Left Side of Data Entry Grid

Use the Data Entry Grid to enter all the charges, comments, and hours for your timesheet. If timesheet save or sign warnings exist, a Timesheet Warnings icon will appear in the top left portion of the Data Entry Grid. If you select the icon, a Timesheet Warnings dialog will appear displaying all save and or sign warnings that exist for the timesheet.

Use the left side of the timesheet data entry grid to enter the charge information.  As you scroll from the left to the right, all of the details pertaining to the charge are displayed in columns.  

First Column

Select the checkbox in the heading of the far-left column to select all timesheet rows if the Timesheet Warnings icon does not exist. To select an individual row, select the checkbox of the row you want to select, but be careful not to click the Comment icon, if there is one. The availability of the line functions depends on the timesheet row(s) being selected.

In order to select a row(s), you must not have any incomplete lines on the timesheet.

You can also use the first column to add or edit line comments.  Please review the "Line Comments" information later in this section for more details.

Timesheet Warnings

If timesheet warnings exist for the timesheet, an icon will appear in the column heading for the timesheet line number located in top left portion of the data entry grid. Select this icon to view your warning(s) or the warning(s) your employee received when he saved and/or signed his timesheet.

Save Warnings

This non-editable dialog box displays all save warnings that appeared during the saving of the timesheet. If multiple saves have occurred with warnings, the groupings will be preceded by "***".

The save warnings contain a history of the warnings received. Some of them may no longer apply.

Sign Warnings

This non-editable dialog box displays all sign warnings that appeared during the signing of the timesheet.

The signature warnings will be cleared once you perform a save.


Select the OK pushbutton to close the Timesheet Warnings dialog.

Line Column

The second column displays the timesheet line numbers. The number of rows displayed will not be less than the minimum defined by the System Administrator in the Min Timesheet Rows field of the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen.  

The number of rows displayed is dynamic, based on the available space in the application area.  If necessary, the screen will display scroll bars that you can use to view the timesheet lines.

The second column may also display line level approval icons if line level approval is enabled in the Time Configuration screen.  Please review the "Line Level Approval" information later in this section for more details.

Remaining Columns

The remaining columns will display as determined in your configuration settings. The Charge Description column always displays in the grid with the location and size determined by the System Administrator in the Order and Size fields in the Charge Description Defaults group box on the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen.

The user-defined table field IDs, and their order and sizes, are also determined by the System Administrator in the settings in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. The number of fields displayed is dynamic, based on the available space in the application area.  If necessary, the screen will display scroll bars that you can use to view the timesheet charge information.

If Time & Expense with ESS is set up to provide charge lookup directly from a Costpoint database, you can initiate the lookup from the Charge Description column as well as from UDT02 or UDT01.

Line Comments

To add or edit an existing line comment, select the line comment icon in the first column of the table grid for the line.  The Line Comments dialog will appear.

The line number of the comment will also appear in the dialog heading. Enter the information you want to add or edit in the body of the line comment dialog and then select OK to save the comment.  The line comment field can accommodate 4,000 characters.

If you have saved a timesheet line without a line comment and you wish to add one, select an hours cell for that line and the Line Comment icon will display in the far left column.  Select the Line Comment icon to add the line comment.


Select the OK pushbutton to save the text you have entered for the line comment.  


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the line comment dialog without adding or changing the line comment.

Line Level Approval

If Line Level Approval is enabled in your system, three icons may appear to the left of the line number in the second column of the timesheet. Depending on the line status, an Approved, Pending Approval, or Rejected icon may appear.  

You can use these icons to call up informational dialogs or, if you have the appropriate rights within your functional role, to approve or reject a timesheet line.

Approval Info Dialog

Use this dialog to view the approval information for the selected timesheet line.


This non-editable field displays the value "Approved."


This non-editable field displays the date and time the line was approved.

Approved By

This non-editable field displays the name of the employee that approved the line.  If your system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Pending Approval Info

Use this dialog to view the functional roles and supervisors who have rights to approve or reject the selected pending approval timesheet line.


This non-editable field displays the value "Pending Approval."

Charge Supervisors

This non-editable table displays the functional roles and employee names of those employees that have rights over the primary charge on the selected timesheet line.


This non-editable column displays the functional roles of the employees that have rights over the primary charge on the selected timesheet line. The functional roles are listed in alphabetical order.  


This non-editable column displays the names of the employees that have rights over the primary charge on the selected timesheet line.  If your system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Rejection Info Dialog

Use this dialog to view the rejection information for the selected timesheet line.


This non-editable field displays the value "Rejected."


This non-editable field displays the date and time the timesheet line was rejected.

Rejected By

This non-editable field displays the name of the employee who rejected the timesheet line. If your system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.

Reason for Rejection

This non-editable group box displays the reason the timesheet line was rejected.  


