Building Product Manufacturer (BPM)

In Specpoint, a building product manufacturer, also referred to as BPM or manufacturer, is an organization that creates and maintains product listings, mainly as product listing cards, to offer to A/E firms and public users.

As a BPM user, you can use the available features in Specpoint to review and maintain product listings for your firm. A product listing typically includes general information, building information, photos, videos, links, and partnerships. Your BPM's product listings, along with your BPM's company information, are available to public users as well as other BPM or A/E firm users within Specpoint.

For more information, see Product Listings and Product Listing Cards.

Additionally, you can include Specpoint or MasterSpec-associated parameters in your product listings. Examples of these parameters are families (also referred to as sections) for which the product is applicable or product type properties which describe the actual characteristics of the product. The inclusion of these parameters enable users in A/E firms to easily and seamlessly specify your BPM's product listing in their project specifications.