Security Field Descriptions

The fields in the Security window are active in either the user rows or project rows. User rows have a gray background. Project rows have a white background. The fields are described below. The abbreviation n/a indicates a field is not active for a row.


In a User Row

In a Project Row

User #

A sequential number assigned by MPM. When you first open the view, this field is hidden. This is a read-only field.


User ID

A unique name you assign to each user. The name can be up to eight characters. Required.


Project ID


The drop-down list box in this field lists all projects defined in MPM. You use the field to assign users access to projects. Required.

Feature Equiv


The drop-down list box in this field lists all users with an authorization of User currently assigned to the same project. You use this field to assign a set of project features associated with another user. Optional.

WBS Equiv


The drop-down list box in this field lists all users with an authorization of User currently assigned to the same project. You use this field to assign access to a set of WBS elements associated with another user. Optional.

Auth Lvl

Used to select the authorization level for a user: System Administrator, Project Administrator, or User. Required.



Used to enter the name of the user. This is a free form field up to 20 characters. Optional.



Used to enter the phone number of the user. This is a free form field up to 15 characters. Optional.



When checked, this field gives the user access to the applications located on the Globals tab in the Menu Manager window. Optional.


Report Edit

When checked, the user can edit reports in the Report Viewer. Optional.


Spread Curves

When checked, the user can create custom spread curves to be applied to baseline estimates and ETCs. Optional.


Last Changed


Displays the date the security information for the project was last changed. This is a read-only field.

Changed by


Displays the name of the user that last changed the security information for a project. This is a read-only field.