Timesheet Charge Lookup Using Charge Trees

This topic only applies if your system is set up to provide charge lookup from Time & Expense with ESS charge trees.

If your system is instead set up to provide charge lookup directly from the Costpoint database, see Charge Lookup Using Direct Costpoint Access.

Use the Lookup icon in the primary charge field to look up primary charges.  The primary charge can be either UDT01 or UDT02, as determined by your configuration settings.  

If you are not linking UDT02 and UDT01, UDT01 will be the primary charge field. In this case, selecting Lookup while in the UDT01 field will display the Charge Lookup dialog. If you select Lookup while in the UDT02 field after selecting a valid UDT01, the Simple Lookup dialog will display.

If you are linking UDT02 and UDT01, you can access the Charge Lookup from both fields until you select a charge in one of the fields. For example, if you select a charge in the UDT01 field, when you select Lookup in the UDT02 field, the Simple Lookup dialog will display. Conversely, if you select a charge in the UDT02 field, when you select Lookup in the UDT01 field, the Simple Lookup dialog will display.

If UDT01 is your primary charge, only those UDT01s that have "Time" or "Both" selected as the Type in the UDT01 Types screen will display in the Charge Lookup.


Filter By

To filter the Charge Lookup results, select the field by which you wish to filter in this drop-down box, or use the default value.  If you initiated the charge lookup in the UDT01 field, the available options will be UDT01 and Description, with UDT01 displaying as the default.

If you initiated the charge lookup in the UDT02 field, the available options will be UDT02 and Description with UDT02 displaying as the default.

The charges will be filtered by UDT ID if your system is not configured to use abbreviations. The charges will be filtered by UDT abbreviation if you are configured to use abbreviations based on the check boxes in the Entry By Abbreviation group box in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.

Filter Text

To further filter the charge lookup results, enter the filtering text in this editable field.

You can enter part of the text for the charge for which you are looking. If you enter part of the text, the filter function will attempt to find all charges that begin with the entered value.  Please note the field is optional. If you enter no value, the field will not be involved in the filter criteria.

You can also enter a "%" at the beginning of the filter text.  In this case, the filter function will attempt to find all charges that contain the entered value.


Click Execute to display your filtered charges list.  

You do not have to click Execute in order to drill down and select charges.

Sort By

Indicate the order in which you want to view the results. The default value for Sort By is Description.  If you want to sort the charges in code order, select Code from the drop-down box. The system will remember the last sort order you used.

Table Window

When the Charge Lookup dialog first displays, it will list all charge trees that are set up in the system, in accordance with employee group restrictions. The first row will always be the Favorites line.  Please review the "Charge Trees" section of the Deltek Time Collection Getting Started guide for more information on charge trees and how you can use them.

Use the Filter fields and Execute button discussed earlier if you want to filter the Charge Lookup entries.  

The number of charges that can display per screen is set by the System Administrator in Max Lookup Rows in Configuration » General Options. If the number of available charges exceeds the maximum number of rows per screen, the Next button enables at the bottom of the screen. Click Next to advance through the list of charges. To return to charges displayed previously, click Previous.

A graphical charge tree representation will display at the top of the screen as you drill down into a tree and its branches. Each level above the current level will display as a hyperlink. Select any of these links to display the information at that level.

Click the button to the left of the row where the "+" is displayed to drill down further into a tree to locate your charge. For more information about the Favorites row, review the information in the "Favorites" section.

At the tree level, the drill-down table will display the Charge Tree Description and Charge Tree Code; the table will be sorted by either column depending on your selection in the Sort By drop-down box.

At the branch level, the drill-down table will display the Charge/Branch Description, the Charge Branch Code, and the user-defined table fields set up by the System Administrator in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. The order of display for the user-defined table fields is also determined by the System Administrator in the Order field of the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If your system is configured for Costpoint multicompanies, depending on the Costpoint Multicompany checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the table may also include UDT06 Company and UDT07 Company fields.

At the charge level, the drill-down table will display either the UDT01 name or UDT02 name as the Charge/Branch Description, depending on the primary charge. The Charge Branch Code column will display. The user-defined table fields set up in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen by the System Administrator will also display.  The order of display for the user-defined table fields is determined by the System Administrator in the Order field of the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If your system is configured for Costpoint multicompanies, depending on the Costpoint Multicompany checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the table may also include UDT06 Company and UDT07 Company fields.

An additional Abbreviation column will display before the user-defined columns if the Display Abbreviation in Charge Lookup checkbox is selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. This column will display the abbreviation value for the primary charge.

To locate a charge, keep clicking the button to the left of the row where the "+" is displayed until you have drilled down through the branch levels to the charge level. At the charge level (there will not be a "+" on the button), click the button to the left of the row, then click Add to Timesheet to add the selected row to your timesheet.

Branch and charge level rows can appear on the same screen.

