Use the Vendor Labor subtask after highlighting a row in the voucher detail and storing information relating to one line in the voucher detail such as Vendor ID, General Labor Category (GLC), Project Labor Category (PLC), Hours, and Amount.

This screen is useful if you want to capture the total hours and currency units incurred against the project for vendors and their employees. Capturing total hours and currency units against labor categories is essential:

You can control this feature via the G/L to disallow voucher entry charges to certain types of accounts. 

Voucher, Vendor

These non-editable fields display the voucher number and vendor from the main screen.

Line, Account, Organization, Project, Amount, VAT Recovery Amt, REF 1, REF 2

These non-editable fields display information from the main screen table window.

Table Window

Sub Line

This is a non-editable field. Costpoint uses the sub line to track the number of lines in the table; this value is updated automatically as you insert or delete lines.

Vendor Employee ID

Enter, or use to select, a valid vendor employee identification number for this vendor.

Vendor Employee Name

This field displays the vendor employee name associated with the vendor employee ID from the Maintain Vendor Employees screen.


Enter, or use to select, a General Labor Category (GLC) for this vendor. This is a required field. The GLC applies to vendors and, if there was a relationship between the GLC to the Project Labor Category (PLC) against the project, Costpoint displays the PLC for this vendor and project.


Enter, or use to select, the Project Labor Category (PLC) for this vendor. The PLC you enter must be valid for the project charged on the main screen.

PLC Description

This non-editable field displays the description of the PLC code.


Enter the hours for this vendor and labor category. You can enter no hours (zero) on a Sub Line.


Enter the amount for this vendor and labor category. You can enter no currency amount (zero) on a Sub Line, but the total of all the Sub Lines must equal the currency amount on the selected line on the main screen.

VAT Recovery Amt

This column displays the VAT recovery amount, if any.

Effective Billing Date

Enter the effective billing date in this column. You can attach effective billing dates to each labor line. As a result, corrections can be given the proper date and each line can have a separate Effective Billing Date.



The following is a list of possible defaults that can display when you enter a new line in the table window or leave a field/column in this subtask. The vendor labor defaults work in conjunction with defaults for projects charged.