Use this screen to view an inverted BOM for a selected component part number. You can view only one component part/revision at a time. You can select the number of assembly levels to display and which configurations to include.

If the Use Engineering Bills of Material checkbox is selected in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask in the BOM Settings screen, you may use this inquiry to search for EBOM components and assembly information. If the checkbox is unselected, EBOM information will not be accessible.


The fields in this group box provide basic information about the component.


Enter, use Lookup, or use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton to select the component part ID of the BOM to view based on the BOM Type. This required field can have up to 30 alphanumeric characters and must be a valid part number from Basic Part Data screen (for standard parts) or from the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts) in Costpoint Product Definition. If the Manufacturing radio button is selected in the BOM Type group box, you can enter, or use Lookup to select, only standard parts for this field. However, if the Engineering radio button is selected, you can use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton to look up provisional parts to populate this field. You can also enter, or use Lookup to select, a standard component part. A description of the part will display in the untitled field below this field.  Select the Execute icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen to populate the table window with the assembly information for the BOM in which the component is listed. 


Enter, use Lookup, or use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton to select the assembly or parent part revision of the BOM to be viewed based on the BOM Type. This field can have up to three alphanumeric characters and must be a valid revision number for the part from the Basic Part Data screen (for standard parts) or from the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts) in Costpoint Product Definition.


This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the component.

BOM Levels

Use this group box to specify whether the inquiry will contain the first-level where-used assemblies of the component, the entire where-used BOM through all the levels, or an indented where-used BOM through a specified number of levels.


Select this radio button to view only the first-level assemblies of this component.

Indented - All Levels

Select this radio button to view all assemblies of this component with their related level numbers.


Choose this radio button to view an indented where-used BOM through a specified number of levels, as entered in the Levels field.


If you selected the Indented-Specify radio button, enter the number of levels.

Configuration Identifiers

Use this group box to view the where-used BOM for all configurations, for a specific configuration, or for a certain date.

Show All Configurations

Select this checkbox to see the components for all configurations/effectivities of the parent part. This option is available only if the Single-Level view radio button is selected in the BOM Levels group box. If this checkbox is not selected, the display is based on the As of Date and the Config ID that you enter.

As of Date

Enter the BOM component effectivity date. The system loads only those lines with effective starting and ending dates corresponding to the as-of date. If the Effective Ending Date field is blank, the second criterion is ignored. This field is disabled if the Show All Configurations checkbox is selected.


This field is available if you selected the Use Configuration IDs checkbox in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen; it will be unavailable if you selected the Show All Configurations checkbox in this screen. Enter, or use Lookup to select, the BOM configuration ID for selective component viewing. This field can have up to 10 alphanumeric characters, which must be a valid ID from the Configuration Identifiers screen.

If you enter a configuration ID, the display depends on whether that configuration ID appears on a given component line. If a line exists with the entered configuration ID, that line will display. If no line exists with the entered configuration ID, but there is a line without a configuration ID, the line without a configuration ID will display. If a line cannot be found that contains either the entered configuration ID or an empty configuration ID field, no line will display.

BOM Type

Use this group box to specify whether the inquiry will run against the component part’s MBOM or EBOM, based upon the BOM type selection. 


Select this radio button to run the inquiry against the component part’s MBOM.  You can enter only standard parts in the component Part field when this radio button is selected, thus disabling the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton.


Select this radio button to run the inquiry against the component part’s EBOM. If you select this radio button, you can place your cursor in the component Part field and use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton to look up provisional parts. You can also enter, or use Lookup to select, a standard component part. If you unselected the Use Engineering Bills of Material checkbox in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask in the BOM Settings screen, this radio button will not be available, and only manufacturing bills of material information can be accessed in this inquiry screen.

Assembly Lines

This table provides details about the assembly lines of the component part, subject to the selection criteria.  After executing the inquiry for the component part and populating the table window with the assembly parts and levels, you can highlight one of the lines and select the Match button on the toolbar to load the selected line's assembly information in the component Part and Rev fields.  Select the Execute button on the toolbar to locate, or match, the existing BOM that is up one level for each of the component part's assemblies.


This field displays the level of the component line in the BOM of the part. This field is hidden if the inquiry is executed with the Single-Level radio button selected in the BOM Levels group box.

Line No

This field displays the line number that identifies the specific BOM assembly line.

Find No

This field displays the drawing find number for this BOM assembly line.

Assembly Part

This field displays the assembly part number for this BOM line.

Assy Rev

This field displays the assembly part revision for this BOM line.

Latest Rev

This field displays the latest assembly part revision for this BOM line.

Assembly Description

This field displays the description of the assembly part/revision.

Assembly Part Status

This field displays the assembly part's status. This field will display "Released," "Unreleased," or "Prereleased" for MBOM assemblies, and "Released," "Unreleased," or "Provisional" for EBOM assemblies.

Comp Type

This field displays the component type code: "B" (Buy with Components), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), and "T" (Tool).

Qty Type

This field displays the quantity type code from the assembly line: "A" (Per Assembly), "O" (Per Order), and "R" (As Required). A value of "A" means the component quantity will be multiplied by the number of the assembly to be created. A value of "O" means the component quantity will be required for each assembly manufacturing or purchase order created. A value of "R" means that component requirements will not be generated for this assembly.


This field displays the component part quantity for the assembly line of this BOM.

Multiplied Out Comp Qty Per Assembly

This field displays the cumulative quantity of component parts that are required for the assembly. The Quantity Per for a given component line will be multiplied out by all the intermediate subassembly quantities for the selected end item if the Qty Type is "A" (Per Assembly).

Assy U/M

This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the assembly part revision.

Comp M/B

This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the component.

BOM Status

This field contains the release status of the assembly line.

Comp Release

This field indicates whether or not this component has been released ("Y") or not ("N") in this BOM.


This field displays the ID of the configuration in which this component will be used when planning this BOM.

Configuration Description

This field displays the description of the configuration.

Effective Starting Date

This field displays the date this assembly will become effective in this BOM.

Effective Ending Date

This field displays the date this assembly will cease to be effective in this BOM.

Component Comments

This field displays any comments that apply to the component for this assembly line.

Entry User ID

This field displays the user ID of the person who first entered this component line.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when the component line was first entered.

Assembly Make/Buy

This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the assembly part.


Select this pushbutton to view additional information about the component.


Select this pushbutton to view additional information about the selected assembly line.

Line Text

Select this pushbutton to view standard text codes attached to the component for the selected assembly line.

Config Proj

Use this pushbutton to view projects linked to the configuration for the selected assembly line.

Comp Doc

Select this pushbutton to display documents associated with the selected component part.

Assy Doc

Use this pushbutton to display documents associated with the assembly (parent) part.

Ref Desig

Select this pushbutton to enter reference designators for this component of this assembly.

End-Part Config

Use this pushbutton to view end part configuration information for the selected assembly line.

Lookup Prov Part

If you select the Engineering radio button in the BOM Type group box and place your cursor in the component Part/Rev fields, you can use this pushbutton to look up a provisional part to populate the fields. This pushbutton is disabled if you selected the Manufacturing radio button.

Table Information

For manufacturing BOMs, the information that displays in this screen is stored in the following tables: MFG_BOM, ITEM, ITEM_UM, PART, and BOM_CONFIG.

For engineering BOMs, the information that displays in this screen is stored in the following tables: ENG_BOM, ITEM, ITEM_UM, PART, PROV_PART, and BOM_CONFIG.