Use this subtask to enter contacts and contact information for this vendor. You can then use this information when placing purchase orders or making inquiries about their services or products.

Vendor (ID, Name, Location)

The vendor ID, name, and location are displayed from the main screen.

Address Code

The address code is displayed from the main screen.

Table Window


This non-editable field displays an auto-generated line number.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the contact.

First Name

Enter the first name of the contact.


Enter this contact's title. You can enter other information about this contact in this space.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number for this contact.

Fax Number

Enter the fax number for this contact.

Other Number

Enter any other phone number you want to track for this contact, e.g., car phone, etc.

Email Address

Enter the email address for this contact.


Enter any notes that you want to record for this contact.