Use MPM's security features to control user access to:
Applications within the product
Editing features for each project
WBS elements for each project
You can customize access for each user, or use the Equivalent User feature to assign the same access privileges to many users with a single selection from a drop-down list box.
You can control access to the following applications in MPM:
Globals — Users with Globals privileges have access to all applications on the Globals tab in the Menu Manager. If users do not have access to Globals, the Globals tab will not be displayed in Menu Manager. Also, all report, import, and export icons related to Globals will be removed.
Report Edit — Users with Report Edit privileges can modify reports. Without this access, users can run the reports to which they have been granted access, but not modify them in the report viewer.
Spread Curve — Users with Spread Curve privileges can create custom spread curves. Users without this access can apply spread curves to baseline estimates and ETCs, but cannot create custom spread curves.
When you assign users access to a project, you determine what types of edits they can perform by restricting their access to the project edit features. The features are generally available from the menu items in the various project windows. You can tailor the features for each user within each project.
A user's access to a project can be restricted to one or more legs of the WBS hierarchy.
When you add users to the MPM system, you can assign them one of three authorization levels:
System Administrator — A user with system administrator authorization has access to all applications, projects, edit features, and globals.
Project Administrator — A user with project administrator authorization has access to all features of assigned projects. Project administrators can also add user to, and delete users from, projects they administer.
User — A user with user authorization has only those privileges assigned to them by a system administrator or project administrator.
Only system administrators and project administrators have access to the Security application.
Using the Feature and WBS Equiv fields allows you to assign the access rights of one user to one or many other users. Instead of having to repeat the steps for setting up users with the same access rights, you can set up one user with generic or standard rights to a project then select that User's ID in the Feature Equiv and WBS Equiv field.
Passwords control access to the MPM application. When you create a user, the user is automatically assigned a default password of PASSWORD. The first time the user logs into MPM using the password of PASSWORD, they will receive a prompt requesting them to change their password. If the user forgets his password, the SYSADMIN, and only the SYSADMIN, can reset the password to PASSWORD using Tools » Reset Password in the Security window. A user other than the SYSADMIN, even though he is assigned the System Admin authority level, cannot reset passwords.
When changing the default password (PASSWORD), you must enter the old password in upper case letters. You can enter new passwords in upper and/or lower case letters.
The System Administrator has the ability to:
specify the number of days before the password expires
specify the number of changes allowed before password reuse
specify the minimum password length
set the number of login attempts and number of days before a User ID becomes invalid
For a new user, or for a user who has had their password reset by the SYSADMIN, the password will need to be changed on their first login regardless of the expiration setting.