Use this screen to create and maintain netting groups, which are used to collect a group of inventory projects and have the system plan materials as one entity.

If you selected the Netting Group option in the Planner Assignment group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen, set up netting groups before entering manufacturing orders and maintain them as required.


Table Window

Netting Group

Enter the ID of the netting group.


Enter the name of the netting group.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the planner assigned to this netting group. This field is required if you select the Netting Group option in the Planner Assignment group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the supervisor assigned to this netting group.

Use Common Inventory

Select this check box to check common inventory for common stock parts planned in the netting group.

Unassigned Inventory Projects

Use this group box to view unassigned inventory projects to be included within a netting group.


This field displays the ID of the inventory project ID.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the inventory project.

Project Abbreviation

This field displays the abbreviation of the inventory project.

MRP Option Description

This field displays the description of the MRP option assigned to the inventory project.


Click this button to move the highlighted rows to the selected inventory projects in the netting group.

Selected Inventory Projects

Use this group box to view unassigned inventory projects to be included within a netting group.


This field displays the ID of the inventory project.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the inventory project

Project Abbreviation

This field displays the abbreviation of the inventory project.

MRP Option Description

This field displays the description of the MRP option assigned to the inventory project.