave Type Code form.

Period Length, Period Unit

The Period Length and Period Unit describe how long this Leave Policy is effective. These values are always set to one year (Period Length of “1” and Period Unit of “Years.”).

Include Events

Indicates whether the events defined for this Leave Policy will be included or excluded. The default value is Include All. You can change this setting on the Events tab of the Leave Policy form.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find the Leave Type Codes in a Leave Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Leave Policy.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button at the top of the form to display the Policy Name field.

  3. Select a Policy Name from the drop-down list. You can also click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Lookup from the drop-down menu. Select the Policy Name from the Leave Policy pop-up form.

    Once you have selected the Policy Name, the Leave Type Codes in this policy, if any, appear in the grid.


Add a Leave Type Code to a Leave Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Leave Policy.

  2. Select a Policy Name from the drop-down list.

    You can also use the button next to the Policy Name field to Add or Lookup a Policy Name.

    Once you have selected the Policy Name, the Leave Type Codes in this policy, if any, appear in the grid.

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Leave Policy form opens.

  4. On the Leave Type Code tab, select a Leave Type Code you want to include in your policy. These codes are maintained on the Leave Type Code form.

    The remaining tabs will be used to configure this Leave Type Code.

  5. The Effectivity tab defines the start and end dates of the balance period and the effective dates when the balance can be used.

  6. The Accrual tab defines how often the Leave Type Code will accrue. For example, a balance may accrue 4 hours every month.

  7. The Other Properties tab includes the Leave Type Code’s settings for overdraw and carryover. It also specifies the number of pay periods that will pass before a balance will close out (to allow for adjustments on the previous balance).

  8. The Events tab defines which events will accrue toward the Leave Type Code.

  9. If you want to add more than one Leave Type Code to the Leave Policy, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Leave Policy window open. Or click Save to save your Leave Policy and return to the main form.


Modify a Leave Type Code's Settings in a Leave Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Leave Policy.

  2. Select a Policy Name from the drop-down list.

    You can also click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Lookup from the drop-down menu. Select the Policy Name from the Leave Policy pop-up form.

    The Leave Type Codes in this policy appear in the grid.

  3. Select the Leave Type Code you want to change and click Modify.

    The Modify Leave Policy form opens.

  4. The Leave Type Code tab will display the name of the Leave Type Code you selected on the main form.

  5. Use the Effectivity tab to change the start and end dates of the balance period and the effective dates when the balance can be used.

  6. Use the Accrual tab to change how often the Leave Type Code accrues.

  7. Use the Other Properties tab to change the Leave Type Code’s settings for overdraw and carryover. This tab also specifies the number of pay periods that will pass before a balance will close out (to allow for adjustments on the previous balance).

  8. Use the Events tab to define which events will count toward accruals when the number of units accrued in a balance is based on the number of hours worked.

  9. When you finish modifying the Leave Type Code, click Save.


Copy a Leave Type Code in a Leave Policy

Use the Copy button to add a Leave Type Code with the same settings as an existing Leave Type Code to the Leave Policy.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Leave Policy.

  2. Select a Policy Name from the drop-down list.

    You can also click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Lookup from the drop-down menu. Select the Policy Name from the Leave Policy pop-up form.

    The Leave Type Codes in this policy appear in the grid.

  3. Select the Leave Type Code you want to duplicate and click Copy.

    The Copy Leave Policy form opens.

  4. On the Leave Policy tab, select the Leave Type Code you want to add to this policy.

  5. You can change the other settings for this Leave Type Code using the remaining tabs on the form.

  6. If you want to add another Leave Type Code with these settings to the Leave Policy, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Copy Leave Policy window open. Or click Save to save your settings and return to the main form.


Delete a Leave Type Code from a Leave Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Leave Policy.

  2. Select a Policy Name from the drop-down list.

    You can also click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Lookup from the drop-down menu. Select the Policy Name from the Leave Policy pop-up form.

    The Leave Type Codes in this policy appear in the grid.

  3. Select the Leave Type Codes you want to delete. To select more than one record, press the CTRL key as you select them.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm.