Guest Users

In Specpoint, users can be guest users in other BPMs as well as A/E firms. This enables users to work under various firms at varying capacities such as consultants for specific projects.

A user who has access to multiple BPMs and/or A/E firms can switch from one firm to another through the provided options on the top menu.

Primary Access

Initially, a guest user must be either a registered user in their primary (or first) BPM or a registered user from the Deltek Specpoint team. For BPM users, a guest user initially gains access to Specpoint through the standard setup process for users in their primary BPM. A guest user only uses one set of login credentials, which are the credentials for the user's primary BPM or for Deltek, to access their registered BPMs.

The primary BPM maintains control of the user's access to Specpoint. If a user loses access to the primary BPM (for example, the BPM deactivates the user), the user loses guest access to other BPMs.

Guest Access

BPMs and A/E firms can add existing users from other BPMs or from Deltek as guest users. This process is similar to the standard process for user creation with the following differences:
  • BPM administrators or A/E administrators must enter a user email that the guest user already uses in the guest user's primary BPM or in Deltek.
    Note: BPMs cannot add users from A/E firms as guest users.
  • The guest user does not receive a user invite email.

See Add a User as a Guest.

A BPM or A/E firm can add, deactivate, and activate guests users at any time, similar to their regular users. In addition, the BPM or A/E firm can assign permissions, disciplines, and professional roles to a guest user that differ from the user's assigned attributes in the user's primary BPM. These modifications to a guest user's status, role, discipline, and permission apply to the guest user only for the given BPM or A/E firm.

Reseller Users

Users of reseller firms are automatically added as hidden guest users to their assigned BPM firms. They have similar access, which includes the access conditions, with a typical guest user but are not included in the user list of the associated BPM firm.