Searching Online Help

Use the online help search to find topics that contain phrases, keywords, or partial words that you enter in the search field.

When you open any help topic, the search field is in the upper right corner of the screen.

Searching for Phrases in Topics

Enter phrases in quotation marks in the help search field to return a list of only the topics that contain the complete phrase.

What you want to search for Entry in the help search field
All topics that mention the Acceptance Criteria List "Acceptance Criteria List"

Searching for Multiple Words in Topics: AND Search

To search for topics that include all the words that you enter in the search field, enter a plus sign (+) between each word. Each topic returned includes all the words that you entered in the search field, regardless of the order of the words or whether the words are adjacent to each other in each topic.

What you want to search for Entry in the help search field
All topics that contain both the words "benchmark" and "value" benchmark + value

Searching for Multiple Words in Topics: OR Search

When you enter words in the help search field without quotes or plus signs, the search assumes an OR between each word. All the topics that have any or all of the words are returned in the search.

An OR search is helpful when you are looking for something and you are not sure of the name or term used in the help.

What you want to search for Entry in the help search field
All the topics that contain the word "project" or "summary" or both project summary

Scope of the Search

The search field in help searches only the help topics. It does not search content from the Deltek Learning Zone or the Deltek Support Center website.