Use this screen to customize your use of Costpoint Procurement Planning. Some fields' values are used as default values for applications within Costpoint Procurement Planning and other modules within Materials Requirements Planning.

Set up this function when initializing Costpoint Procurement Planning and maintain it whenever you need to modify the control parameters.


Requisition Numbering Method

Use the options in this group box to select the method you want to use for numbering your purchase requisitions.


Select this option to indicate that you must enter the requisition number before you can save the requisition.


Select this option to have Costpoint automatically assign a requisition number when you save a requisition. You can manually modify a requisition number in the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

Last System Req Number

If you selected the System option, you must enter the last requisition number issued in this field before using Costpoint to generate new requisitions. Costpoint will increase the number of the last requisition by one. If you are not currently using a requisition system, the starting requisition can be zero. If you modify a number manually in the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen, the number you enter will not update this field.

To have requisitions printed in correct numeric order, you must select a ceiling number not to exceed 10 digits. For example, if the highest number desired is "9999999999," enter zero as "0000000000;" or if the highest number desired is "RQ-9999," and the last requisition number used was "RQ-124," enter that number as "RQ-0124."

This number is always incremented from the right and only if the rightmost character is numeric (rather than alpha). For example: "RQ594123" becomes "RQ594124;" "RQIDABCD9" becomes "RQIDABCD0;" "9999999999" becomes "0000000000;" "RQ9999999A" is not incremented. You should enter sufficient numeric characters to the right to ensure that duplicates do not occur.

Generated PO Status

Use this group box to select the initial PO status to be assigned to purchase orders generated from requisitions.


Select this option to have all POs that are created from requisitions given a "Pending" status. This indicates that a purchase order cannot be received or invoiced against until it goes through the approval process in the Approve Pending Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing or it is changed to "Open PO" status in the Manage Purchase Orders screen (if allowed in the PO Settings screen) in Costpoint Purchasing.


Select this option to have all POs that are created from requisitions given an "Open" status. This option is the Costpoint default and indicates that a purchase order is eligible for receiving and/or invoicing once it is generated.

Requisitioner Quality Override

Use this group box to indicate whether the requisitioner can override quality flags in the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

QC Insp Reqd

Select this check box to allow the requisitioner to modify the QC Insp Reqd value for a part. Clear this check box to prevent the requisitioner from overriding this flag. QC Inspection means that you require the acceptance and/or rejection of parts to be a separate function from receiving.

Source Insp Reqd

Select this check box to allow the requisitioner to modify the Source Insp Reqd value for a part. Clear this check box to prevent the requisitioner from overriding this flag. A government/customer source inspection normally requires the vendor to obtain approval from a government/customer inspector before material can be shipped.

Cert Conf Reqd

Select this check box to allow the requisitioner to modify the Cert Conf Reqd value for a part. Clear this check box to prevent the requisitioner from overriding this flag. A Certificate of Conformance is a legal document certifying that the materials conform to certain specifications and requirements.

Require Valid Quote ID

Select this check box to require that all quote IDs entered for requisitions must already exist in the Vendor Quotes table. If you clear this check box, you can enter any user-defined quote ID for the requisition.


Use this group box to enter the default values for combining requisitions, assigning buyers, and grouping requisitions. The values selected here will default to each new requisition but can be modified there.

Buyer Assignments

Use this group box to select the method by which buyers will be assigned to requisitions/requisition lines.


Select this option to require the requisitioner or purchasing personnel to assign the buyer ID to the requisition/requisition lines before a purchase order can be created. Selecting this option also selects and disables the Allow Buyer Override option on this screen.


Select this option to assign the buyer ID to the requisition lines by project and/or account/organization combinations. Assign buyers by project/account/organization in the Manage Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing.


Select this option to assign the buyer ID to the requisition/ requisition lines by the commodity code designated for the item. Assign buyers by commodity codes in the Manage Commodity Codes screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Item/Misc Type

Select this option to assign the buyer ID to the requisition/ requisition lines by the item type (part, good, or service) or miscellaneous type description. Assign buyers by part, good, or service in Costpoint Product Definition.

Preferred Vendor

Select this option to assign the buyer code based on the preferred vendor assigned by the requisitioner. Assign preferred vendors to buyers in the Manage Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

Allow Buyer Override

Select this check box to allow users to enter or override the Buyer in the purchase requisition header and lines, when entering requisitions.

This box is enabled for all buyer assignments, except for manual buyer assignment, in which case this is always selected and disabled. Validations in the Enter Requisition screen level check this setting for the associated company, to determine whether the assigned buyer is modifiable at the header and line levels.

Combine Requisitions

Select this option to allow combining of different requisitions assigned to the same vendor and buyer into one purchase order.

