Log into ComputerEase Field

On your first login, you can configure your login setting based on your preference. You can also change the login setting on the Settings screen after logging in.

To log into ComputerEase Field:

  1. Tap ComputerEase Field.
  2. Tap the I agree to the terms and privacy policy checkbox. You can also tap the terms and privacy policy links for review.
  3. In the field, enter your mobile number or email address provided by your ComputerEase administrator.
  4. Tap Get Started, and then, enter the code sent to your mobile number or email address.
  5. On the Login Faster on This Device dialog box, complete one of the following:
    • To enable device authentication, tap Use This Device. And then, on the Authentication required dialog box, complete the required authentication configured in your mobile device to login.
    • To proceed without enabling device authentication, tap No Thanks.
      Note: You will be required to enter a reauthenticate with a code sent to your mobile number or email address every 24 hours to access the application.
    You can change this setting after login on the Settings page.
    Note: This step is only applicable on your first login. For subsequent logins, you are required to provide device authentication when enabled on the Settings screen. For iOS mobile devices, you are required to configure or use PIN or biometric authentication regardless of your choice.
  6. If your account is connected to multiple companies, on the Select Company dialog box, tap a company option.