Why Do We Need to Add Missing Snapshots?

Adding a missing snapshot to the Projects Snapshot grid is useful when you want to select different benchmark attributes for the latest period.

At the end of each period, after the schedule snapshots have been submitted, you add benchmark attributes to each snapshot. Touchstone uses benchmark attributes in benchmark reporting and are qualitative measures of success for the project.

If a schedule snapshot is not uploaded for the period before the Window Close Date, you will need to add the missing snapshot if you want to select benchmark attribute options for this period that Touchstone can use in the average benchmark calculations that display on the Programs Overview tab.

For example, in the previous period, you may have selected Happy as the Customer Satisfaction benchmark attribute option. In this latest period, you need to change it to Unhappy. Since a snapshot was not uploaded before the Window Close Date, you need to add the missing snapshot to the Projects Snapshot tab grid so that you can select the new attribute options for Touchstone to use when it calculates the average benchmark value at the program level.

There are two ways to add missing snapshots to a project:
  • Add missing snapshot placeholders. This does not upload a schedule but it does allow you to enter the benchmark attributes for the missing snapshot periods.
  • Upload a schedule for a prior period. If you are the owner, owner-delegate, or in the SYSADMIN group, you can upload a schedule for a period that has already closed. In addition to the schedule, Touchstone also adds snapshot placeholders on the Snapshots tab for any other missing snapshots.