Giving Users Access to Projects

After you have added a user to the Security grid, you can assign one or more projects to the user. By default, when you assign a project to a user, the user has access to all features and WBS elements associated with the project. However, you can control the user's access to every MPM feature that can be applied to a project, and to every WBS element in a project.

System administrators automatically have access to all projects. You cannot assign projects to a system administrator.

Equivalent Users

If many users will have the same access privileges to a project, you can create Equivalent Users that define access to features and WBS elements. You can then assign the Equivalent User Rights to others using the Feature Equiv and WBS Equiv fields.


This topic covers the basic steps required to assign a project to a user. Information on restricting access to features and WBS elements is covered in the following sub-topics:

To give a user access to a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a user and do one of the following:

  2. Press the Insert key

  3. Click Edit » Insert Project

 MPM inserts a blank row below the user row and displays <Required> in the Project ID field.

  1. Select a project from the drop-down list. If the Automatic Project Features option is set, MPM displays the Project Features dialog box. For information on restricting project features, see Restricting Access to Project Features.

  1. Click the OK button. This gives the user access to all privileges.

  2. To save the project entry, do one of the following:

Related Topics

Restricting Access to Project Features

Restricting Access to WBS Elements

Restricting Access Using Equivalent Users