This screen is part of the Vendor Approval feature. Use this screen to approve and maintain newly created vendors along with the associated pay vendor(s).  

The Vendor Approval feature implements the segregation in your organization of employees authorized to create vendor records from employees authorized to approve vendors. It also creates an audit trail each time a user saves changes. Your organization's internal accounting operations procedures and internal documentation could require the use of segregation, an audit trail, or both, to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

Use this screen to approve and maintain newly created vendors along with the associated pay vendor(s).

Note:  You must first select the Requires Approval checkbox in the A/P Settings screen to enable the Vendor Approval feature and this screen. If you try to open this screen without that checkbox selected, the application will display an error message and then close.

Note:  You must first be set up as an authorized vendor approver in the Vendor Approver Settings screen before you will be able to use this screen. If you have not, you will have only "read-only" access to this screen.

Table Window

Perform a Subquery to populate the table window.

Approval Code

Click on the drop-down arrow and select an approval code from the list. Valid choices are: Not Approved, Approved, and Pending.


This read-only field displays the vendor ID.

Vendor Name

This read-only field displays the vendor name.

Vendor Group

This read-only field displays the vendor group.

Approval Code Pay Vendor

This read-only field displays the approval code of the pay vendor.

Pay Vendor

This read-only field displays the pay vendor ID.

Pay Vendor Name

This read-only field displays the pay vendor name.

Approve All

Use this pushbutton to approve the selected vendor or range of vendors. To select a range of vendors, hold the “Shift” key down while clicking on the vendors you want to select.

Disapprove All

Use this pushbutton to disapprove either the selected vendor or a selected range of vendors. To select a range of vendors, hold the “Shift” key down while clicking on the vendors you want to select.

Pay Vendor

The “None” radio button is selected by default.  This group box is active only when the Pay Vendor differs from the Vendor. In that case, use these buttons to approve or disapprove the pay vendor.

Tables Updated

This screen updates the VEND (Vendor) and the VEND_APVL_AUDIT_HS (Vendor Approval Audit History) tables.