Charge Lookup Using Direct Costpoint Access

This topic only applies if your system is set up to provide charge lookup directly from the Costpoint database.

If your system is instead set up to use Time & Expense with ESS charge trees for charge lookup, see Timesheet Charge Lookup Using Charge Trees.

Overview: Charge Lookup for Timesheets

To look up the charge information for a timesheet row when your system is set up to prove charge lookup directly from Costpoint, click the Lookup icon in the primary charge field or in the charge description field. Depending on how your system is set up, the primary charge field can be either UDT01 or UDT02.

When you click the Lookup icon, the Charge Lookup dialog box opens. In that dialog box, you drill down through the lookup levels until you reach the correct primary charge code, or you can set up a filter to generate a list of charges.

Once you have selected a primary charge code for the timesheet row, you then click the Lookup icon in the other charge fields for the row. In those cases, you look up the specific codes using the Simple Lookup dialog box. If you need help doing simple lookups, see Timesheet Simple Lookups.

When you add a Costpoint charge to a timesheet, the system also checks to see if a corresponding UDT code exists in Time & Expense with ESS. If it does not, it is added automatically.

If UDT01 is your primary charge, only those UDT01s that have Time or Both selected in Type in the UDT01 Types screen are available for selection in the Charge Lookup dialog box when you open it from a timesheet.

Overview: Charge Lookup for Expense Reports and Expense Authorizations

To look up the charge information for an expense report or expense authorization charge allocation when your system is set up to prove charge lookup directly from Costpoint, select either UDT01 or UDT02 in Charge Type and then click the Lookup icon in the Charge column.

When you click the Lookup icon, the Charge Lookup dialog box opens. In that dialog box, you drill down through the lookup levels until you reach the correct charge code, or you can set up a filter to generate a list of charges.

When you add a Costpoint charge to an expense report or expense authorization, the system also checks to see if a corresponding UDT code exists in Time & Expense with ESS. If it does not, it is added automatically.

If you do a lookup on UDT01, only those UDT01s that have Expense or Both selected in Type in the UDT01 Types screen are available for selection in the Charge Lookup dialog box when you open it from an expense report or expense authorization.

Using the Charge Lookup Dialog Box

The Charge Lookup dialog box contains one or more of these tabs:

Which of these tabs is available to you depends on settings for the timesheet class or for the expense class of the employee for whom you are entering the timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization. It also depends on which type of data you initiate the lookup for:

Each tab contains a table that displays either the results of your filter, if you applied one, or the results of your last drill-down action.

If you want to change the order of rows in a lookup table, click on the heading of the column by which you want to sort the table. For example, if the rows are in order by ID and you want to sort them by description, click on the heading for the Description column.

Charge Navigation

On the Projects, Accounts, and MOs tabs, you can look up charges by drilling down through a hierarchy of levels. As you drill down, Time & Expense with ESS displays your current level and the levels above it in the Charge Navigation group box. This provides two benefits:

If you generate a list of charges using a filter, Charge Navigation displays the top drill-down level and a Filter Results link below it. If you want to clear the filter results and return the table to drill-down mode, click the top drill-down level.

Favorites Tab

Use the Favorites tab to select a charge from among the favorites that you have set up or that have been assigned to you through your employee group. When you initiate a lookup for UDT01, any favorites that include a UDT01 but no UDT02 appear in the table on this tab. When you initiate a lookup for UDT02, any favorites that include a UDT02 appear.

To select one of your favorites for the timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box in the first column for that row. When you have done this for all of the favorites you want to select, click the Add to Timesheet button, Add to Expense Report button, or Add to Expense Authorization button.

To add a new favorite, you can do any of the following:

Filter By

To filter your list of favorites, select the type of information you want to filter by in Filter By.

You can filter by UDT02, UDT01, or charge description.


If you want to filter your list of favorites, select the type of information you want to filter by in Filter By, enter all or part of the ID or description you want to locate in Value, and click Apply. The list of favorites is then restricted to only those that fit the filter criteria.

If you enter a partial ID or description, you can do either of the following:

Time & Expense with ESS may be set up to require a minimum number of characters in filter values. If you do not enter enough characters, a message prompts you to enter more. The minimum number may vary depending on your selection in Filter By.


Click Apply to display the list of favorites that meet your filter criteria.