If your system is configured to use abbreviations, they will appear instead of the IDs in the appropriate columns. See the Entry By Abbreviation group box in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen to see the abbreviations being used.

Add to Timesheet

Once you have selected the charge that you want on your timesheet, select the Add to Timesheet pushbutton. The Charge Lookup dialog will close and the charge information will be added to the timesheet.

The Add to Timesheet pushbutton will be disabled until you have selected a charge.


If you decide not to add a charge to your timesheet, select the Close pushbutton to close the Charge Lookup dialog.


Click Previous to return to the previous screen of charges. The Previous button appears shaded if you are already viewing the beginning of the list, or if the list of charges does not exceed the maximum per screen (as determined by your system administrator in Configuration » General Options).


Click Next to advance to the next screen of charges. The Next button appears shaded if you have reached the end of the list, or if the list of charges does not exceed the maximum per screen (as determined by your system administrator in Configuration » General Options).


If you wish to add a charge that was previously saved to your favorites list from a timesheet line, select the button to the left of the Favorites row from the Charge Lookup dialog where the "+" is displayed.

Drill-Down Table

A graphical charge tree representation will display at the top of the screen with a hyperlink that will return you to the Charge Lookup dialog displaying all charge trees. Select this hyperlink if you wish to return to the charge tree dialog.



If the timesheet had line comments when it was saved to your favorites, an icon will appear for the line in the first column. (Line Comments cannot be disabled in the Time Configurations screen.) If you select the Line Comment icon, a dialog will display in which you can change the comment before loading the charge to your timesheet.


Select this checkbox for each row that you want to be automatically loaded on a new timesheet and select the Update pushbutton.  If you no longer want a charge to appear automatically, uncheck this checkbox and select the Update pushbutton to update the system.

Work Pct

If you are using the option to generate timesheets with default hours for some employees, the system uses the work percentage to determine the hours assigned to the charge codes.

If you are assigned to a timesheet class for which Generate Exception-Based Timesheets is checked in the Timesheet Classes screen, you must supply a work percentage for each favorite, and the percentages for all favorites must total 100 percent. Enter the percentages as whole numbers, 0 to 100.  

If do not check at least one Holiday and one Vacation check box or the total for Work Pct does not equal 100 percent, the system displays the following warning: "If you plan to have the system generate exception-based timesheets for you, you will need to distribute 100% of your work percentage and indicate your vacation and holiday charges in this dialog."

This column only appears if your timesheet class is configured to generate timesheets (that is, if the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box is selected in the Timesheet Classes screen).


Select the Holiday check box if the favorite is for holiday time. Click Update to save the selection.

If your timesheet class is set up to automatically enter holiday and scheduled leave hours when loading favorites, you must have one and only one favorite designated as a holiday charge. If your timesheet class is not set up to enter holiday and leave automatically when loading favorites, the grid does not contain a Holiday column.


Select the Leave check box if the favorite is for scheduled leave time. Click Update to save the selection.

If your timesheet class is set up to automatically enter holiday and scheduled leave hours when loading favorites, you must have one and only one favorite designated as a leave charge. If your timesheet class is not set up to enter holiday and leave automatically when loading favorites, the grid does not contain a Leave column.

Charge Description

This column displays the charge description: either the UDT01 name or UDT02 name, depending on the primary charge.  

Remaining Fields

The remaining columns in the favorites grid show the other UDT codes making up the charge.

If your system is configured for Costpoint multicompanies and you are using UDT06s and UDT07s, additional columns show Costpoint company information.

If your system is configured to use abbreviations, they will appear instead of the IDs in the appropriate columns. (The abbreviations are configured in the Entry By Abbreviation group box on the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.)


Click the Update button after making changes to Hide, Load, Work %, Holiday, or Leave.

If you have selected the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box in the Timesheet Classes screen for the employee's timesheet class, and the Work % column does not equaling 100% or you have not selected a holiday and vacation charge (or have selected more than one holiday and/or vacation charge), the system displays the following warning: "If you plan to have the system generate exception-based timesheets for you, you will need to distribute 100% of your work percentage and indicate your vacation and holiday charges in this dialog."

If the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets check box is not selected, you still need to specify your vacation and holiday charges. If you do not, or specify more than one, the system displays the  following warning: "To ensure that holidays and vacations are properly edited and defaulted, please indicate which charge is your holiday charge and which is your vacation charge."

This button is only enabled if you have made a change.

Add to Timesheet

To select favorites for the current timesheet, select the check box next to each one in the grid and then click Add to Timesheet. The Charge Lookup dialog will close.  

If you select a charge that is no longer authorized for the timesheet, the system will display the following warning message: "Warning, you are unauthorized for one or more charges selected."  

Add to Timesheet is disabled until you select at least one row.

Delete from Favorites

To remove one or more rows from your favorites, select the check box for each of the rows and click Delete from Favorites.

 Delete from Favorites is disabled until you select at least one row.


Click Close to close the Charge Lookup dialog box.