Use this screen to generate material requirement reports, as well as purchase requisitions, manufacturing orders, and inventory reservations. You can also determine material availability for potential future jobs, plan new jobs, and check the status of existing jobs. Costpoint can check the current inventory availability for one project, a number of projects linked in a netting group, or all inventory projects. If an MO ID and project ID are the same during the creation process, the system will use the next MO ID in the sequence to ensure data integrity.

During requisition generation, the preferred vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Approval Code must not be "Not Approved" or "Pending". The vendor's Vendor Status for PO must not be "On Hold".

Print this report whenever current inventory availability is required.

For more information, see the Production Control Special Topic PC-1, "Compute Material Requirements".



Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Report Types and Sort Options

If a part exists in an Engineering Change Notice (on the Manage Engineering Change Notices screen in Costpoint Engineering Change Notices), and the ECN's Status is P (Pending), I (In-Approval), A (Approved), or D (Documents Updated), and you have selected the Provide Warning for Parts and Documents with Open ECNs check box on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen, a warning message displays the ECN ID and status code when the part (and/or its MBOM components) is loaded.



Buy Part List

Select this check box to generate a summarized list of all parts in the designated Bills of Material (BOMs) that are considered buy parts (according to the Manufacturing BOMs selected). The availability and requirement information is summarized for each buy component across the entered BOMs.

Make Part List

Select this check box to generate a summarized list of all make parts (end parts and their subassemblies according to the Manufacturing BOMs selected), along with their requirements and material availability.

Indented BOM Explosion

Select this check box to generate an indented BOM report for each end part selected, with the availability and requirement information for each of its subassembly and component.

Inventory Project Selection

Use the selections in this group box to check material requirements against a specific project's inventory availability. Inactive inventory abbreviations are excluded.

Project Option

Select from the drop-down list the criteria for checking material requirements. Valid options are:

Inventory Project

If you select  Inventory Project from Project Option drop-down list, enter, or click to select a project against which the material requirements is checked. The field following displays the Project Planning Option (MRP) code for the entered project from the Manage Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory. This code determines which other projects besides the one selected are included in the calculation of inventory availability. Available codes are:

Netting Group

If you select Netting Group from the Project Option drop-down list, enter, or click to select, the netting group against which the material requirements is checked. If the check box for Use Common Inventory is selected on the Manage Netting Groups screen and the part is a common stock part, inventory availability calculations also include common inventory projects.

Include Common Inventory Projects

Select this check box to include all common inventory projects' inventory availability. If this check box is selected (along with the Netting Group or Inventory Project options in the Project Option drop-down list), inventory availability calculations include common inventory projects for all parts.

Add Safety Stock to Requirements

Select this check box to include part or project safety stock quantities when calculating requirements. The net available quantity is reduced by the sum of the safety stock quantities for the included projects. This applies to both Plan New and Review Existing requirements selected in the Requirements group box.

Break Out Supply/Requirements by Project

Select this check box to break out all requirements and supplies by project in the make part list, buy part list, and indented explosion report. If you select this option, each part's net availability by included project is listed separately, along with the summarized net availability. This option is unavailable if you select Impromptu Reports Table in the Output Format group box.

Add Pending Inventory Requests to Requirements

Select this check box to include any inventory reservations with a status of Pending on the Manage Inventory Requests screen in Costpoint Inventory when calculating requirements. Net available quantities are increased by planned owed quantity and reduced by planned reserved quantity. This applies to both Plan New and Review Existing requirements, selected in the Requirements group box.

Plan Against Selected Warehouse

Select this check box to calculate available inventory only for the selected warehouse.

Order BOM Requirements Only

Select this check box to order only the quantities required for this bills of material explosion. If you select this check box, the system ignores negative net available quantities when calculating net requirements and order/requirement quantities.

Include MPS Forecast Demand

Select this check box to include MPS forecast as demand for availability calculations.

Requirements Type

From the drop-down list, select the requirement type format. Valid options are:

Last Planned Date

Enter, or click to select, the date the update process was last run for these end parts. This is used to determine if any BOM modifications have occurred since the last run. Such modifications are printed in the Materials Requirements Indented Report under the Reports menu in Costpoint Bills of Material.

Output Format

From the drop-down list, select the format of the report. Valid options are:

Sort By

Buy Part List - 1st Sort

From the drop-down list, select how the buy part list is to be sorted. Valid options are:

Planner/Part is disabled if the Planner Assignment on the Configure Production Control Settings screen is not by Part.

Make Part List - 1st Sort

From the drop-down list, select the option on how the Make Part List is to be sorted. Valid options are:

Planner/Part is disabled if the Planner Assignment on the Configure Production Control Settings screen is not by Part.


