Use this screen to maintain information about your vendors, including specific information related to their payment. You can use this screen to identify the vendor's approval status, terms, addresses, and relationships to customers and employees. You can also place a vendor on warning or hold status for entering new purchase orders. Use the subtasks to enter information about a vendor's classification (size, type), contacts, phone numbers, and 1099 information. You also can enter notes about a vendor and set up default accounts for recording A/P liability and cash disbursement.

Although you use this screen primarily to maintain information for your vendors, you can also use it to change a vendor's name. To do so, you must use either Find or Query to locate a desired vendor that you want to change. Once you have selected the vendor, you can make changes to the Name or Long Name fields. You must save the changes before exiting this screen in order to have the new name appear on other screens such as the Print/Void Checks screen.

If you have purchased Costpoint Travel, you can also use this screen to create a record for the Vendor Travel Info screen in Costpoint Travel. The Vendor Travel Info screen is used by Costpoint Travel for Lookups. When you save a new vendor, a message displays asking you if the new vendor is a travel vendor. If you select Yes, the application inserts a record into the Vendor Travel Info screen. You will also have the option of entering the vendor's default expense organization. The default expense organization will default to each expense report line when you generate an expense report for that vendor.

Set up this screen before entering vouchers or purchase orders. You can change the information in this screen anytime, but keep in mind that changing an address can result in a check or shipment being sent to an address different from the one initially entered.


Enter a new vendor ID up to 12 characters or, if you selected the Enable Auto-Assign check box in the Vendor Settings screen, the program will automatically assign a vendor ID when you save. If you have already set up the vendor, you can use Find or Query to retrieve vendor information. A vendor ID is automatically assigned by adding one to the right-most numeric digit for the last vendor ID from the vendor settings table. However, if it exceeds 12 characters, the system will display an error message, and you will need to manually assign a vendor ID.


Enter a name of up to 25 characters to identify the vendor. This field is required. If you have more than one vendor with the same name, you can use the Location field to enter information that will help you distinguish them. This vendor name will be used only on internal reports and will not be printed on checks, bills, customer statements, etc. If you tab through the Long Name field without entering a longer vendor name, the 25-character name defaults into that field as well.

Hint:  During the vouchering process, you use lookups to select from a valid list of vendors. Lookup lists sort vendors alphabetically by the Name field. Through consistent use of naming conventions, you can significantly reduce the possibility of duplication in creation of your vendor records. Deltek recommends following these guidelines when naming vendors during setup:

Avoid entering words like "the" and "an" in the Name field; otherwise, all the vendor names beginning with "the" or "an" will be sorted to appear together in the list.

Consider establishing a naming convention for setting up individuals' names. For example, put the last name first, followed by a comma, and then the first name.
The Long Name is best suited for specifying the payee's name exactly as it should appear on checks; here, you can include words such as "the" and "an."  

Long Name

Enter the vendor's long name, using up to forty characters. The name you enter can be used to provide more detail about the identity of the vendor. This name will print on A/P checks, the A/P Pre-Payment report, purchase orders, requisitions, customer statements, and all bills and invoices.

If you tab through this field without entering a long name, or try to save when this field is blank, the application populates it with the 25-character vendor name.

PR Vendor

Select this check box to indicate the vendor can be used when creating AP vouchers that pay PR liabilities.


Enter a location of up to six characters for this vendor.


Select the payment terms for this vendor. This will be provided as the default when entering vouchers for this vendor. However, you will be able to change the due date and the discount percentage and amount.

Hold Payments

Select this check box to place on hold all of the vendor's invoices that are waiting for payment.

Customer Account No

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a customer account. You can use this field to relate a vendor to a customer so that, if you want more information about a vendor, you can look at their customer records. This field is used for reference purposes only and does not cause any additional processing to occur.


This group box displays the entry user ID and the entry date.

Vendor Status

When you access this screen in Costpoint Purchasing, the title of this group box will read: Vendor Status for PO.

Select the appropriate radio button for this vendor.


Selecting Active means that there will be no warning about using this vendor when entering a purchase requisition or purchase order.

