Use this subtask to view extensive information pertaining to requisition lines, purchase orders, and approval information.
This screen displays six additional subtasks that can be used as follows:
Use the PO Lines subtask to view detailed purchase order information.
Use the Ref Quotes subtask to view quote information for the requisition line, if you use the Vendor Quotes applications (Materials\Transactions\Vendor Quotes).
Use the Req Ln Apprvl subtask to view approval information for requisitions that are approved at the line level.
Use the Req Ln Accts subtask to view detailed account information, specific to the requisition line.
Use the Req Ln Charges subtask to view line charge descriptions and amounts, specific to the requisition line.
Use the Req Ln Text subtask to view standard text, specific to the requisition line.
You can use this subtask to view requisition line detail, as needed.
This field displays the requisition ID.
The requisition ID is a unique alphanumeric combination used to identify the requisition. This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to identify or reference the requisition.
This field displays the requisition status.
System-defined status types include:
P - Pending. This status indicates the requisition is being modified by the requisitioner. This status will exist until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval or freezes it from further changes, if no approvals are required.
I - In-Approval. This status indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval and is in the process of being reviewed.
V - Void. This status indicates the requisition has been voided and no further processing may occur.
A - Approved. This status indicates the requisition has been approved and can be processed into a purchase order in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
R- Rejected. This status indicates the requisition has been rejected during the approval process or rejected by a buyer in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions). A requisition with this status can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. This status indicates a purchase order has been created from this requisition. A requisition with this status cannot be modified.
C- Closed. This status indicates a requisition has been closed by the buyer. This status may represent a requisition that has been partially converted into a purchase order; it may also represent the status of a requisition that has been cancelled prior to purchase order creation.
This field displays the requisition transaction currency code.
This field displays the system-assigned requisition line number and is used to track the number of lines on a requisition.
This field displays the line status.
System-defined status types include:
P - Pending. This status indicates the requisition is being modified by the requisitioner. This status will exists until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval or freezes it from further changes, if no approvals are required.
I - In-Approval. This status indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval and is in the process of being reviewed.
V - Void. This status indicates the requisition has been voided and no further processing may occur.
A - Approved. This status indicates the requisition has been approved and can be processed into a purchase order in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
R- Rejected. This status indicates the requisition has been rejected during the approval process or rejected by a buyer in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions). A requisition with this status can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. This status indicates a purchase order has been created from this requisition. A requisition with this status cannot be modified.
C- Closed. This status indicates a requisition has been closed by the buyer. This status may represent a requisition that has been partially converted into a purchase order; it may also represent the status of a requisition that has been cancelled prior to purchase order creation.
This field displays the line type.
Line types include "P" (Part), "G" (Good), "S" (Service), or "M" (Miscellaneous).
This field displays the requisition item ID.
This field displays the revision number of the requisitioned item.
The revision number represents engineering or design modifications for the selected part.
This field displays the item description.
This field displays the miscellaneous type code, if a requisition line type is "M" (Miscellaneous).
This field displays the date the requisitioner needs the requisitioned item.
This field displays the quantity of requisitioned items.
This field displays the quantity of items on the purchase order, for requisition lines that have been generated ("G") into purchase orders.
This field displays the unit of measure that was specified on the purchase requisition.
This field displays the cost type code that was used to justify the item's estimated unit price on the requisition.
This field displays the estimated per unit price (gross unit price less any discounts) for the item.
This field displays the total estimated extended amount.
This field displays the total dollar amount of any line charges.
This field displays the estimated sum (Est Ext Amount field value added to the value in the Line Charges field, plus taxes).
This field displays the approval process code associated with the requisition.
Approval process codes represent the manner in which a requisition must be approved before you can generate a purchase order.
This field displays the date of the requisition line approval, if applicable.
This field displays the requisition line's procurement type, if applicable.
The procurement type code represents the reason your company has selected a specific vendor from which to purchase the part, good, or service.
"CB" (Competitive Bid) and "SS" (Sole Source), for example, might represent procurement type codes.
This field displays the CLIN (Contract Line Item Number) associated with requisition line.
For example, government contracts generally use this number to identify deliverables.
This field displays the requisition line delivery information.
This information is used to identify the name or location where the item is slated to be delivered.
This field displays the planner ID assigned to the requisition line.
The planner schedules manufacturing orders and determines the availability of materials in order to meet production and sales order demands.
The planner also works with buyers to coordinate and expedite the ordering of materials.
This field displays the warehouse ID associated with the requisition line.
This identifier designates the warehouse where the inventory part will be delivered.
This field displays the ship ID for the requisition line.
The ship ID is associated with the location to which purchase order items can be shipped.
This field displays the order reference type, such as sales orders and manufacturing orders, that are specific to the requisition line.
This field displays the order reference for the requisition line.
This field displays the order reference line number for the requisition line.
This field displays the order reference release number for the requisition line.
This field displays notes or additional requisition information. This information is only for internal use.
This field displays additional information relevant to this requisition.
These notes will print on the purchase order.
This field displays the ID of the buyer responsible for procuring this item.
This field displays the ID used to identify the manufacturer part number.
This field displays the manufacturer part revision number.
This field displays the ID assigned by the vendor for a specific part.
This field displays the vendor part revision number of the item being requisitioned.
A revision is specific to design and engineering modifications.
This field displays the generated amount for the requisition.
Line Charges Sales Tax/VAT Amt
This field displays the line charges and sale tax/ (VAT) value-added tax.
This field displays the estimated sales tax/(VAT)value-added tax.
This field displays the ID of the preferred source vendor for this requisitioned item. The default value is the preferred vendor for the item in Item Vendor Assignment, but it may have been entered/ overridden by the requisitioner.
This field displays the name of the Preferred Vendor.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
Select this link to open the PO Lines subtask, where you can view detailed purchase order information.
Select this link to open the Ref Quotes subtask, where you can view quote information for the requisition line.
Select this link to open the Req Ln Apprvl subtask, where you can view approval information for requisitions that are approved at the line level. This option is enabled only if requisitions are approved at the requisition line level.
Select this link to open the Req Ln Accts subtask, where you can view detailed account information, specific to the requisition line.
Select this link to open the Req Ln Charges subtask, where you can view line charge descriptions and amounts for the requisition line.
Select this link to open the Req Ln Text subtask, where you can view standard text for the requisition line.