Reseller Firms

Reseller firms access their assigned BPM firm accounts to contribute to creating, maintaining, and distributing the BPM firms' product listings through Specpoint.

Companies that resell products, such as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors, can join the platform as reseller firms. Deltek assigns these resellers to new and existing BPM firm accounts as part of provisioning.

A reseller firm can access all their assigned BPM firms in Specpoint to view an assigned non-reseller BPM firm’s data on the product listings that they distribute. Users in a reseller firm are hidden guest users in their assigned BPM firms. They have similar access, which includes the access conditions, to a typical guest user but are not included in the user list of the associated BPM firm.

For more information, contact your Deltek onboarder or Deltek sales representative.