If your list of favorites includes some that you do not use, and you do not want to delete them or you cannot delete them because they are assigned to you through your employee group, you can still remove them from the displayed list. To do that, select Hide for each of them and then click Update.

This only hides the favorite. It does not remove it. To return the favorite to the displayed list, select the Show Hidden check box below the table, clear the Hide check box for that favorite, and click Update.

If your favorites table contains a Work Pct column and you hide a favorite for which you have entered a percentage, that percentage is set to 0.


If you want certain favorites to be added automatically to each new timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization you create, select the Load check box for each of them and click Update.

If you no longer want a favorite to appear automatically in new timesheets, expense reports, or expense authorizations, clear Load and click Update.

Work Pct

If you are using the option to generate timesheets with default hours for some employees, the system uses the percentage in Work % to determine the hours assigned to the charge codes.  If your timesheet class is not set up to generate timesheets with default hours, the table does not contain a Work % column.

The Work % column only applies to timesheets. It does not appear if you are looking up charges for an expense sheet or expense authorization. It only appears for timesheets if employee's timesheet class is configured to generate timesheets (that is, if the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box is checked in the Timesheet Classes screen).

If you are assigned to a timesheet class for which Generate Exception-Based Timesheets is checked in the Timesheet Classes screen, you must supply a work percentage in Work % for each favorite, and the percentages for all favorites must total 100 percent. Enter the percentages as whole numbers, 0 to 100. Click Update to save your entries.

If your favorites table contains a Work Pct column and you hide a favorite for which you have entered a percentage, that percentage is set to 0.

If do not check one Holiday and one Vacation check box or the total for Work Pct does not equal 100 percent, the system displays the following warning when you click Update: "If you plan to have the system generate exception-based timesheets for you, you will need to distribute 100% of your work percentage and indicate your vacation and holiday charges in this dialog."


Select the Leave check box if the charge is for scheduled leave time. Click Update to save the selection.

If your timesheet class is set up to automatically enter holiday and scheduled leave hours when loading favorites, you must have one and only one favorite designated as a leave charge. If your timesheet class is not set up to enter holiday and leave automatically when loading favorites, the table does not contain a Leave column.

The Leave column only applies to timesheets. It does not appear if you are looking up charges for an expense sheet or expense authorization.


Select the Holiday check box if the favorite is for holiday time. Click Update to save the selection.

If your timesheet class is set up to automatically enter holiday and scheduled leave hours when loading favorites, you must have one and only one favorite designated as a holiday charge. If your timesheet class is not set up to enter holiday and leave automatically when loading favorites, the table does not contain a Holiday column.

The Holiday column only applies to timesheets. It does not appear if you are looking up charges for an expense sheet or expense authorization.

Charge Description

Charge Description displays the description assigned to the favorite.  

Remaining table fields

The remaining columns in the favorites table show the other UDT codes making up the charge.

If your system is configured for Costpoint multicompanies and you are using UDT06s and UDT07s, additional columns show Costpoint company information.

Show Hidden

If you have hidden some of your favorites using the Hide check box, you can select Show Hidden if you want to see them again.

If hidden favorites are visible, clearing Show Hidden hides them again.

Next and Previous

If the total number of rows in the database exceeds the maximum number of rows that can be displayed in lookup dialog boxes (as specified in the General Configuration screen), the Next button is enabled. Click that button to display the next set of rows.

Use the Previous button to return to previously displayed sets of rows.


Click the Update button after making changes to Hide, Load, Work %, Holiday, or Leave to save those changes.   

If you have selected the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box in the Timesheet Classes screen for the employee's timesheet class, and the Work % column does not equal 100% or you have not selected a holiday and vacation charge (or have selected more than one holiday and/or vacation charge), the system displays the following warning: "If you plan to have the system generate exception-based timesheets for you, you will need to distribute 100% of your work percentage and indicate your vacation and holiday charges in this dialog."

If the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box is not selected, you still need to specify your vacation and holiday charges. If you do not, or specify more than one, the system displays the  following warning: "To ensure that holidays and vacations are properly edited and defaulted, please indicate which charge is your holiday charge and which is your vacation charge."

The Update button is only enabled if you have made a change.

Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, Add to Expense Authorization

To select favorites for the current timesheet, select the check box next to each one in the table and then click Add to Timesheet. The Charge Lookup dialog will close.  

