Password and Login Settings

Passwords control access to the MPM application. When you create a user, the user is automatically assigned a default password of PASSWORD. The first time the user logs into MPM using the password of PASSWORD, they will receive a prompt requesting them to change their password. If the user forgets his password, the SYSADMIN, and only the SYSADMIN, can reset the password to PASSWORD using Tools » Reset Password in the Security window. A user other than the SYSADMIN, even though he is assigned the System Admin authority level, cannot reset passwords.

The password for the SYSADMIN user cannot be easily reset. If the system administrator changes the default SYSADMIN password, and forgets the new password, you can reset the SYSADMIN password to the default password by deleting the MPMUSERS.DAT file. However, this deletes all user information from the MPM database. If the SYSADMIN password has been lost, contact Deltek Customer Care for assistance.

The System Administrator has the ability to set all passwords to expire after a certain number of days, after which all users have to reset their MPM passwords. When changing the default password (PASSWORD), you must enter the old password in upper case letters. You can enter new passwords in upper and/or lower case letters.

Password Expiration

The System Administrator has the ability to:

For a new user, or for a user who has had their password reset by the SYSADMIN, the password will need to be changed on their first login regardless of the expiration setting.

To set a password, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Security window, click Tools » Password/Login Settings. MPM displays the Password/Login Settings dialog box.

  2. The following fields can be set:

  3. Limit to one password change per day — If left unchecked, a user may change their password as often as they wish within any given day. When this option is checked, a user may only change their password once in any given day.

  4. The Days before password expires — defaults to zero, which means that the function is inactive (i.e., there is no password expiration set). Enter any number between 1 and 365 to indicate how many days should elapse before the password will expire.

  5. The elapsed time occurs from when the user's password was last changed. The expiration interval resets the moment the password is reset by the user.

  6. For a new user, or for a user who has had their password reset by the System Administrator, the password will need to be changed on their first login regardless of the expiration setting.

When a password expires, a dialog box will display giving notice to the user that it is time to change their password. If the user selects No, they are logged out of MPM. If the user selects Yes, the Change Password dialog box opens.

Examples where the number of login attempts is set to three:

Related Topics

Setting the Security Options

Setting the Login Banner

Changing and Resetting a Password