Use this screen:

The feature consists of these screens in the Accounts Payable application:

Default Aging Criteria

Use this group box to establish default aging values in the Open A/P Report screen. The preset aging criteria consist of the following five columns and days to age:

You can change both the column headings and the number of days to age. Be careful to match the column headings to the number of days to age or the Open A/P Report will be misleading. If necessary, you can change the default column headings and days to age in the Open A/P Report screen.

Column Heading

Use these fields to define the default column headings in the Open A/P Report screen. The preset column headings are:

You can change the preset column headings to reflect the aging your company requires. The headings should correspond with the aging criteria you define in Days From/To or the Open A/P Report will be misleading. If necessary, you can change the default column headings in the Open A/P Report screen.

Days From/To

Use these fields to specify the default number of days to age A/P invoices in the Open A/P Report screen.

The Days From columns are non-editable. The first field in the Days From column is automatically set to zero. Costpoint calculates the second through fifth Days From aging criteria by increasing the previous Days To field by one.

Enter the upper limit for the number of days to age A/P invoices in the Days To field for each column. Ensure the Column Heading corresponds with the range of days specified in the Days From and Days To fields for each column or the Open A/P Report will be misleading. If necessary, you can change the default days to age in the Open A/P Report screen.

Address Order for Checks/1099 Self-Mailers

Use the options in this group box to change the printing order of address lines on A/P checks and 1099 self-mailers. This group box helps you comply with U.S. postal regulations. You must also select the 1099-MISC Self-Mailer option in the Print 1099s/Create Magnetic Media screen to print self-mailers. The default selection is Line 1/2/3.

Check and 1099 Report Resolution

Use the options in this group box to specify the printing resolution of A/P checks and the 1099 report. The Low option is selected by default.

Check Approval

Set Limit

Select this check box to limit the value of A/P checks that Costpoint automatically approves for payment. If you select this check box, Costpoint prevents the automatic approval of checks above the limit you specify in Limit Amount.

Limit Amount

Enter the check amount above which Costpoint prevents automatic payment approval. Authorized users must manually select any checks over this amount to approve them for payment. You select these checks in the Approve Checks screen before printing checks.

Preprinted Laser Check Part 3

Use the options in this group box to specify what to print in the 3rd or lower section of preprinted laser checks:

Vendor Approval

An organization's internal accounting operations procedures, together with its internal documentation, could require that the organization use a segregation of duties feature, an audit trail feature, or both, to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

Requires Approval

Select this check box to enable the Vendor Approval feature in the Approve Vendors and Vendor Approver Settings screens. This feature implements the segregation of employees authorized to create vendor records from employees authorized to approve vendors for your organization. It also enables your organization to create an audit trail of these activities.

Payment Security

Use the options in this group box to enhance payment security by recording information every time a user creates an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or prints checks. In addition, you can require a user to enter a password before making any changes to vendor information.

If you enable payment or vendor update security, Costpoint writes information to tables that require SQL to access them. 

Record Vendor Info Updates

Select this check box to record any updates or changes users make to vendor information. Selecting this box enables the Vendor Update Password field. Costpoint records original and amended vendor information in the VEND_INFO_AUDIT_HS (Vendor Information Audit History) table. This box is cleared by default.

Record EFT File Creation

Select this check box to record detailed information about the creation of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) files. Costpoint records the date and time that a user created an EFT file, the total amount of the EFT, and the user ID associated with the file's creation.

Each time you create an EFT file, Costpoint records the data in the first paragraph of the AP_EFT_AUDIT_HS (EFT Audit History) table.

This check box is unchecked by default.

Record Print Checks

Select this check box to record information when a user prints A/P checks. This information includes the user ID, date, and time associated with the check printing. Costpoint records this data in the AP_CHKS_AUDIT_HS (A/P Checks Audit History) table. This check box is unchecked by default.

Vendor Update Password

Use this case-sensitive field to set up the valid vendor update password. Costpoint requires you to enter this password before allowing you to update or change vendor information. Costpoint records original and amended vendor information in the VEND_INFO_AUDIT_HS (Vendor Information Audit History) table.  

If this field is not blank when you enter the screen, then the password feature is enabled. When the password feature is enabled, Costpoint requires you to enter the correct password and click the OK button before it saves changes to vendor information.


Primary Signature

Select this check box to print a signature on the first or only line of the check. This check box is cleared by default.


Enter the network location of the bitmap file that contains your primary signature.  The signature bitmap can be no larger than 150,000 bytes.

Second Signature

Select this check box to print a second signature on the check. This check box is cleared by default. You must select the Primary Signature check box to enable the Second Signature check box.


Enter the network location of the bitmap file that contains your second signature. The signature bitmap can be no larger than 150,000 bytes.

Signature Limit

Enter the payment amount above which Costpoint limits the signatures it prints on A/P checks. If you choose to print signatures on checks, Costpoint compares the amount of each check to the amount you enter in this field. You choose to print signatures on checks in the Print/Void Checks screen. Costpoint uses the bitmap file you specify in Location to print signatures on those checks that do not exceed this amount.

When you set up a primary signature but no second signature, Costpoint prints no signature on checks for amounts greater than the Signature Limit. When you set up both primary and second signatures, Costpoint prints only the primary signature on checks for amounts greater than the Signature Limit.

Signature Requirement Message

Costpoint enables this field when you select the Second Signature check box. The text you enter here prints above the primary signature on every check.

The following are examples of possible signature requirement messages:

Company Logo Location

Enter the network location of the bitmap file that contains your company logo. Costpoint prints the logo in a 1" x 1" square in the upper left area of the check. The logo bitmap file size cannot exceed 150,000 bytes.

If Costpoint cannot find the logo file on the network, Costpoint prompts you with an error message when you attempt to print checks.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the AP_SETTINGS (A/P Settings) table.