Contents of the Manufacturer Options Window

As a BPM administrator, use the contents of this window to view the available product properties, both MasterSpec and manufacturer, for your BPM's product listing.

General Contents

In this window, the following items are available:

Item Description
Window Name This displays the name of the window, which is Manufacturer Options.
X Click this button to close this window.
Product Name This displays the product's name. The product name is unique within a BPM company.
Family This displays the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Type This displays the product type for which the product is applicable.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Manufacturer Options Information This displays the following message regarding adding manufacturer options for your BPM's product listings:

"The tabs below identify additional Manufacturer Options available per product in this Product Type. Please get in touch with your customer support representative for information on how to add options or choose from the available options to make them visible on your product."

Info Icon Click this icon to view the legend for the available property options.

MasterSpec + Options Tab Click this tab to display the available MasterSpec properties for the product listing. This includes each property's options, which include both MasterSpec options and manufacturer options.
Manufacturer Options Tab Click this tab to display the available manufacturer properties for the product listing. This includes each property's options, which include only manufacturer options.
Cancel Click this button to close this window.

MasterSpec + Options Tab

On the MasterSpec + Options tab, the following items are available:

Item Description
MasterSpec Properties This lists the available MasterSpec properties for the product listing. These are baseline and default properties based on the product listing's MasterSpec product type.
Property Options For each MasterSpec property, this lists the available property options. The available options display as pills. The following types of options are available:
Type Description
MasterSpec Options These are standard or baseline options for the MasterSpec property and its given MasterSpec product type.
Manufacturer Options These are manufacturer options for the MasterSpec property. These are additional options that are specific to a BPM company and its product listings.

For each option, the following selection statuses are available:

Status Description
Selected This indicates that the option is selected for the product property. A selected MasterSpec option displays as a gray pill. A selected manufacturer option displays as a blue pill.
Cleared This indicates that the option is not selected and does not fit the product listing. A cleared option displays as a white pill.
In-line Text This text displays before and/or after the property options and provides context and description to the property. In-line text is optional.

Manufacturer Options Tab

On the Manufacturer Options tab, the following items are available:

Item Description
Manufacturer Properties This lists the available manufacturer properties for the product listing. These are additional properties that are specific to a BPM company and its product listings.
Property Options For each manufacturer property, this lists the available property options. The available options display as pills. The following option type is available:
Type Description
Manufacturer Options These are additional options that are specific to a BPM company and its product listings.

For each option, the following selection statuses are available:

Status Description
Selected This indicates that the option is selected for the product property. A selected option displays as a blue pill.
Cleared This indicates that the option is not selected and does not fit the product listing. A cleared option displays as a white pill.
In-line Text This text displays before and/or after the property options and provides context and description to the property. In-line text is optional.