Use this screen to fully open purchase orders that have been saved as pending orders. You can query pending purchase orders (PO), review them, and change their status to Open, making them eligible to have receipts and/or invoices entered against them. You must make all other purchase order status modifications in the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

This screen can be used by organizations that require formal purchase order approval by a quality control person or a purchasing supervisor, before the purchase orders can be received or invoiced against.

Use this screen after pending purchase orders have been entered.

If the purchase order's vendor has an Approval Code of Not Approved or Pending, or if it is flagged as a payroll vendor, you cannot open the purchase order.

A search criteria page displays when you open this screen, to let you specify a purchase order to open.




This field displays the purchase order (PO) ID which you will change to an Open status.


This field displays the release number if the PO is a release order.

Change Order

This field displays the last change order number, if applicable.

A change order represents the number of times a purchase order has been modified using the Create Purchase Order Change Orders screen.


Select this check box to change the status of this purchase order from Pending to Open. This will change the Status on the Manage Purchase Orders screen to Open and each line Status to Open. If you do not select this check box, this purchase order will retain the status of Pending.

PO Type

This field displays the type of purchase order assigned on the Manage Purchase Orders screen for the PO. The PO types can be Blanket Order, GFM/GFE Order, Purchase Order, Release Order, Subcontract Retainage PO, Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Blanket, and Subcontractor Agreement Release.

Proc Type

This field displays the PO's procurement type. Procurement type codes are assigned to the PO on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Order Date

This field displays the date that the purchase order was entered on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


This field displays the vendor ID to this purchase order assigned on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. The vendor name displays on the field on the right.


This field displays the buyer assigned to this purchase order on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for this purchase order. The invoice for these materials will use this transaction currency.


This field displays the buyer’s organization ID from the Home Organization of the Manage Employee Salary Information (LDMEHIS) screen.

Functional Currency Amounts

Buyer Max Auth PO Limit

This field displays the buyer's purchase order maximum authorization, established in the Manage Buyers screen.

Buyer Max Auth PO Line Limit

This field displays the buyer's PO line maximum authorization, established in the Manage Buyers screen.

PO Amount

This field displays the PO Total from the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Table Window

Unless otherwise stated, the fields in this table window displays information from the Manage Purchase Orders screen and cannot be modified.


This field displays the line number of the PO.


This field displays the status of the PO.


Select this check box to change the PO line status to open. If you do not select this check box, this purchase order will retain the status of Pending.

Line Type

This field displays line type information of the PO.

Resource Exists

This check box indicates that the resources have been specified in the Resources subtask for the line.  

Line Detail


This field displays the PO item number.


This field displays the PO revision number.


This field displays the PO description.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the PO item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit PO lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous type information.


The field displays the unit of measure. This field is hidden if the PO Type on the Manage Purchase Orders screen is Subcontract Retainage PO.

Qty Ordered

This field displays the quantity ordered. This field is hidden if the PO Type on the Manage Purchase Orders screen is Subcontract Retainage PO.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation of the PO.

Trans Amt Ordered

This field displays the ordered amount, in the transaction currency, for this purchase order. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.

Func Amt Ordered

This field displays the ordered amount, in your company's functional currency, for this purchase order. The functional currency is used to initialize Costpoint and is the currency in which your financial statements are prepared. The U/M and QTY Ordered filelds are hidden if the PO Type is Subcontract PO.

Due Date

This field displays the due date of the PO.

QC Insp Reqd

This field displays whether or not quality control inspection is required for this PO.

Source Insp Reqd

This field displays whether or not a government source inspection is required for this PO.

Cert Conf Reqd

This field displays whether or not certificate of conformance is required for this PO.

Over Ship

This field displays whether or not overshipment is allowed for this PO.

Proc Type

This field displays the processing type for this PO.

Desired Date

This field displays the date by which delivery of the items ordered is desired.

Original Due Date

This field displays the original due date that was agreed upon if the due date changes.

Delivery Schedule Exists

If selected, this check box indicates that there are multiple delivery schedules that exist for the PO line. This check box is cleared and disabled for new lines.

Manuf Part

This field displays the a manufacturer part number.

Manuf Part Rvsn

This field displays the revision number, if any, of the manufacturer part.

Vendor Part

This field displays the vendor part number.

Vendor Part Rvsn

This field displays the vendor revision number, if any, of the vendor part.


This field displays the requisition ID from which the PO was created, if applicable. This field is blank if the PO was not created from a requisition.

Subcontract Order Amt

This field displays the current order amount of the subcontract PO line after all modifications. The value in this field was originally entered as the Extended Cost for the PO line on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. However, this field displays the most recently updated amount if any additional change orders were entered. If the PO Type is not Subcontract Retainage PO, this field is hidden.

Completed Work Retention Pct

This field displays the proportion of the completed work amount that will be withheld from payment when an accounts payable voucher is created, in order to cover miscellaneous vendor-responsible expenses. This non-modifiable field loads the value from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for subcontract POs only.

Stored Materials Retention Pct

This field displays the proportion of the stored materials amount that will be withheld from payment when an accounts payable voucher is created (in order to take care of unforeseen miscellaneous vendor-responsible expenses). This non-modifiable field loads the value from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for subcontract POs only.

Security Requirements

US Citizenship Required

This check box displays if the resource requires US citizenship.

ITAR Authorization Required

This check box displays if the resource msut be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items.

Security Clearance System ID

This field displays the security clearance required for the resources associated with this purchase order.


This field displays the description of the security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order needs to have.

Security Clearance Level

This displays the level of security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order needs to have. This field indicates whether the level is Top Secret and Secret.

Issuing Agency

This field displays the name of the agency that issued the security clearance.    


This check box displays if the security clearance that the resource associated with the PO has to be cleared for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). This is cleared if the security clearance selected has no SCI selected.


This check box displays if the security clearance that the resource associated with the PO has to be cleared for Special Access Program (SAP). This is cleared if the security clearance selected has no SAP selected.




Header Text

Click this link to open the Header Text subtask to specify standard text codes for the purchase order.

Header SOW

Click this link to open the Header SOW subtask.

Exchange Rates

Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask to review purchase orders pending in a non-functional currency.

Header Documents

Click this link to open the Header Documents subtask.

Line Text

Click this link to open the Line Text subtask to establish standard text codes to the PO line.

Line SOW

Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask.


Click this link to open the Resources subtask.

Purchase Order Line Detail Inquiry

Click this link to open the Purchase Order Line Detail Inquiry subtask to display detailed information about the PO line.

Subcontract PO Line Detail

Click this link to open the Subcontract PO Line Detail subtask.

Line Documents

Click this link to open the Line Documents subtask.

Link SCI/SAP Security Codes

Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes subtask.

Delivery Schedule

Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to split the PO quantities to multiple due dates.