Create a User

Create a user account and enable a member of your BPM to access Specpoint and perform work based on the member's permission, discipline, and professional role.

Before you create a user, check the In Use count against the User Limit for your account.

If you have a seat count available for the new user, the new user will have a Status of Pending Invite and will receive a user invite email for user account activation.

Otherwise, the user will have a Status of Inactive and will not receive a user invite email. You can use this procedure to queue in additional users while waiting for an increase in your user limit or for an In Use count to free up.

To create a user:

  1. On the navigation menu, click Settings > Manage Users.
  2. On the User Management page, click + New User.
  3. On the User page, enter the First Name of the user.
  4. Enter the Last Name of the user.
  5. In the User Email field, enter the user's email address.
  6. In the Permissions field, select the user's permission or access level.
    For more information, see User Permissions.
  7. In the Discipline field, select the user's discipline or nature of work.
  8. In the Role field, select the user's role or position.
    For more information, see Disciplines and Professional Roles.
  9. To assign the user as the designated account administrator for your BPM and grant the user special privileges, select Account Admin.
    • Each company account has only one designated account administrator.
    • When you assign a user as the designated account administrator, the current designated account administrator loses the account admin privilege.
    • If your firm reached its User Limit, the current designated account administrator's Status will become Inactive.
  10. Click Save.
    If you have an In Use count available, Specpoint sends an email invite that the user must accept. Until the user accepts the invitation, the user's Status is Pending Invite. If a seat count is not available, the user will be Inactive.