If you enter this screen in Costpoint Purchasing, this radio button is titled OK.

Give Warning

Selecting Give Warning will cause the purchase order programs to provide a warning when entering a new purchase order.


Selecting Inactive will prevent you from using this vendor for new orders and A/P vouchers. If you enter this screen in Costpoint Purchasing, this radio button is titled On Hold.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, an employee ID. You can use this field to relate a vendor to an employee. It is used for reference purposes only and does not cause any additional processing to occur. You can link each employee to one or more A/P vendors. If the Employee field is populated, Lookup retrieves banking data from the People folder when you fill in the address table.

Time Collection Expense Class

This non-editable field displays the time collection expense class code that you set up in Deltek Time & Expense (previously Time Collection).

Table Window

Address Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the address code for the address that is going to be entered on this line.

Address Lines 1- 3

Enter the street address and any other address information other than the city, state/province, country or postal code.

Address lines do not print on standard 1099s. Before printing 1099s, make sure that all necessary street address information is included in Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 of the 1099 address.


Enter the city or postal code. If the postal code has been used before, the city, state/province, and country code will automatically display.


Enter the state/province or postal code. If the postal code has been used before, the city, state/province, and country code will automatically display.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code associated with the city, state/province, and country code. If the postal code has been used before, it will automatically bring in the city, state/province, and country code. If the postal code has not been used before, it will be added to a table that will store the city, state/province, and country code for future use.


Enter the country code or postal code. If the postal code has been used before, the city, state/province, and country code will automatically display.

Ship ID

Enter a unique shipping ID for this address. You can use the ship ID in Costpoint Purchasing or in Costpoint Sales Order Entry when identifying the shipping destination of the item.

Ship Description

Enter a unique ship description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Pmt Addr

Valid values for this field are "Y" (Yes), "N" (No) and "D" (Default). If this address is a remittance or payment address, enter "Y" in this field. All address codes that are identified as payment addresses are included in the Lookup in the Address subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen. If you want this address code to default automatically in the voucher, enter "D" in this field. ("D" automatically defaults into this field for all new lines.) If this address code is not a payment or remittance address, enter "N."

Ord Addr

Valid values for this field are "Y" (Yes), "N" (No) and "D" (Default). If this address is a valid order address, enter "Y" in this field. ("Y" automatically defaults in this field.) All address codes that are identified as order addresses are included in the Lookup displayed in the Address Code field (the order-to address) in the Vendor Address group box of the Address subtask of the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. If you want this address code to default automatically in the purchase order, enter "D" in this field. If this address code is not for an order address, enter "N." You must enter the order-to address code to save a purchase order.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number for the address entered.

Fax Number

Enter the fax number for the address entered.

Other Number

Enter any other phone number necessary, i.e., mobile phone number, beeper number, etc.

Email Address

Enter the email address for the address entered.

Sales/Use Tax Code

Enter a valid sales/use tax code for the address entered. On A/P vouchers, it will be used as a default tax code if the voucher is taxable. On PO Vouchers, it will be used to calculate sales tax when items are shipped to this address. If you do not enter a ship ID for this address, this field is optional.

Sales/Use Tax Description

This non-editable field displays the description of the Sales/Use Tax Code.


Select this button to open the Vendor Classification Codes subtask.


Select this button to open the Defaults subtask.


Select this button to open the 1099s subtask. This button is disabled if the PR Vendor check box is selected.


Select this button to open the Notes subtask.

Sub Pay

Use this button to open the Subcontractor Payment Control subtask. This button is disabled if the PR Vendor check box is selected.

VAT Info

Use this button to open the VAT Info subtask. This button is disabled if the PR Vendor check box is selected.


Use this button to open the Multicurrency subtask.

CIS Info

Use this button to open the CIS Info subtask.


Use this button to open the Contacts subtask.

Vendor Approval Status

This read-only field appears only if the Requires Approval check box in the A/P Settings screen is selected. It displays the vendor's Vendor Approval status, as specified for this vendor in the Approve Vendors screen.

Newly created vendor records have a default status of Pending.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:









If you use Costpoint Travel, the following tables will also be updated: