Ambiguous Charge Lookup

The Ambiguous Charge Lookup is a dialog that will be presented within the timesheet application when you manually enter a primary charge on a timesheet line and multiple occurrences are found for the charge in the system. When this happens, the dialog will display.

Charge Detail Table

The first column in the table will display the charge descriptions. The size of this column is determined by the System Administrator in the Size field in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen. Either the UDT01 name or UDT02 name, depending on which is the primary charge on the timesheet. For example, if you manually entered the UDT01 ID on the timesheet line and multiple occurrences are found, the UDT01 name will display.

If UDT01 is your primary charge, only those UDT01s with a Type of "Time" or "Both" in the UDT01 Types screen will display.

The user-defined table fields that are set up in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen by the System Administrator will display next in the dialog. The order of display for the user-defined table fields is determined by the System Administrator in the Order field of the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen.

If your system is configured to use abbreviations they will display instead of the user-defined table IDs.

The number of charges that can display depends on the number the System Administrator enters in the Max Table Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If there are more charges to be displayed, a More pushbutton will appear on the bottom of the screen.

Choose the charge that you wish to use on the timesheet by selecting the button to the left of the charge.


Select the More pushbutton to display the next set of charges.  If you have selected a charge before selecting the More pushbutton, the system will display the following confirmation message: "Current selection of records will be lost. Do you want to continue?"

If you select Yes, the next set of charges will display and the current selection will be cleared.  If you select No, the current charge selected will remain.

The More pushbutton will display only if more charges are found in Lookup than are allowed to display, as determined by the System Administrator in the Max Table Rows field in the General Configuration tab in the General Configuration screen.


Select the OK pushbutton to close the Ambiguous Charge Lookup. The selected timesheet charge will be copied to the timesheet.

The OK pushbutton will be disabled until a row is selected.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to return to the timesheet screen without selecting a charge.