Setting the Login Banner

The System Administrator has the ability to display a text banner prior to allowing a user into the main MPM screen. This banner could be used to display information such as copyright or security notices, conditions and responsibilities of using the software, or global announcements.

Once enabled, the banner will display every time the user logs in. Selecting OK will take the user to the main MPM screen. Selecting Cancel will close MPM and return the user to their desktop.

To set the login banner, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Security window, click Tools » Login Banner.

  2. Check the Enable Login Banner box to activate the banner.

  3. Enter a text title into the Title Bar Label field. This field allows a maximum of 36 characters.

  4. Type your banner information into the Banner Description field. This field is limited to 100 lines with 78 characters per line.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

  6. The next time you log into MPM, you will see the banner directly after entering your password and before you get to the Menu Manager.

Related Topics

Setting the Security Options

Password and Login Settings

Changing and Resetting a Password