Simple Lookup

Use the Lookup icon in any of the user-defined table columns that are not defined as the primary charge field to display the Simple Lookup dialog box.  The dialog box title will reflect the user-defined table field from which the lookup is initiated.


When the dialog first appears, all records found are displayed. The number of rows that displays is determined by the System Administrator in the Max Lookup Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If more records are found than can be displayed, a More pushbutton will appear at the bottom of the screen. Use the filter feature to narrow down the number of user-defined table fields for selection.

Filter/Sort by

To filter or sort the Simple Lookup results, select the field you wish to filter by in this drop-down box or use the default value.  The available options are "ID" and "Name."  The default value is "ID."

The UDTs will be filtered by UDT ID if your system is not configured to use abbreviations. The UDTs will be filtered by UDT abbreviation if you are configured to use abbreviations (this is determined by the checkboxes in the Entry By Abbreviation group box in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen).

Filter Text

To further filter the Simple Lookup results, enter the filtering text in this editable field.

You can enter part of the text for the record you are looking for. If you enter part of the text, the filter function will attempt to find all records that begin with the entered value.  Please note the field is optional. If you enter no value, the field will not be involved in the filter criteria.

You can also enter a "%" at the beginning of the filter text.  In this case, the filter function will attempt to find all records that contain the entered value.


Click Execute to display your filtered user-defined tables list.  For example, if you would like to see the results table listed alphabetically by name, select "Name" in the Filter/Sort by field and select Execute to re-display the results table in name order.


Two columns will display in the Simple Lookup dialog box results table. The first column, ID, will contain the user-defined table ID fields if not using abbreviations, and the second column, Name, will contain the user-defined table name fields.  The abbreviation ID will display if your system is so configured.

The ordering of the data in the results table is determined by your selection in the Filter/Sort by field. If you selected "Name," the columns will still display as ID and Name; however, the data will be sorted alphabetically by name.

Select the user-defined table ID that you wish to add to the timesheet by selecting the button to the left of the row, and then select the OK pushbutton to add it to the timesheet.

If your company is configured for Costpoint Multicompanies, only those UDT IDs assigned to your company will appear for the following UDTs: UDT02, UDT04, UDT05, UDT06, UDT07, and UDT09.


Click More to display the next set of user-defined table fields. If you have selected an ID before clicking More, the system will display the following confirmation message: "Current selection of records will be lost. Do you want to continue?"  

If you click Yes, the next set of user-defined table fields will display and the current selection will be cleared.  If you select No, the current user-defined table field selection will remain.

The More button will display only if there are more user-defined table fields found in the lookup than are allowed to display, as determined by the System Administrator in the Max Lookup Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen.


Click OK to add the selected user-defined table field to the timesheet. You can select only one row at a time.

The OK button is disabled until you select a row.


Click Cancel to close the Simple Lookup dialog box without selecting a user-defined table field.