Requisition Grouping

Use this group box to select the method by which requisition lines will be grouped when generating requisitions from other materials management processes such as the Inventory Reorder Report, Materials Resource Planning (MRP), Materials Planning Schedule (MPS), and Sales Orders. Costpoint will group individual requisition lines into requisitions using the selected type.


Select this option to have requisition lines with the same item ID automatically grouped on one requisition.


Select this option to have requisition lines assigned to the same buyer automatically grouped on one requisition.


Select this option to have requisition lines with the same commodity code automatically grouped on one requisition.


Select this option to have requisition lines charged to the same project ID automatically grouped on one requisition.

Preferred Vendor

Select this option to have requisition lines with the same preferred vendor ID automatically grouped on one requisition.


Select this option to have requisition lines with the same planner ID automatically grouped on one requisition.

Order Reference

Select this option to have requisition lines created from the same sales order or manufacturing order automatically grouped on one requisition.

GFM/GFE Inv Abbrev

Select this check box to group separately Government Furnished Material (GFM) or Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) requisition lines from non-GFM/GFE requisition lines.

Requisition Approval

Use this group box for processing the requisitions through Costpoint.

Process Assignments

Use this group box to select the method by which the approval process will be assigned to requisitions.

No Approval Required

Select this option to prevent signature or electronic requisition approval processes from being used. Requisitions will be approved when the requisitioner completes them.


Select this option to have the approval process code assigned to the requisition/requisition lines by project or account/organization combinations. The project approval process will override the account/organization approval process if they are different. Perform the actual approval process setup by project/account/organization in the Approve Purchase Requisitions screen.


Select this option to have the requisition approval process code (entered in the Approval Process field) load to all requisitions/requisition lines. When you enter new requisitions in the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen, the Approval Process field will default with the approval process code entered here, and cannot be modified.

Item Type

Select this option to have the approval process code assigned to the requisition/requisition lines by item types on the requisition lines. Perform the actual approval process setup by item in the Approve Purchase Requisitions screen.


Select this option to require the requisitioner to assign the approval process code to the requisition/requisition lines. If you populate the Approval Process field, this code will default in the Approval Process field when the requisitioner enters new requisitions/requisition lines in the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen, but can be modified for pending or rejected requisitions/requisitions lines.

Approval Process

Enter or use to select, the approval process code to be added to all new requisitions and/or requisition lines when they are added to the system. This option is available only when you select the Global or Manual process assignment. Enter approval process codes in the Approve Purchase Requisitions screen.

Approval Level

Use this group box to select the level at which approval for the requisition will be performed. You cannot modify requisitions approval level options when there are pending, in-approval, or rejected requisitions/requisition lines in the system.


Select this option to have the approval process performed at the requisition level. Approvers can approve or reject entire requisitions.

Requisition Line

Select this option to have the approval process performed at the individual requisition line level. Approvers can approve or reject individual requisition lines.

Reapprvl Threshold Amt

Use this field to enter the minimum amount by which the requisition/requisition line must increase during requisition processing before the buyer will be warned that a requisition needs re-approval. Costpoint compares the negotiated amounts entered for each of the requisition lines to the estimated costs of the original requisition.

Allow Buyer Maint to Unapproved Reqs

Select this check box to allow users to update the Buyer field (in the requisition header and/or line), even before the approval process is completed (requisition  status is In-Approval).

Over Budget Validation

Select this check box to include requisitions in the over budget validation process. When you select this check box, you must release requisitions in the Compute Over Budget Transactions screen in Costpoint Budgeting and ETC before they are eligible for approval. Clear this check box to exclude requisitions from the over budget validation process.

Allow Changes to Approved Requisition Header

Select this check box to enter changes to approved requisition headers. If this check box is not selected, only the following buyer function header fields on the Ref Quotes, Assign PO, and RFQ subtasks may be changed after a requisition is approved: Buyer, Procurement Type, Combine with Other Requisitions, Drop Ship, Export, GSA, and Assign PO Defaults.

Re-approvals Required for Header Changes

Select this check box to automatically resubmit modified requisitions or requisition lines for re-approval. This check box is enabled only if Allow Changes to Approved Requisition Header is selected.

Allow Changes to Approved Requisition Lines

Select this check box to enter changes to approved requisition lines. However, edits to cost-related fields are still not allowed.

Re-approvals Required for Line Changes

Select this check box to automatically resubmit modified requisitions or requisition lines for re-approval. This check box is enabled only if Allow Changes to Approved Requisition Lines is selected.   

Allow New Lines to Approved Requisitions

Select this check box to add new lines to approved requisitions.

Re-approvals Required for New Lines

Select this check box to automatically resubmit modified requisitions for re-approval or submit new requisition lines for approval. This check box is enabled only if Allow New Lines to Approved Requisitions is selected.

Allow New Requisitions in Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions

Select this check box to allow buyers to create new requisitions on the Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions screen.