Use this group box to view or modify various process options for generating requisitions and Manufacturing Orders (MOs). Generate purchase requisitions for all buy parts determined to be under-supplied and manufacturing orders for all assemblies and subassemblies, along with associated inventory reservations. Instead of generating MOs, use this subtask to generate inventory reservations for end parts; this enters requirements in Costpoint for the lowest-level components, or buy parts with components (no manufactured subassemblies), without creating individual MOs.

Select Order/Reservation Types

Purchase Requisitions

Select this check box to generate purchase requisitions for the needed buy parts. Requisitions are processed in these way:

This application populates new RQ_LN_PO fields with the PO Type, Completed Work Retention Percent and Stored Materials Retention Percent if the row is inserted by the process for purchase agreement logic using suggested blanket orders.

When creating purchase requisitions from this application, transaction amounts in both transactional and functional currencies will be populated for the appropriate fields in the purchase requisition header, purchase requisition line, purchase requisition line account, and purchase requisition line PO tables. Transactional and functional currencies are assumed to be the same for the generated purchase requisitions unless a purchase requisition line PO is generated using an existing purchase order, in which case the PO's transaction currency and exchange rate information will be loaded. Otherwise, all currency related fields will be populated with default values and the exchange rate will be 1. Amount fields will therefore have the same values for transactional and functional currencies. You cannot enter a different transaction currency or exchange rate after generating requisitions.


Select this check box to generate MOs or inventory reservations for needed parts.

Requirement Type

From the drop-down list, select a requirement type to generate inventory reservations. This field is not accessible if the Requirements check box is not selected.

Inventory Abbreviations

Make Parts

Enter, or click to select, the finished goods inventory abbreviation to be used for all manufacturing orders.

Buy Parts

Enter, or click to select, the inventory abbreviation to be used for all purchase requisitions and buy part requirements.

Common Stock

Enter, or click to select, the inventory abbreviation (that must belong to a common inventory project) to be used for all common stock part purchase requisitions and requirements.

Requisition Information

This group box is accessible and required only if you selected the Purchase Requisitions check box in the Select Order/Reservation Types group box.

Starting Requisition

Enter the beginning requisition number for the generation process, if requisitions are not auto-assigned. (To turn on auto-assignment, select the System option in the Requisition Numbering Method group box on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning.)


Enter, or click to select, the employee ID of the requisitioner for generated requisitions.


Use this drop-down list to select the initial status of generated requisitions. Valid options are:


From the drop-down list, select the warehouse to be loaded on all generated requisitions, MOs, and reservations, and to determine the ship ID for all requisition lines generated.

Order Reference

Enter the order reference number to load on all generated requisitions and MOs.

Manufacturing Order/Reservation Information

This group box is accessible only if the Requirements check box is selected in the Select Order/Reservation Types group box.

Starting MO

Enter the beginning MO number for the generation process, if MOs are not auto-assigned. (Auto-assignment is enabled in the MO Numbering Method group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen.) If auto-assign is enabled, leave this field blank for a default MO number to be loaded (after selecting OK) based on the selected MO Numbering Method on the Configure Production Control Settings screen. The MO number can be modified. This field is enabled only if you selected the Manufacturing Orders option in the Requirement Type drop-down list.


Use this drop-down list to select the initial status of generated MOs. Valid options are:

This drop-down list is enabled and required only if you selected Requirements in the Select Order/Reservation Types group box, then Manufacturing Orders in the Requirement Type drop-down list. If you are using Costpoint Material Requirements Planning, the Planned option is not available.


Enter a number between 1 and 10 to indicate the priority (where 1 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest priority) of the created manufacturing orders for capacity planning purposes. After you execute this application, the Priority field in the Additional Info tab of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen will populate with this value for MOs related to the Part. The Priority field defaults with the value from the Default MO Priority field on the Configure Advanced Planning and Scheduling Parameters screen in Product Control Interfaces.


Use this group box to enter reservation data. This group box is accessible and required only if you selected the Reservations option as a requirement type in the Select Order/Reservation Types group box. These fields are not required if you chose a make part inventory abbreviation with an expense account type.

Starting Reservation

Enter the beginning reservation number for the generation process, if reservation numbers are not auto-assigned. (Auto-assignment is enabled in the Auto-Assign field in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Manage Warehouses screen in Costpoint Inventory). If auto-assign is enabled, a default reservation number is loaded based on the Last Inv Trans ID in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Manage Warehouses screen. The starting reservation number can be modified. This field is enabled only if you selected Reservations in the Requirement Type drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the project that the reservation will charge.

Project Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation associated to the selected project.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the organization that the reservation will charge.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation associated with the organization.


Enter, or click to select, the account ID that the reservation will charge.


Use System Assignment

Select this check box to have Costpoint load planners based on user settings criteria (set in the Planner Assignment group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen) for all generated items.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the planner to be assigned to all MOs, requisitions, and reservations




End Parts

Click this link to view information that is related to the selected part.