Product Listings

A product listing represents a product that a BPM offers within Specpoint. A/E firms can specify these product listings in their project specification sections.

A product listing typically has the following attributes and properties:
  • Attributes that determine the listings availability and included information within Specpoint such as its listing type, state, and status
  • General information about the product such as its name, model number, and description
  • Attributes and properties that determine the listing's usability in project specifications and MasterSpec content, such as a family, a product type, and product type properties
  • Related resources such that help you learn more about the product such as photos, documents, and links

Before a product listing becomes available to users outside its respective BPM, the product listing undergoes a process of submission, review, and approval. This process involves authors and reviewers within the BPM and the Deltek administrative team.

Specpoint displays product listings in the following formats:

Format Description
Product Listing Card This card displays overview information about the product listing on the Product Listings page.

See Product Listings Page and Product Listing Cards.

Manage Listing Page This page displays comprehensive information about the product listing and enables you to manage listing information and related resources.

See Manage Listing Page.

Recently Listed Products This widget previews recently listed product listings on the dashboard.

See Recently Listed widget.

Note: The available amount of information that Specpoint displays for a product listing depends on its product listing type and what its BPM provides.