To select a favorite for the current expense report or expense authorization, select the check box for that favorite in the table and then click Add to Expense Report or Add to Expense Authorization.  

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized for the employee in Costpoint, the system displays a warning message, and that charge is not added. If you selected more than one favorite, authorized charges are added but unauthorized charges are not.

The Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization button is disabled until you select at least one row. (You can select multiple rows for a timesheet.)

Delete from Favorites

To remove one or more rows from your favorites, select the check box for each of the rows and click Delete from Favorites.

Delete from Favorites is disabled until you select at least one row.

If you try to remove a favorite that you inherited from an employee group, you cannot delete it. In that case, Time & Expense with ESS displays a message to explain the situation and then checks the Hide check box for the favorite. If you then click Update, that favorite is hidden from view but is still assigned to you.


Click Close to close the Charge Lookup dialog box.

If a change in Costpoint results in the UDT02 or UDT01 in a favorite no longer being authorized for the employee, Time & Expense with ESS automatically deletes that favorite or, if the favorite is assigned to the employee through his or her employee group, it hides it. In either case, that favorite can no longer be selected for a timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization for that employee.

Projects Tab

If you are looking up UDT02 charges, you can use the Projects tab to look up charges by UDT02. You can do either of the following:

When you locate the charge you want, select the check box in the first column for that row and click the Add to Timesheet button, Add to Expense Report button, or Add to Expense Authorization button.

Filter By

To display a list of charges based on UDT02 ID or UDT02 description, select ID or Description in Filter By.


If you want to display a list of charges based on UDT02 ID or description, select the type of information you want to filter by in Filter By, enter all or part of the ID or description for which you want to locate charges in Value, and click Apply. The list of charges that fit the filter criteria appear in the table.

If you enter a partial ID or description, you can do either of the following:

Time & Expense with ESS may be set up to require a minimum number of characters in filter values. If you do not enter enough characters, a message prompts you to enter more. The minimum number may vary depending on your selection in Filter By.


If you want to display a list of charges based on UDT02 ID or description, make a selection in Filter By, enter the search text in Value, and click Apply.

Table rows

If you enter filter parameters and click Apply, the table displays a row for each of the available charges for the UDT02s selected by your filter. To add one or more of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

If you do not use a filter, the table contains a row for each sublevel or charge available at the current drill-down level. (The current drill-down level is displayed above the table.) A drill-down level has a plus sign (+) in the first table column, and a charge has a check box. To drill down to a lower level, click the plus sign for that row.  To add one of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the charge row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

You can select multiple rows if you are adding charges to a timesheet.

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, use a filter or drill down to display the charges, select the check box for each charge row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.

Next and Previous

If the total number of rows in the database exceeds the maximum number of rows that can be displayed in lookup dialog boxes (as specified in the General Configuration screen), the Next button is enabled. Click that button to display the next set of rows.

Use the Previous button to return to previously displayed sets of rows.

Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, Add to Expense Authorization

To add one or more of the charges displayed in the table to your timesheet, select the check box for each row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet.

To add a charge displayed in the table to your expense report or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization. (For expense reports and expense authorizations, you can only add one charge at a time.)

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized for the employee in Costpoint, the system displays a warning message, and that charge is not added. If you selected more than one charge, authorized charges are added but unauthorized charges are not.

To select favorites for the current timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box next to each one in the table and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization. The Charge Lookup dialog will close.  

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized, the system displays the following warning message:  Warning, you are unauthorized for one or more charges selected."  

The Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization button is disabled until you select at least one row.

Add to Favorites

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, use a filter or drill down to display the charges, select the check box for each row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.


Click Close to close the Charge Lookup dialog box.

MOs Tab

If you are looking up UDT02 charges, you can use the MOs tab to look up charges by manufacturing order (MO). You can do either of the following:

When you locate the charge you want, select the check box in the first column for that row and click the Add to Timesheet button, Add to Expense Report button, or Add to Expense Authorization button.

Filter By

To display a list of charges based on MO ID or MO description, select ID or Description in Filter By.


If you want to display a list of charges based on MO ID or description, select the type of information you want to filter by in Filter By, enter all or part of the ID or description for which you want to locate charges in Value, and click Apply. The list of charges that fits the filter criteria appears in the table.

If you enter a partial ID or description, you can do either of the following:

Time & Expense with ESS may be set up to require a minimum number of characters in filter values. If you do not enter enough characters, a message prompts you to enter more. The minimum number may vary depending on your selection in Filter By.


