Use this optional subtask to set up defaults, by vendor, for use in Costpoint Multicurrency. Use this subtask only for those vendors that do not fully participate in your functional currency. Either they send you bills in a different (not your functional) currency or expect payment from you in a different (not your functional) currency. You can update this information at any time. Once you have posted an A/P voucher, you cannot edit the transaction currency for that voucher. Once you have posted a check/EFT payment, you cannot edit the pay currency for that voucher payment.

Vendor (ID, Name, Location)

The vendor ID, name, and location are displayed from the main screen.

Transaction Currencies

Limit Transaction Currencies

Select this checkbox to allow only currencies listed in the table to be the transaction currency. This is the currency in which you receive your invoice. We suggest that this checkbox remain checked. If you select this checkbox, you must enter one of the currencies you have selected in the Transaction Currencies table into the Transaction field of the Default Currencies group box.

Table Window

Trans Curr Code

If you select the Limit Transaction Currencies checkbox, this table lists the transaction currencies available for use by this vendor. Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, the currency code for the currencies that will be available for entry on an A/P voucher for this vendor.

Trans Currency Name

The formal name of the selected Trans Curr Code will display in this column. The formal currency names are maintained in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.

Pay Currencies

Limit Pay Currencies

Select this checkbox to allow only currencies listed in the table to be the pay currency. It is in this currency, other than your functional currency, that you pay your invoice. We suggest that this checkbox remain checked. If you select this checkbox, you must enter one of the currencies you have selected in the Pay Currencies table into the Pay field of the Default Currencies group box.

Table Window

Pay Curr Code

If you selected the Limit Pay Currencies checkbox, this table lists the transaction currencies available for use by this vendor. Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, the currency code for the currencies that can be paid to this vendor.

Pay Currency Name

The formal name of the selected pay currency code displays in this column. The formal currency names are maintained in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.

Default Currencies

Rate Group

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the rate group code to be used for this vendor's transactions. These rate groups identify the source of exchange rate data. Create and maintain the rate group codes in the Maintain Exchange Rate Groups screen in Costpoint Multicurrency. This field is not required.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, one of the currency codes that appear in the Transaction Currencies table. This currency will default into the A/P voucher for this vendor's transactions. This field is required if you selected the Limit Transactions Currencies checkbox. If you select no default transaction currency for this vendor, the default for this vendor's transactions will come from the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, one of the currency codes that appears in the Pay Currencies table. This currency will default into the check preparation functions for this vendor's transactions. This field is required if you selected the Limit Pay Currencies checkbox. If you selected no default pay currency for this vendor, the default for this vendor's transactions will come from the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.