Use this screen to print a report that lists all the vouchers that are outstanding and waiting for payment. You can age the vouchers according to any date ranges you specify. However, because the headings of the columns are specified independently of the date ranges that determine the aging of the columns, be sure that the headings correspond to what the columns actually reflect. For example, the first column range of dates is set to zero and cannot be changed; however, the heading of the column, which defaults to "0," is editable. If you changed the heading to 0-30 days, it would not reflect what is actually going to show up in that column, because only vouchers that are not yet due will be printed in the first column. You can select the vouchers by "A/P Acct/Org," "Pay Vendor ID," or "Pay Vendor Name."

Run this report when you need to review the outstanding items. The report is useful for seeing the age of your outstanding vouchers and the status of all open items. As this is the only report that shows deferred vouchers, review it periodically to check for items that are set to Defer.

Primary Sort

Use the fields in this group box to specify the field on which to base your sort, and whether a page break should be inserted when that field changes. You can specify the date to print on the report, the account and organization levels to include in the report, and the secondary sort.


Use the drop-down box to select the field upon which you would like to base your sort. The possible values are "A/P Acct/Org," "Pay Vendor ID" or "Pay Vendor Name." Only those records that match the specified field will be included in the report.

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select the range of values to be included. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the starting value for the range you want to include. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ending value for the range you want to include. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.

As of Date

Enter the date you would like to see printed at the top of the report. This date should coincide with the periods you include in this report. The system does not use this date to select vouchers to be included in this report. The selection is based on the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod information specified in the Select Period group box.

Page Break

Select this checkbox if you would like the report to break when the selection field changes. For example, if you run the report for all A/P Acct Descriptions, when the A/P Acct Description changes, the new A/P Acct Description will start printing at the top of a new page.

Select Organization

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select the range of organizations to be included. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the starting organization for the range you want to include. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ending organization for the range you want to include. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Account Level and Below

Specify the top level of the account you want to see included on this report. If your account structure has three levels and you want to see vouchers for only the third level, enter "3" here. The report will then include only those vouchers charged to the third level of the account. If you wanted to see vouchers for all levels, enter "1." The report will then include vouchers that were charged to all three levels of the account.

Org Level and Below

Specify the top level of the organization you want to see included on this report. If your organization structure has five levels and you want to see vouchers for only the fifth level, enter "5." The report will then include only those vouchers charged to the fifth level of the organization. If you wanted to see vouchers for all levels, enter "1." The report will then include vouchers that were charged to all five levels of the organization.

Select Period

Use the fields in this group box to select the range of periods of the vouchers to be included in the report.

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select the range of vendors to be included. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "From Beginning."

Fiscal Year - From

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the starting fiscal year of the vouchers you want included on the report.

Fiscal Year - To

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ending fiscal year of the vouchers you want included on the report.

Period - From

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the starting period of the vouchers you want included on the report.

Period - To

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ending period of the vouchers you want included on the report.

Subperiod - From

This field displays the starting subperiod of the vouchers that will be included on the report.

Subperiod - To

This field displays the ending subperiod of the vouchers that will be included on the report.

Show Detail

Select this checkbox to have each voucher listed on the report for each vendor.

Include Unrealized Gain/Loss

Select this checkbox to include unrealized gains and losses on the report. This will allow you to track the open AP totals back to the accounts payable balance sheet account.

This checkbox is unselected by default. If this box is selected, an indented row will display on the report showing the unrealized gain/loss.  

Exclude PAYWPD

Select this checkbox to exclude pay-when-paid vouchers from the report.

This checkbox is unselected by default.

Secondary Sort

Use these radio buttons to specify a secondary sort for the report. The primary sort will be by the field you selected in the Primary Sort group box. For example, if you selected by "A/P Acct/Org," the report will first print in "A/P Acct/Org" order, then by whatever is specified in the Secondary Sort group box. The available radio buttons will be controlled by the selection in the first sort.

Pay Vendor ID

If you want the report to print using pay vendor ID as the secondary sort, select this radio button. The report will order the vouchers in voucher number order within each pay vendor. This option will be available only if the primary sort is A/P Acct/Org.

Pay Vendor Name

If you want the report to print using pay vendor name as the secondary sort, select this radio button. The report will order the vouchers in voucher number order within each pay vendor. This option will be available only if the primary sort is A/P Acct/Org.


Select this radio button to print the report in voucher number order within the field that the report is selected by. For example, if you selected "A/P Acct/Org" in the Primary Sort group box, the report will sort the vouchers into "A/P Acct/Org" order. Within the "A/P Acct/Org," the vouchers will be printed in voucher number order.

Select Transaction Currency

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select the range of transaction currencies that you want included in the report. Options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the currency code as the beginning of the range you want to include in the report. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive. Only those currencies saved in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency will be available in Lookup.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the currency code as the ending of the range you want to include in the report. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive. Only those currencies saved in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency will be available in Lookup.

Aging Criteria

Use the fields in this group box to specify how the report will age the vouchers that are outstanding. The column headings are independent of the voucher aging, so be sure that the headings of the columns correspond to what is actually reflected in the columns. The default values come from the A/P Settings screen.

Column Heading - 1

Enter the description that you would like to print above the first aging column of the report. This column, regardless of what you name it, will contain those vouchers that are not yet due.

Days - From

This field is set to zero and is not editable.

Column Heading - 2

Enter the description that you would like to print above the second aging column of the report. This column will contain those vouchers that are from one day to whatever you specify in the Days To column, past due.

Days - From

The system calculates the Days From column by adding one to the value in the previous column's Days To field. In the second column, the value in the Days From box will default to one. This field is not editable.

Days - To

Enter the ending number of the range of days you would like included in column two.

Column Heading - 3

Enter the description that you would like to print above the third aging column of the report. This column will contain those vouchers that fall within the range of days past due, that you specify in the Days From and To fields.

Days - From

The system calculates the Days From column by adding one to the value in the previous column's Days To field. This field is not editable.

Days - To

Enter the ending number of the range of days you would like included in column three.

Column Heading - 4

Enter the description that you would like to print above the fourth aging column of the report. This column will contain those vouchers that fall within the range of days past due, that you specify in the Days From and To fields.

Days - From

The system calculates the Days From column by adding one to the value in the previous column's Days To field. This field is not editable.

Days - To

Enter the ending number of the range of days you would like included in column four.

Column Heading - 5

Enter the description that you would like to print above the fifth aging column of the report. This column will contain those vouchers that fall within the range of days past due, that you specify in the Days From and To fields.


The system fills this field in with the value of "Over," which means that any voucher that is past due by the number of days in the Days To column will be included in this column.

Table Information

This report accesses the following tables: