Restricting Access to WBS Elements

When you first assign a project to a user, the user has access to all WBS elements in the project. In large projects, this may represent a large amount of information that can take some time to display and process. To speed processing, you can limit a user's view of the WBS structure to only the elements the user needs to see.

You can restrict access to the WBS elements using the WBS Restrictions dialog box, or by assigning a WBS Equivalent User to the project.

To limit access to WBS elements, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a project and do one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0252_wmf.gif WBS Restrictions

  3. Click Tools » WBS Restrictions

 MPM displays the WBS Restrictions dialog box.

  1. Select the WBS elements you want the user to have access to. The WBS Restrictions dialog box works in the same way as other hierarchy dialog boxes in MPM.

  2. Items preceded by a plus_box.jpg sign can be expanded by clicking on the plus_box.jpg sign.

  3. Items preceded by a minus_box.jpg sign can be collapsed by clicking on the minus_box.jpg sign.

  4. Only items with check marks are selected.

  5. If a collapsed item is selected, its children are included in the selection.

  6. If an expanded item is selected, its children are not automatically included. They must be selected individually.

If you do not select any items in the WBS Restrictions dialog box, the user will have access to all WBS elements.

  1. To save the selections, choose OK.

Related Topics

Giving Users Access to Projects

Restricting Access to Project Features

Restricting Access Using Equivalent Users