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Line Approval Info Dialog for "Approved" Status

Use this dialog to view the approval information for the selected timesheet line and to approve or reject the timesheet line.


This non-editable field displays the value "Approved."


This non-editable field displays the date and time that the timesheet line was approved.

Approved By

This non-editable field displays the name of the employee who approved the timesheet line. If your system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.

Reason for Rejection

If you are going to reject the timesheet line, enter up to 254 characters for the rejection reason. You cannot reject the line unless you supply a rejection reason.


Select the Approve pushbutton to approve the timesheet line. Even though the timesheet line is already approved, there may be cases where an additional approval is required.

The database will be updated to reflect the approved line. The dialog will close and the Line Level Approval icon will be updated accordingly.  

If your system is configured to require line level approval, the timesheet was previously approved, and there are no remaining pending approval or rejected lines on the timesheet, the timesheet status will be updated to "Approved."


Select the Reject pushbutton to reject the timesheet line. If you have not supplied a Reason for Rejection, the system will display the following error message: "A reason for rejection is required."

If you supplied the rejection reason, the database will be updated to reflect the rejected line.  The dialog will close and the Line Level Approval icon will be updated accordingly.

If your system is configured to require line level approval and the timesheet status is currently either "Open," "Signed," or "Approved," the timesheet status will be updated to "Rejected."

If you reject a timesheet line, the Workflow function will take the appropriate action, depending on your system configuration.  


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Line Approval Info Dialog for "Pending Approval" Status

Use this dialog to approve or reject the selected pending approval timesheet line.


This non-editable field will display the value "Pending Approval."

Reason for Rejection

If you are going to reject the timesheet line, enter up to 254 characters for the rejection reason. You cannot reject the line unless you supply a rejection reason.


Select the Approve pushbutton to approve the timesheet line. The database will be updated to reflect the approved line. The dialog will close and the Line Level Approval icon will be updated accordingly.  

If your system is configured to require line level approval, the timesheet was previously approved, and there are no remaining pending approval or rejected lines on the timesheet, the timesheet status will be updated to "Approved."


Select the Reject pushbutton to reject the timesheet line. If you did not supply a Reason for Rejection, the system will display the following error message: "A reason for rejection is required."

If you supplied the rejection reason, the database will be updated to reflect the rejected line.  The dialog will close and the Line Level Approval icon will be updated accordingly.

If your system is configured to require line level approval and the timesheet status is currently either "Open," "Signed," or "Approved," the timesheet status will be updated to "Rejected."

If you reject a timesheet line, the Workflow function will take the appropriate action, depending on your system configuration.


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Line Approval Info Dialog for "Rejected" Status

Use this dialog to view the rejection information for the selected timesheet line and to approve or reject the timesheet line.


This non-editable field displays the value "Rejected."


This non-editable field displays the date and time the timesheet line was rejected.

Rejected By

This non-editable field displays the name of the employee who rejected the timesheet line. If your system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.

Reason for Rejection

This editable field displays the current reason for rejection. If you are rejecting the timesheet line again, you can leave the rejection reason as is or update it. You cannot reject the line unless you supply a rejection reason. You can use up to 254 characters.


Select the Approve pushbutton to approve the timesheet line. The Reason for Rejection field will clear and the database will be updated to reflect the approved line. The dialog will close and the Line Level Approval icon will be updated accordingly.  

If your system is configured to require line level approval, the timesheet was previously approved, and there are no remaining pending approval or rejected lines on the timesheet, the timesheet status will be updated to "Approved."


Select the Reject pushbutton to reject the timesheet line. Even though the timesheet line is already rejected, there may be cases where an additional rejection is necessary.  

If you have not supplied a Reason for Rejection, the system will display the following error message: "A reason for rejection is required."

If you supplied the rejection reason, the database will be updated to reflect the rejected line and the dialog will close.

If you reject a timesheet line, the Workflow function will take the appropriate action, depending on your system configuration.  


Select the close pushbutton to close the dialog.

Adding Charges to the Timesheet

There are a number of ways to add a charge to your timesheet.  If you selected the Load Favorites check box in the Preferences screen and have charges in your Favorites list with the Load check box selected, the selected favorites charges will automatically load when you open a new timesheet. (If your timesheet class is set up to do so, Time & Expense with ESS also enters any holiday and scheduled leave hours for the timesheet period based on your work schedule when loading your favorites.)

You can enter a charge manually by entering the information directly into the charge field or you can place the cursor within the charge field and use the Lookup icon to initiate one of these types of lookups.

If you enter a timesheet row for a UDT01 or UDT02 code that doesn't exist and if you have the necessary rights, Time & Expense with ESS asks you if you want to create an interim charge for that code. If you do, the Create Interim Charge dialog box opens so you can enter information about the charge. For more on interim charges, see Interim Charges.