To display a list of charges based on MO ID or description, make a selection in Filter By, enter the search text in Value, and click Apply.

Table rows

If you enter filter parameters and click Apply, the table displays a row for each of the available charges for the MOs selected by your filter. To add one of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

If you do not use a filter, the table contains a row for each sublevel or charge available at the current drill-down level. (The current drill-down level is displayed above the grid.) A drill-down level has a plus sign (+) in the first table column, and a charge has a check box. To drill down to a lower level, click the plus sign for that row.  To add one of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the charge row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

You can select multiple rows if you are adding charges to a timesheet.

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, use a filter or drill down to display the charges, select the check box for each charge row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.

Next and Previous

If the total number of rows in the database exceeds the maximum number of rows that can be displayed in lookup dialog boxes (as specified in the General Configuration screen), the Next button is enabled. Click that button to display the next set of rows.

Use the Previous button to return to previously displayed sets of rows.

Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, Add to Expense Authorization

To add one or more of the charges displayed in the table to your timesheet, select the check box for each row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet.

To add a charge displayed in the table to your expense report or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization. (For expense reports and expense authorizations, you can only add one charge at a time.)

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized for the employee in Costpoint, the system displays a warning message, and that charge is not added. If you selected more than one charge, authorized charges are added but unauthorized charges are not.

To select favorites for the current timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box next to each one in the table and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization. The Charge Lookup dialog will close.  

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized, the system displays the following warning message: "Warning, you are unauthorized for one or more charges selected."  

The Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization button is disabled until you select at least one row.

Add to Favorites

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, use a filter or drill down to display the charges, select the check box for each row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.


Click Close to close the Charge Lookup dialog box.

Accounts Tab

If you are looking up UDT01 charges, you can use the Accounts tab to look up charges for UDT01s that do not require UDT02s.  You can do either of the following:

When you locate the charge you want, select the check box in the first column for that row and click the Add to Timesheet button, Add to Expense Report button, or Add to Expense Authorization button.

Filter By

To display a list of charges based on UDT01 or UDT01 description, select ID or Description in Filter By.


If you want to display a list of charges based on UDT01 ID or UDT01 description, select the type of information you want to filter by in Filter By, enter all or part of the code or description for which you want to locate charges in Value, and click Apply. The list of charges that fit the filter criteria appears in the table.

If you enter a partial ID or description, you can do either of the following:

Time & Expense with ESS may be set up to require a minimum number of characters in filter values. If you do not enter enough characters, a message prompts you to enter more. The minimum number may vary depending on your selection in Filter By.


If you want to display a list of charges based on UDT01 code or description, make a selection in Filter By, enter the search text in Value, and click Apply.

Table rows

If you enter filter parameters and click Apply, the table displays a row for each of the available charges for the UDT01s selected by your filter. To add one of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

If you do not use a filter, the table contains a row for each sublevel or charge available at the current drill-down level. (The current drill-down level is displayed above the table.) A drill-down level has a plus sign (+) in the first table column, and a charge has a check box. To drill down to a level, click the plus sign for that row.  To add one of the charges to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for the charge row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

You can select multiple rows if you are adding charges to a timesheet.

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, use a filter or drill down to display the charges, select the check box for each charge row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.

Next and Previous

If the total number of rows in the database exceeds the maximum number of rows that can be displayed in lookup dialog boxes (as specified in the General Configuration screen), the Next button is enabled. Click that button to display the next set of rows.

Use the Previous button to return to previously displayed sets of rows.

Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, Add to Expense Authorization

To add one or more of the charges displayed in the table to your timesheet, select the check box for each row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet.

To add a charge displayed in the table to your expense report or expense authorization, select the check box for the row you want to add and then click Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization. (For expense reports and expense authorizations, you can only add one charge at a time.)

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized for the employee in Costpoint, the system displays a warning message, and that charge is not added. If you selected more than one charge, authorized charges are added but unauthorized charges are not.

To add one or more of the charges displayed in the grid to your timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization, select the check box for each row you want to add and then click Add to Timesheet, Add to Expense Report, or Add to Expense Authorization.

Add to Favorites

To add one or more of the charges to your favorites, display the charges, select the check box for each row you want to add, and then click Add to Favorites.


Click Close to close the Charge Lookup dialog box.