Use this subtask to view requisition line charges.
Freight, set-up charges, and non-recurring engineering costs, for example, might display in this subtask.
You established line charges in the Enter Purchase Requisitions, Process Purchase Requisitions and Process Purchase Requisitions by Line screens (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
You may use this subtask to view requisition line charges, as needed.
This field displays the requisition ID.
The requisition ID is a unique alphanumeric combination used to identify the requisition. This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to identify or reference the requisition.
This field displays the requisition status.
System-defined status types include:
P - Pending. This status indicates the requisition is being modified by the requisitioner. This status will exist until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval or freezes it from further changes, if no approvals are required.
I - In-Approval. This status indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval and is in the process of being reviewed.
V - Void. This status indicates the requisition has been voided and no further processing may occur.
A - Approved. This status indicates the requisition has been approved and can be processed into a purchase order in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
R- Rejected. This status indicates the requisition has been rejected during the approval process or rejected by a buyer in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions). A requisition with this status can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. This status indicates a purchase order has been created from this requisition. A requisition with this status cannot be modified.
C- Closed. This status indicates a requisition has been closed by the buyer. This status may represent a requisition that has been partially converted into a purchase order; it may also represent the status of a requisition that has been cancelled prior to purchase order creation.
This field displays the requisition transaction currency code.
This field displays the requisition line number.
This field displays the line status.
System-defined status types include:
P - Pending. This status indicates the requisition is being modified by the requisitioner. This status will exist until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval or freezes it from further changes, if no approvals are required.
I - In-Approval. This status indicates the requisition has been submitted for approval and is in the process of being reviewed.
V - Void. This status indicates the requisition has been voided and no further processing may occur.
A - Approved. This status indicates the requisition has been approved and can be processed into a purchase order in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
R- Rejected. This status indicates the requisition has been rejected during the approval process or rejected by a buyer in the Process Purchase Requisitions screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions). A requisition with this status can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. This status indicates a purchase order has been created from this requisition. A requisition with this status cannot be modified.
C- Closed. This status indicates a requisition has been closed by the buyer. This status may represent a requisition that has been partially converted into a purchase order; it may also represent the status of a requisition that has been cancelled prior to purchase order creation.
This field displays the order type.
The system-defined types are "Purchase Orders," "Blanket Orders," and "Release Orders."
This field displays the requisition line charge.
This field displays the requisition line charge description.
This field displays the total charge amount for the requisition line.
This field displays the line charges, in your company's functional currency.
Functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.
This field displays the taxability status.
A "Y" (Yes) displays in this field if the item is taxable. An "N" (No) displays in this field if the item is non-taxable.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.