Use this subtask to view end part configuration information for the selected assembly line. You can assign end part configuration information to standard parts in the Maintain End Item Configurations screen. Assign Configuration As of Date and serial number information when you first establish the MBOM or EBOM assembly.
This field displays the part number of the assembly linked to this end-part configuration. The description of this part displays in the field below.
This field displays the revision level of the assembly part number.
This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the assembly part.
This field displays the release status of the assembly part.
This field displays the release status of the MBOM for the assembly part.
This field displays the ID of the MBOM configuration.
This field displays the description of the configuration.
This field displays the starting serial number for which this configuration will be effective.
This field displays the ending serial number for which this configuration will be effective.
This field displays the effectivity date of the configuration.
Select this pushbutton to view the projects linked to the selected end part configuration. If no end part configuration exists, this pushbutton will be disabled.
For manufacturing BOMs, the information that displays in this screen is stored in the following tables: MFG_BOM, ITEM, PART, S_STATUS_TYPE, BOM_CONFIG, and END_PART_CONFIG.
For engineering BOMs, the information that displays in this screen is stored in the following tables: ENG_BOM, ITEM, PART, PROV_PART, S_STATUS_TYPE, BOM_CONFIG, and END_PART_CONFIG.