Restricting Access Using Equivalent Users

If you want to give the same access privileges to a number of users, you can use Equivalent Users to speed the process. After you assign project features and WBS elements to a user, you can select the user in the Feature Equiv and WBS Equiv fields. The target user then shares the same access privileges as the Equivalent user.

An Equivalent User is no different than any other user. You create them the same way and assign access privileges the same way. However, an Equivalent User must be assigned a User authorization level. Generally, an Equivalent User's distinguishing feature is its name. For example, you might use the name of a project or department.

Special Guidelines

When you assign a Feature or WBS Equivalent to a project, it overrides any other access restrictions.

Using Feature Equivalents

To apply a Feature Equivalent to a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the project.

  2. From the Feature Equivalent drop-down list box, select a user.

Only users currently assigned to the same project with an authorization level of User will be listed.

Using WBS Equivalents

To apply a WBS Equivalent to a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the project.

  2. From the WBS Equivalent drop-down list box, select a user.

Only users currently assigned to the same project with an authorization level of User will be listed.

Related Topics

Giving Users Access to Projects

Restricting Access to Project Features

Restricting Access to WBS Elements